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Virtual Blood Pressure Lab

A. Visit the website below and click through each step. As you work
through the steps, answer the questions below

1. What is a blood pressure test?

2. What does the first sound measure?

3. What does the second sound measure?

4. Fill in the chart for blood pressure categories

Blood Pressure Category Systolic/Diastolic

B. Heart and Stroke

Visit and navigate through the website by clicking on the following:
Heart Disease > Risk and Prevention > High Blood Pressure
1. What is another name for hypertension?

2. What is hypertension?

3. List 5 ways you can you control your blood pressure at home, without using
Use the information that you acquired in the lab and research to answer the following:
1. What is the meaning of a blood pressure reading that is 120 mmHg/80 mmHg?

2. A family member has been told that they have hypertension. What two serious health
effects are they at risk for?

3. Why is it important to know if your blood pressure is within the normal range?

4. Why is it important to have your blood pressure checked even if you are feeling

5. How often should you have your blood pressure checked if you are at risk?

6. Use Google to find out where near WPC you could go to check a blood pressure
(aside from seeing a doctor)

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