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Solution Brief

4 use cases on how Amperity

provides the right foundation
for fostering customer loyalty
Elevating Loyalty SOLUTION BRIEF

Cultivating customer loyalty starts with

knowing your customers.
Nurturing your loyalty program customers into superfans can pay huge dividends, as they become
a reliable source of revenue while championing your brand to other potential customers. One of the
best ways to help a customer get excited about sticking with your brand and engaging with your
loyalty program is to give them an experience that fits them — the right kinds of offers, the right
cadence of communication, special perks that speak to them as individuals. In order to craft your
loyalty program to provide this kind of personal touch, you need to know about their behaviors
and preferences.

In a digital economy where people are engaging your brand across multiple channels both online
and in person, it’s critical to be able to connect the dots to form a clear picture of who your audience
is and what they want. This means better engagement from your loyalty members and better ability
to attract new members to the program, as well as recognizing which customers might not be likely
to join the program and saving marketing dollars by not trying to get absolutely everyone.

Amperity provides a uniquely stable

foundation for building loyalty.
By organizing customer data into a clear picture, Amperity can be the hub of your loyalty efforts,
driving meaningful results in optimizing, expanding, and getting value from your program.
Amperity can resolve identities of your loyalty customers by linking unknown loyalty bookings or
transactions to a loyalty ID, driving acquisition through finding new potential members who share
characteristics with existing members, personalizing outreach to both existing and potential loyalty
customers, and powering analysis of the value of a loyalty program.


Elevating Loyalty SOLUTION BRIEF

Acquire new Use Amperity to identify which of your customers are the most
likely to become loyalty members and develop targeted

loyalty customers
campaigns, leading to higher conversion and ROI. Aim for your
highest value non-loyalty customers, or analyze behaviors of your

from current
existing loyalty customers to determine which other customers
would fit the profile.


Use Case #1

Identify your most likely loyalty customers

1 High-value non-loyalty customers 2 Loyalty and credit card customer analysis

+ Target your highest-value customers who are not part + Analyze the behaviors of your current loyalty
of your loyalty program customers in terms of product preference, channel
engagement, and spend
+ Identify which channels, messages, and offers drive
the best conversion rates; test into a few by using + Identify which non-loyalty customers exhibit
Amperity’s A/B testing capability similar behaviors

+ Decide spend to optimize CAC/CLV + Target those identified customers with specific
messaging via paid or email channels to increase
+ Target those identified customers with specific engagement and conversion
messaging via paid or email channels to increase
engagement and conversion

Activate directly to paid or email channels

Facebook Google Ads Microsoft Ads Snapchat Email

For a list of all integrations visit our integrations page


Elevating Loyalty SOLUTION BRIEF

Link loyalty Use Amperity to resolve identities of customers who have

multiple loyalty accounts, forget to input their loyalty number,

or who transact on third-party platforms and do not input their
loyalty information. Linking these identities enables brands to
have an accurate view of the customer in terms of value and
history with the brand as well as supporting the right messaging
and engagement, as many of these customers are likely your
most valuable.

Use Case #2

Build an accurate customer profile for all of your customers

+ Use Amperity’s patented identity resolution technology to link previously disparate customer records into one profile using PII like
name, address, email and credit card token. This helps account for customers who have multiple loyalty IDs and those who forget
or choose not to use their loyalty ID when transacting.

+ Discover insights about your now accurately-resolved customers to determine average order value, lifetime spend, and customer
lifetime value, among many other metrics.

+ With a new understanding of your customers, create more relevant and targeted messaging to re-engage members who have
churned or are at risk of churning, to create highly personalized experiences for your most valuable members, and generally treat
your loyalty customers with a specialized approach.

Stitch Records Build Profiles Analyze Profiles Segment Audiences Target Audiences

Transaction 1 How many total
Loyalty ID 123 unique loyalty
Token 754 customers do I have?
Spent $75 Loyalty customers
w/ LTV >$100
Transaction 2 Loyalty platform
How many loyalty
Loyalty ID 198
customers spent
Token 754
Spent $20
Named Customers
Transaction 3 Loyalty CC 123 Loyalty customers Loyalty ID 198 How many loyalty w/ jeans affinity
No Loyalty ID Token 754 customers have an
Token 754 LTV: $120 affinity for jeans?
Spent $10

Transaction 4
How many loyalty
customers are
No Loyalty ID Loyalty customers
1x buyers?
Spent $15 w/ 1 purchase



Elevating Loyalty SOLUTION BRIEF

Cultivate Use Amperity to boost the quality of your loyalty program by

offering exclusive benefits, discounts, and products based on

identified customer preferences. Identifying loyalty customers
who have opted out of or are unengaged in email means you can

reach them on paid or social channels.

Use Case #3

Identify your loyalty customers & segment them based on specified criteria

High-value customers Product personalization

+ Identify your highest-value loyalty customers or who + Segment your loyalty customers by product affinity or
is predicted to be highest lifetime value past purchases

+ Decide on special offers and perks + Serve personalized messages that are relevant to
your customers and their product preferences
+ Serve highly-personalized experiences that make
top customers feel valued

Churn prevention Email opted-out or unengaged customers

+ Identify loyalty customers who are predicted to churn + Identify which customers have opted out of email or
have not engaged with email in some time
+ Decide what will entice them to stay
+ Decide what will compel them to be more engaged
+ Serve well-timed communications with relevant with the brand
messaging and products to improve retention
+ Serve relevant and compelling messages via paid or
social channels to increase engagement and conversion

Activate directly to paid or email channels or loyalty platform

Facebook Google Ads Microsoft Ads Snapchat Email Loyalty Platform


Elevating Loyalty SOLUTION BRIEF

Loyalty program Use Amperity’s patented identity resolution to unlock substantial

incrementality in your loyalty analysis. By resolving loyalty and

non-loyalty identities, a true comparison can be made to
determine the value of your loyalty program in driving revenue
and frequency.

Your brand can also use Amperity to determine where to optimize

to get the best results from the program and where certain
incentives or activities may actually be having a negative impact
on your margins.

Use Case #4

Identify your loyalty analysis objectives

1 Offer analysis 2 Customer value analysis

+ Decide which offers to test in the market + Segment your loyalty vs. non loyalty customers and
evaluate whether loyalty customers are worth more
+ Use Amperity to compare loyalty offers and than non-loyalty customers
corresponding ROI to determine which offers drive
the most revenue, return shoppers and which ones + Identify whether customers actually purchase and
detract from margin engage more when part of the loyalty program versus
when they were not part of the program
+ Focus on only the most worthwhile offers and serve
them to your loyalty base

3 Loyalty card analysis

+ Identify customers who are using a loyalty card not assigned to them (e.g. using the card of a family member or friend)

+ Decide on outreach and messaging strategy to these customers

+ Serve compelling messaging via email to inspire them to sign up for their own loyalty card

Send data to visualization tools for …or to your CRM platform for
analysis… audience activation
PowerBI Cordial


Elevating Loyalty SOLUTION BRIEF

The results
Knowing true customer metrics Identifying anomalies in
loyalty data
Amperity’s ability to link records across multiple loyalty Customers who use multiple loyalty IDs to game the system and
accounts or across multiple customer interactions to create one stack discounts will impact margins, but identifying customers
true customer ID means delivering accurate customer metrics who abuse discounts or special offers can be tedious. With
and KPIs like customer lifetime value, frequency, and Amperity’s automated and flexible approach to detecting such
omnichannel purchase patterns. Accurate profiles means that patterns, these customers can be easily identified to remedy the
marketers and analysts can properly segment on customer situation.
lifecycle, category breadth, next best offer, channel
preferences, and lifetime value.

Reduced media spend & better ROI Data confidence

on discounts More accurate profiles and a stronger data foundation helps
teams have more confidence in the data, thereby using it more
With an accurate view of the customer, brands can determine
effectively for targeting, acquisition, retention, and analysis.
who is truly a prospect as opposed to a known customer.
Better results from campaigns create a flywheel of data usage as
Knowing who is already marketable means brands can avoid
marketers can see the ROI on their strategies and investments.
reacquisition & overspend, and knowing true lifetime value and
Better data and more accurate profiles fuel better and more
lifecycle status means brands can avoid offering large
accurate analysis. Additionally, more accurate and rounded out
discounts to currently active customers.
profiles reduce the need to rely on third-party data appends,
lowering costs associated with third-party data vendors.

Get in touch to learn more about how Amperity

can help you take your customer cultivation
strategy and results to the next level.


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