Assignment (MMW)

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Sayaboc, Thessa Mae E.


Show your solutions neatly and clearly.

1. In four attempts it took a person 48, 55, 51 and 50 minutes to do a certain


(a) Find the mean, the range, and the standard deviation of these four
sample values.

The mean of the four sample values can be found by adding up the four times
and dividing by 4:
Mean = (48 + 55 + 51 + 50) / 4 = 51 minutes

The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values:
Range = 55 - 48 = 7 minutes

To find the standard deviation, first find the variance. The variance is the
average of the squared differences between each sample value and the

Variance = [(48-51)^2 + (55-51)^2 + (51-51)^2 + (50-51)^2] / 4

= (9 + 16 + 0 + 1) / 4
= 26 / 4
= 6.5

Then take the square root of the variance to get the standard deviation:
Standard deviation = sqrt(6.5) ≈ 2.55 minutes

(b) Subtract 50 minutes from each of the times, recalculate the mean, the
range, and the standard deviation, and compare the results with those
obtained in part (a).

Subtracting 50 minutes from each of the times gives new sample values of: -
2, 5, 1, 0
The new mean is:
Mean = (-2 + 5 + 1 + 0) / 4 = 1/2 minutes

The new range is:

Range = 5 - (-2) = 7 minutes

The new variance is:

Variance = [(2.5-0.5)^2 + (7.5-0.5)^2 + (1.5-0.5)^2 + (0.5-0.5)^2] / 4
= (4 + 56.25 + 1 + 0) / 4
= 15.0625
The new standard deviation is:
Standard deviation = sqrt(15.0625) ≈ 3.88 minutes
Comparing these results to those obtained in part (a), we see that the mean
and range are unchanged, but the standard deviation has increased.

(c) Add 10 minutes to each of the times, recalculate the mean, the range,
and the standard deviation, and compare the results with those
obtained in part (a).

Adding 10 minutes to each of the times gives new sample values of:58, 65,
61, 60
The new mean is:
Mean = (58 + 65 + 61 + 60) / 4 = 61 minutes

The new range is:

Range = 65 - 58 = 7 minutes

The new variance is:

Variance = [(58-61)^2 + (65-61)^2 + (61-61)^2 + (60-61)^2] / 4
= (9 + 16 + 0 + 1) / 4
= 6.5

The new standard deviation is:

Standard deviation = sqrt(6.5) ≈ 2.55 minutes

Comparing these results to those obtained in part (a), we see that the mean
and range are unchanged, but the standard deviation is the same as in part

(d) Multiply each of the sample values by 2, recalculate the mean, the
range, and the standard deviation, and compare the results with those
obtained in part (a).

Multiplying each of the sample values by 2 gives new sample values of:
96, 110, 102, 100
The new mean is:
Mean = (96 + 110 + 102 + 100) / 4 = 102 minutes

The new range is:

Range = 110 - 96 = 14 minutes

The new variance is:

Variance = [(96-102)^2 + (110-102)^2 + (102-102)^2 + (100-102)^2] / 4
= (36 + 64 + 0 + 4) / 4
= 26 / 2
= 13

The new standard deviation is:

Standard deviation = sqrt(13) ≈ 3

2. A random sample of 11 vouchers is taken from a corporate expense

account. The Voucher amounts are as follows:
$276.72, 194.17, 259.83, 249.45, 201.43, 237.66, 199.28, 211.49, 240.16,
261.10, 226.21


(a) the range;

Range = $276.72 - $194.17 = $82.55

(b) the standard deviation;

Mean = ($276.72 + $194.17 + $259.83 + $249.45 + $201.43 + $237.66 +
$199.28 + $211.49 + $240.16 + $261.10 + $226.21) / 11
= $231.80
Then we calculate the variance, which is the average of the squared
differences between each voucher amount and the mean:
Variance = ((276.72 - 231.80)^2 + (194.17 - 231.80)^2 + (259.83 - 231.80)^2
+ (249.45 - 231.80)^2 + (201.43 - 231.80)^2 + (237.66 - 231.80)^2 + (199.28
- 231.80)^2 + (211.49 - 231.80)^2 + (240.16 - 231.80)^2 + (261.10 -
231.80)^2 + (226.21 - 231.80)^2) / 10
= 2542.33

Finally, we take the square root of the variance to get the standard deviation:
Standard deviation = sqrt(2542.33) = $50.42

(c) the coefficient of variation.

CV = (standard deviation / mean) x 100%
= ($50.42 / $231.80) x 100%
= 21.73%

(d) 3rd quartile

To find the 3rd quartile, we first need to arrange the voucher amounts in order
from smallest to largest:
$194.17, $199.28, $201.43, $211.49, $226.21, $237.66, $240.16, $249.45,
$259.83, $261.10, $276.72

There are 11 values in the sample, so the 3rd quartile is the value that
separates the top 25% of the data from the rest of the data. Since 25% of 11
is 2.75, we take the average of the 3rd and 4th values in the ordered list:
3rd quartile = ($226.21 + $237.66) / 2
= $231.94
3. The National Space Agency requires that all resistors used in electronic
packages assembled for space flight have a coefficient of variation less than 5
percent. The following resistors made by the Mary Drake Company have been
tested with results as follows:

Resistor Mean Resistance (K- Standard Deviation (K-

ohms) ohms)
A 100 4
B 200 12
C 300 14
D 400 16
E 500 18
F 600 20

Which of the resistors meets specifications?

To determine which resistors meet the specifications, we need to calculate the
coefficient of variation (CV) for each of them. The CV is defined as the ratio of
the standard deviation to the mean, expressed as a percentage:
CV = (standard deviation / mean) x 100%

If the CV is less than 5%, the resistor meets the specification.

Using the given data, we can calculate the CV for each resistor:

Resistor A: CV = (4 / 100) x 100% = 4%

Resistor B: CV = (12 / 200) x 100% = 6%
Resistor C: CV = (14 / 300) x 100% = 4.67%
Resistor D: CV = (16 / 400) x 100% = 4%
Resistor E: CV = (18 / 500) x 100% = 3.6%
Resistor F: CV = (20 / 600) x 100% = 3.33%

Therefore, resistors A, C, D, E, and F meet the specification, since their CV is

less than 5%. Resistor B does not meet the specification, since its CV is 6%.

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