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President: Mariana Serrano Cabanillas

Moderator: Renata Galván Naranjo

Officer: Hernán Gómez Espinoza

Topic A: Setting new alternatives to improve the efficiency of fighting terrorism

Topic B: Stopping the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen

History of the Committee and Functions

The United Nations Security Council was established in 1945 by the UN Charter, with the primary
responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. The Security Council has 15
members, five of whom are permanent members, and ten of whom are elected for two-year
terms. Its five permanent members are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United

Throughout its history, the Security Council has played a vital role in resolving conflicts and
preventing the escalation of tensions around the world. It has authorized the use of force and
imposed sanctions on countries to maintain international peace and security. However, the
Security Council has also faced criticism for its structure, which gives the P5 members veto power
and sometimes hinders its ability to take decisive action.

Despite its successes and failures, the Security Council remains an essential institution in the
maintenance of international peace and security. Its continued existence and relevance
demonstrate the importance of international cooperation in creating a peaceful and stable world.

Introduction Topic A

Terrorism is a significant threat to the global community, and its effects can be devastating. The
fight against terrorism has been ongoing for many years, and while progress has been made, there
is still much work to be done. One of the most pressing issues in the fight against terrorism is
improving efficiency.

The fight against terrorism has been ongoing for many years, and significant progress has been
made in many areas. Governments around the world have implemented various measures to
prevent terrorist attacks, including intelligence gathering, border security, and counterterrorism
operations. However, despite these efforts, terrorist groups continue to operate, and attacks
continue to occur. The reason for this is that the fight against terrorism is complex and
multifaceted, and it requires a comprehensive and integrated approach.
History and Discussions on the Matter

There are several international treaties and agreements related to fighting terrorism. The
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, adopted by the United
Nations General Assembly in 1999, criminalizes the financing of terrorism and requires member
states to take measures to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts. This treaty aims to
address one of the main drivers of terrorist activities, which is the financial support that sustains

The International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, adopted by the
United Nations General Assembly in 2005, criminalizes the use of nuclear or radioactive material in
terrorist acts and requires member states to take measures to prevent and suppress such acts. This
treaty highlights the potential catastrophic consequences of terrorist acts involving nuclear
materials and underscores the need for international cooperation to prevent such acts from

Other important treaties related to terrorism include the Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents and
the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft. The former,
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1973, aims to prevent and punish terrorist acts
against diplomats and other internationally protected persons. The latter, adopted by the
International Civil Aviation Organization in 1963, criminalizes hijacking and other terrorist acts
committed on board aircraft. These treaties and agreements demonstrate the international
community's commitment to preventing and combating terrorism and provide a framework for
cooperation and coordination among member states.


What are some of the current challenges in the fight against terrorism that make it necessary to
explore new alternatives?

How can technology be used to improve the efficiency of counterterrorism efforts?

In what ways can international cooperation and partnerships help in the fight against terrorism?

What role do social and economic factors play in the prevention of terrorism, and how can they be
addressed through new alternatives?

What are some of the potential drawbacks or limitations of relying on new alternatives in the fight
against terrorism, and how can they be addressed?

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