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Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the Study

Peer pressure make the person fit in their peer and make them to change into a person
that can be accepted by the people. They make friends without knowing if he/she can be
influenced positively or negatively. Positive Peer Pressure means when an individual’s peers
encourage them to do something positive or help the individual in personal growth. Positive
influenced can be helping to their studies by their peer, peer encourage them to do better,
and making an advice to motivate them. It influences educational choices strongly and
whether students make significant investments to improve academic performance or
achievement (Anwanane et al., 2019). Negative peer pressure is known to affect most of
the students than positive peer pressure does.

Adaptation is changing your activities or behavior to more fit in the environment you
belong. People responding in the change of the environment in cultural ways. Their
observing the traits and behavior in the environment for them to adjust. Changing
themselves on what their peer doing to feel accepted and valued by your friends. Orillana
(2018) suggests that peer pressure is a social pressure from peers to do something,
embrace specific values, or otherwise adapt to be accepted.

Adolescence happens at the age of thirteen to nineteen also said as teenagers.

Highschools was consist by teenager students from 1 st year to 6th year highschool.
Teenagers often seek comfort and communicate more with their peer. Adolescent have a
higher tendency to experience peer pressure because of curiosity. Some students give in to
peer pressure because they want to be liked or they think it helps them fit in.

They make interaction to other people by starting a conversation and getting along with
them. Meeting same person everyday and having a conversation make them feel
comfortable to each other. In school, making interaction to their peer is hard at first but if
they got atleast one friend, the circle of friends can be made. Every interaction like playing
or talking to each other will make them close as friend without even realizing it.

Meanwhile, other research article about the impact of peer pressure to students
discussed the positive and negative effect of the peer to an individual. The direct effect to
the students of their interaction with their peer can make them improve or not. However,
though their study talk about the impact of being influenced by peer, still there were no
study about how do affect the family and other relatives of an individual except their peer.
How do the relatives of the individual responds to the changes that influenced by their
peer, either influenced positively or negatively.

The researcher will conduct this study to further explore the impact of peer pressure to
the students that feel different to their peer and force themself to adjust to feel accepted
and valued by their friends. And to know the impact of peer pressure in the students aswell
as in the people around them aside from their peer.
Impact of Peer Pressure to Grade 10 Students
In their English Performances

A Research Paper
Presented to
Analiza N. Tesoro


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Completion
of Junior High School Certificate


Daniel Josh P. Renoballes
May 2023
Impact of Peer Pressure to Grade 10 Students
In their English Performances

A Research Paper
Presented to
Analiza N. Tesoro


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Completion
of Junior High School Certificate


Tristan Paul Lamac
May 2023
Statement of the Problem

The study generally aimed to determine the impact of peer pressure to Grade 10
students in their English performances.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the different positive influence of peer to the Grade 10 students?
2. What are the different negative influence of peer to the Grade 10 students?
3. How the other people around the individual responds to the changes of specific
individual influenced by their peer?
4. What is the English performance of the respondents?
5. How does peer pressure affect the students in their English Performances?
6. What are the advantages of making friends in their peer than others?
7. What are needed to be address in this research?

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will benefit the following:

Students. This study will help the students to know the benefit of their peer especially in
their schools. They will know the impact of being influenced by their peer.

Parents and Guardians. This study will help the parents to know their children influenced
by their peer. The changes in their children with their peer as time passed by.

Future Researchers. The results of this research may be a basis of further studies and can
be used as related literature. This may serve this as source of information and help them to
expand the studies related to this study.

Definition of terms
Peer Pressure. It is when you influenced by others. It is an act of changing yourselves or
adapting the behavior of them to fit to them.
Peer. It is a societal group that is same to you. It is based on age, grade, or status.
English Performances. It is the achievement and knowledge in English subject in schools.
Circle of Friends. It is a number of close friends who usually do things together as a group. It
started in a small group of friendship and expanded because of the other friends by each
Adaptation. It is an act of changing your self to fit in the environment. Adjusting your habits
to live and still exist in the environment.
Influence. It is when you adapt the behavior of the people around you by just seeing them
doing such things.

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