Cafeina Neoreview

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pharmacology review

Clinical Pharmacology of
Caffeine in the Newborn
Girija Natarajan, MD,* Mirjana Lulic-Botica, RPh,* J.V. Aranda, MD, PhD*

Caffeine is used commonly in the neonatal intensive care unit to treat
apnea of prematurity. This review describes the mechanism of action,
pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic role of caffeine. Published data on its
efficacy and safety document that caffeine can reduce the frequency of
Author Disclosure apneic episodes and appears safe in the short term.
Drs Natarajan, Lulic-Botica, and
Aranda did not disclose any financial
relationships relevant to this article. Introduction Pharmacokinetics
Caffeine, a trimethylxanthine, is Caffeine is one of the drugs used in
widely used as first-line drug therapy the neonatal intensive care unit for
in apnea of prematurity. Its pharma- which extensive pharmacokinetic
cologic effect in apnea includes stim- data are available, particularly in the
ulation of the medullary respiratory preterm neonate. (6)(7) Biotransfor-
center, increased sensitivity to car- mation of caffeine occurs in the liver
bon dioxide, and enhanced dia- via microsomal cytochrome P450
phragmatic contractility. (1) Other mono-oxygenases (CYP1A2) and via
demonstrated effects include stimu- the soluble enzyme xanthine oxidase.
lation of the central nervous and car- The predominant process of caffeine
diovascular systems, enhanced cate- metabolism in the preterm infant is
cholamine secretion, an increase in N7-demethylation, which matures at
the basal metabolic rate, and alter- about 4 months of age. (8) N3- and
ation in glucose homeostasis. (2) N7-demethylation increase expo-
Cardiac output and heart rate are nentially with postnatal age, regard-
increased, while peripheral vascular less of birthweight or gestational age.
resistance is lowered. Caffeine exerts (8)(9) The female neonate demon-
most of its effects by blocking aden- strates a higher rate of caffeine me-
osine receptors A1 and A2a, increas- tabolism than the male. (8) In animal
ing cyclic 3,5 adenosine monophos- experiments, caffeine causes a dose-
phate (AMP) by inhibition of dependent elevation of hepatic
phosphodiesterase, and translocating CYP1A1 and 2 activities in microso-
intracellular calcium. (3) Prostaglan- mal preparations and CYP1A1 and 2
din antagonist activity and, in animal mRNA concentrations over a dose
models, upregulation of gamma- regimen of 50 to 150 mg/kg per day
aminobutyric acid A receptor sub- for 3 days. (10) Through its induc-
units in the brainstem also have been tive effects on N-demethylation and
suggested. (4)(5) C-8 oxidation, it appears to increase
its own metabolism. (11)
Pharmacokinetic studies in pre-
*Divisions of Neonatology, Clinical Pharmacology term neonates have established that
and Toxicology, The Pediatric Pharmacology the half-life of caffeine is prolonged
Research Unit Network (PPRU) at Wayne State
University, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, to 102.9⫾17.9 hours and remains
Mich. prolonged for as long as 38 weeks’

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pharmacology review

gestation, which reflects a matura- improvement in apnea within 8 hibit caffeine metabolism, necessi-
tional deficit of hepatic biotransfor- hours also was apparent in the infants tating lower doses of caffeine.
mation. (6) Plasma half-life and elim- treated with the higher dose regimen Phenytoin and phenobarbital can in-
ination rates reach adult levels at 3 to without any adverse effects. (17) In crease caffeine elimination, possibly
4.5 months of age. (7) Caffeine half- this particular study, 69% of infants requiring higher doses of caffeine.
life may be prolonged further in in- receiving standard doses achieved (22) In adults, estrogen-containing
fants who have cholestatic jaundice plasma concentrations between 13 contraceptives can decrease caffeine
and exclusively breastfed infants. and 20 mg/L, and 73% of the higher clearance by up to 65%, resulting in
(12) Caffeine is eliminated primarily dose group achieved concentrations an extended elimination half-life.
by renal excretion in the first postna- in the range of 26 to 40 mg/L. (22) Caffeine antagonizes the effects
tal weeks. Population pharmacoki- Another population pharmacoki- of adenosine, with a decreased ther-
netic studies have established that netic study compared daily doses of apeutic effect at standard doses.
postconceptional age and parenteral caffeine citrate of 30, 15, and
nutrition influence caffeine clearance 3 mg/kg for 7 days following load- Comparison With
in neonates; neonates of low gesta- ing doses of 60, 30, and 6 mg/kg in Theophylline
tion receiving parenteral nutrition, 119 preterm infants who had apnea. Although very similar in its actions to
therefore, may need closer monitor- (18) Mean serum concentrations af- theophylline, caffeine has several ad-
ing of caffeine concentrations. (13) ter the final dose were 69, 35.8, and vantages and has become the pre-
7.4 mg/L in the treatment groups, ferred methylxanthine in the treat-
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and no adverse effects were reported. ment of apnea. Its toxicity is lower
Therapeutic concentrations of caf- A dose of 20 mg/kg caffeine citrate and half-life is longer, and there is
feine vary widely from 8 to 40 mg/L, resulted in reduced extubation fail- less need for therapeutic drug moni-
with some overlap with subtherapeu- ure compared with a dose of toring (Table). A systematic review
tic concentrations. (14) The recom- 5 mg/kg in another study without of three trials comparing theophyl-
mended dose regimen includes a any adverse effects during a 12- line and caffeine citrate at loading
loading dose of 20 to 40 mg/kg month follow-up period. (19) doses of 20 to 25 mg/kg, with main-
caffeine citrate, which corresponds to In a single report of a toxic over- tenance doses of 2.5 to 6 mg/kg,
10 to 20 mg/kg caffeine base, fol- dose of 160 mg/kg in a 31-week revealed no difference in efficacy of
lowed by a maintenance dose of 5 to gestation 1,860-g infant, the serum reduction of apnea. (23) Adverse ef-
8 mg/kg per dose of caffeine citrate concentration was 217.5 mg/L 36.5 fects, such as tachycardia and feeding
starting 24 hours later. (15) Standard hours after dosing. Toxic manifesta- intolerance, were lower with caffeine.
doses of 5 mg/kg per day following a tions included hypertonia, sweating, In neonates, caffeine is a biotransfor-
loading dose of 20 mg/kg should tachycardia, cardiac failure, pulmo- mation product of theophylline via
achieve therapeutic levels in more nary edema, metabolic acidosis, hy- methylation; in adults, the principal
than 70% of neonates. (16) The drug perglycemia, and creatine kinase ele- metabolic pathway for theophylline
has a wide therapeutic margin, with vation. (20) Monitoring of plasma is demethylation and oxidation.
serious toxicity reported only at concentrations generally is recom-
plasma concentrations higher than mended if there is lack of clinical Efficacy
40 to 50 mg/L, if at all. (15) response or suspected toxicity. (21) Apnea of Prematurity
A higher dose regimen (loading Periodic routine drug monitoring Apnea is a commonly encountered
dose of 50 mg/kg caffeine citrate also is performed at some centers, problem in the neonatal intensive
administered as two separate doses although the value of this practice is care unit, with a reported prevalence
1 hour apart and maintenance dose uncertain. of 35% in infants born at less than 32
of 12 mg/kg once daily to produce a weeks’ gestation and 84% in ex-
desired plasma concentration of Drug Interactions tremely low-birthweight neonates.
30 mg/L [range, 26 to 40 mg/L]) Because cytochrome P450 1A2 (24) Caffeine currently is considered
has been shown to reduce the num- (CYP1A2) is the major enzyme in- the pharmacologic treatment of
ber of apneic episodes by more than volved in its metabolism, caffeine has choice for apnea of prematurity. The
50% within 24 hours of treatment the potential to interact with drugs Cochrane review of five trials involv-
compared with a one-third reduction that are substrates for CYP1A2. Ci- ing 192 preterm infants who had ap-
with the standard dose. (17) A rapid metidine and ketoconazole can in- nea indicated that methylxanthine

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Table. Comparison of Caffeine and Theophylline

Caffeine Theophylline
Loading dose (LD) 20 to 40 mg/kg per dose IV/PO 4 to 8 mg/kg per dose IV
Maintenance dose 5 to 8 mg/kg per dose IV/PO caffeine citrate 1.5 to 3 mg/kg per dose IV
Plasma half-life (h) 40 to 230 (mean, 103) 12 to 64 (mean, 30)
Therapeutic level 5 to 25 7 to 12
Toxic level (mcg/mL) >40 to 50 >20
Signs of toxicity Sinus tachycardia, hypertonia, sweating, Sinus tachycardia, agitation, electrolyte
cardiac failure, pulmonary edema, abnormalities, significant diuresis,
metabolic disturbances gastrointestinal bleeding, ventricular
tachycardia, seizure
Cerebrospinal fluid Similar to plasma concentrations (reported Crosses into the CSF (reported
(CSF) distribution correlation coefficients of 0.77) correlation coefficients of 0.54)
Volume of distribution 0.8 to 0.9 0.45
Metabolism Excreted unchanged or CYP P450 Excreted unchanged or CY P450
(CYP1A2) liver-methyltransferase pathway (CYP1A2) metabolism
Interconversion 3% to 8% converted to theophylline via 25% converted to caffeine via
between two CYP1A2 methylation
Routine measurement Not required Required
of blood
Clearance (L/kg per 0.002 to 0.017 0.02 to 0.05
Elimination Neonates younger than 1 month of age Neonates excrete approximately 50%
excrete 86% unchanged in urine; first- of the dose unchanged in urine;
order elimination first-order kinetics; at high
concentrations (>20 mg/L), the
drug elimination mechanism
becomes saturated, resulting in
concentration-dependent elimination
(zero-order kinetics)

therapy is effective in reducing the lation. (28)(29) The sample sizes in Although probably efficacious, caf-
number of apneic spells and the use the studies were small, however, and feine is not used routinely as prophy-
of mechanical ventilation in the 2 to caffeine was used for a total duration laxis to prevent postoperative apnea
7 days after starting treatment. (25) of 96 hours in one study. due to concerns of possible adverse
Caffeine, which was specifically eval- effects and lack of long-term data.
uated in two trials involving 103 pre- Postoperative Apnea
term neonates, had a relative risk of The risk of postoperative apnea fol- Extubation
treatment failure of 0.46 (95% confi- lowing general anesthesia, which is The use of methylxanthines as respi-
dence interval [CI], 0.27 to 0.78). predominantly central, persists for ratory stimulants when weaning pre-
(26)(27) When used as prophylaxis about 60 weeks after conception. term infants from mechanical venti-
to prevent apnea in two placebo- (30) Three trials involving 78 infants lation appears to reduce the failure of
controlled studies involving 104 pre- at gestational ages of 40 to 44 weeks extubation, although controversy
term infants, no differences were ap- found a significantly lower relative persists about the dosing regimen,
parent between the groups in the risk of 0.09 (95% CI, 0.02 to 0.34) duration, and long-term effects of
proportion of infants who had apnea, when caffeine citrate was used at a use in this context. An overall analysis
bradycardia, or hypoxemic episodes dose of 5 to 10 mg/kg during or of six published trials showed a de-
or the use of positive-pressure venti- after induction of anesthesia. (31) creased relative risk of 0.47 (95% CI,

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0.32 to 0.70) and an absolute reduc- group, a statistically significant dif- diuretic and a vasoconstrictor, re-
tion of 27% in the incidence of failed ference. (35) This promising effect lated to adenosine antagonism, both
extubation. (32) One of these trials on the incidence of BPD has been possible mechanisms of a real effect
suggested a preferential beneficial ef- attributed to the diuretic, respiratory on the ductus.
fect in infants born at less than 1 kg stimulant, and anti-inflammatory ef-
birthweight and extubated within fects of caffeine. (35) Previously, Cardiac Effects
the first week after birth. (33) Only other smaller studies showed a de- Caffeine has a positive inotropic and
two of the trials evaluated caffeine. crease in airway resistance and im- chronotropic effect on the heart.
More recently, a randomized, proved lung mechanics within 1 hour Tachycardia is a well-known adverse
double-blind clinical trial of three of caffeine therapy in infants who had effect of methylxanthine use. (2)
dosing regimens of caffeine citrate BPD. (36) An improvement in respi- Heart rate variability also has been
(3, 15, and 30 mg/kg) for periextu- ratory system compliance after caf- noted in infants after receiving meth-
bation management of 127 venti- feine administration also has been re- ylxanthine, with the effect being
lated preterm infants of less than 32 ported in preterm infants who had more pronounced in the sickest in-
weeks’ gestation showed no statisti- resolving respiratory distress syn- fants. (40)
cally significant difference in the inci- drome. (37) The clinical effect has
dence of extubation failure among been validated in an immature ba- Central Nervous System
the dosing groups. (34) However, boon model treated with surfactant, Effects
the infants in the two higher dosing where early caffeine treatment was Caffeine is a generalized central ner-
groups had statistically significant associated with better lung function, vous system excitant, causing in-
less documented apnea in the imme- higher compliance, and significant creased transmission of impulses
diate periextubation period. A larger decreases in ventilator support. (38) across neurons and synapses and
trial involving 234 neonates born at In a rat pup model that received neo- stimulation of the motor end-plate.
less than 30 weeks’ gestation re- natal caffeine, there was a 22% higher The acute neurologic effects of caf-
ported a significant reduction in fail- minute ventilation response to hy- feine include jitteriness, tremor, hy-
ure to extubate among infants receiv- percapnia in males in the juvenile pertonia, and rhabdomyolysis, al-
ing 20 mg/kg per day caffeine citrate stage, which persisted until adult- though these occur at higher plasma
compared with 5 mg/kg per day hood. (39) This reported long-term concentrations. (2) The effect of caf-
(15% versus 29.8%; relative risk, effect on respiratory control was feine on cerebral blood flow has been
0.51; 95% CI, 0.31 to 0.85). (19) A speculated to be due to a persistent a focus of investigation, primarily be-
significant difference in the duration change in adenosinergic neurotrans- cause of the concern of hemorrhage
of mechanical ventilation was ob- mission. or periventricular leukomalacia in
served in infants of less than 28 preterm neonates. A significant de-
weeks’ gestation who received the Patent Ductus Arteriosus crease in blood flow velocity in the
higher dose. No differences were The CAP trial involving infants internal carotid artery (22%) and an-
noted in short-term adverse effects or weighing less than 1,250 g at birth terior cerebral artery (14%) was ob-
at 12 months follow-up. showed a statistically significant de- served in 16 preterm neonates fol-
crease in the incidence of patent duc- lowing an oral “pure” caffeine dose
Other Effects tus arteriosus (30% versus 40%) and of 25 mg/kg without a concomitant
Lung Function in the rates of surgical ligation (4.5% decrease in cardiac output. (41) Oth-
Caffeine increases the central respira- versus 12.6%) in the group treated ers have shown no effect on cerebral
tory drive, thereby improving oxy- with caffeine citrate (loading dose of hemodynamics at lower loading doses
genation and ventilation and de- 20 mg/kg followed by 5 to and at a maintenance dose of 2.5 mg/
creasing hypoxic episodes. In the 10 mg/kg maintenance). (35) This kg caffeine base. (42)(43)(44)
large randomized, controlled Caf- effect needs to be clarified in further
feine for Apnea of Prematurity studies evaluating this specific out- Oxygen Consumption, Weight
(CAP) trial, the rates of bronchopul- come. However, caffeine is known to Gain, and Growth
monary dysplasia (BPD), defined as have prostaglandin antagonistic ac- An increase in oxygen consumption
an oxygen need at 36 weeks postcon- tivity, an effect that is demonstrable and energy expenditure has been re-
ceptional age, were 36.3% in the caf- at the concentrations achieved in hu- ported in preterm neonates after 48
feine group and 46.9% in the placebo man plasma. (4) In addition, it is a hours of caffeine therapy, which per-

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sisted through 4 weeks. (45) pride. (50)(51) The increase in epi- sociates (56) had earlier reported no
Caffeine-treated infants in the study sodes of reflux was independent of differences in growth and develop-
required lower environmental tem- plasma xanthine concentrations or ment at 12 months of age in 21 very
peratures to maintain normothermia. drug efficacy. (52) The mechanism low-birthweight infants treated with
(45) The CAP trial validated a re- of lower esophageal sphincter relax- methylxanthines compared with 21
duced weight gain in the caffeine co- ation appears to be via an enhance- untreated infants.
hort, with the greatest difference ment of cyclic AMP levels. (53) Adenosine A1 receptors are
noted after 2 weeks (mean difference widely distributed through the brain
⫺23 g), (35) an effect known previ- Safety and are highly expressed in the hip-
ously in adults and animals. (46)(47) Fetuses and newborns are exposed to pocampus during development. (57)
Long-term effects on growth are un- caffeine via maternal intake of Adenosine is neuroprotective during
known. caffeine-containing foods and bever- ischemia by reducing the release of
ages. This widespread and extensive glutamate. There have been concerns
Renal Function exposure to caffeine must be consid- that caffeine may worsen certain
The diuretic effect of caffeine, fol- ered in the evaluation of the long- forms of ischemic brain injury
lowing an increase in renal blood term effects of caffeine in the new- through its antagonistic effects on
flow and glomerular filtration, is well born and young infants. adenosine and may interfere with
known in adults and experimental The CAP trial demonstrated no neural cell proliferation, axonal
animals. (2) Caffeine has no effect on apparent short-term toxicity related growth, learning, and memory dur-
serum sodium, potassium, calcium, to caffeine, although long-term neu- ing development. (57)(58) In exper-
and phosphorus concentrations; uri- rodevelopmental outcomes are imental studies, caffeine induced
nary calcium excretion increases and awaited. In particular, the incidence neuronal death in neonatal rat brain
serum creatinine decreases signifi- of necrotizing enterocolitis did not and cortical cell cultures. (59) In
cantly in preterm neonates. (48) At differ between the caffeine and pla- neonatal mice, therapeutic doses of
the clinically used doses, however, cebo groups. (35) A previous smaller aminophylline decreased the rate of
effects on renal function in neonates trial involving 85 neonates had raised anoxic survival in vivo. (60) In rat
are minimal. (2) concerns about a possible association pups treated with daily caffeine, im-
with necrotizing enterocolitis, as had paired motor skills and changes in
Glucose Homeostasis data indicating a reduction in mes- locomotor activity were demon-
In the neonate, caffeine, like theoph- enteric blood flow velocities fol- strated. The effects were dependent
ylline, may increase blood glucose lowing caffeine administration. on the developmental stages at which
concentrations acutely due to in- (26)(41)(54) caffeine was administered and the
creased glycogenolysis, although this The rates of ultrasonographic age at which tests were performed.
is seen infrequently in the usual clin- signs of brain injury did not differ (61) Impairment of motor skills, al-
ical situation. between the caffeine-treated and pla- though transient, appeared early af-
cebo groups in the CAP trial. (35) ter treatment. (61) In a newborn
Gastrointestinal Effects Currently, the data on long-term ef- mouse model, however, caffeine ex-
Caffeine increases gastric secretion fects in preterm neonates are scarce posure did not worsen excitotoxic
and reduces lower gastroesophageal and inconclusive. A study involving lesions of the periventricular white
sphincter pressure. An increased du- 73 very low-birthweight neonates, matter mimicking human periven-
ration of acid gastroesophageal reflux some of whom also had germinal ma- tricular leukomalacia. (57)
has been reported on esophageal pH trix or intraventricular hemorrhage,
monitoring in neonates receiving demonstrated no adverse effects of Conclusions
caffeine treatment during the late neonatal caffeine use on the 18- Caffeine is a widely used drug in pre-
postprandial time (more than 2 h month Bayley mental development term neonates who have apnea. Sev-
after the beginning of a meal). (49) score. (55) In fact, infants who had a eral clinical trials have demonstrated
Other studies have reported a similar history of neonatal methylxanthine its efficacy in reducing the frequency
increase in reflux time in about 50% therapy scored better at 18 months of apneic episodes and need for me-
of infants treated with caffeine, than infants not treated, regardless of chanical ventilation. There has been a
which resolved 2 weeks after stop- hemorrhage status, although the resurgence of interest in the drug,
ping therapy and improved with cisa- sample size was small. Gunn and as- with a large randomized trial show-

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e220 NeoReviews Vol.8 No.5 May 2007

pharmacology review

NeoReviews Quiz
8. The pharmacologic effects of caffeine in the treatment of apnea of prematurity include stimulation of the
medullary respiratory center, increased sensitivity to carbon dioxide, and enhanced diaphragmatic
contractility. Of the following, caffeine exerts most of its effects by:
A. Antagonism of prostaglandin activity.
B. Blockage of adenosine receptors.
C. Enhancement of catecholamine secretion.
D. Stimulation of phosphodiesterase.
E. Upregulation of gamma-amino-butyric acid receptors.

9. Caffeine administration in preterm infants warrants careful consideration of its dosage because of the
interactions between caffeine and several other drugs. Of the following, the drug most likely to increase
caffeine elimination, thereby warranting a higher dose of caffeine, is:
A. Cimetidine.
B. Estrogen.
C. Indomethacin.
D. Ketoconazole.
E. Phenobarbital.

10. A 12-day-old neonate, whose birthweight was 760 g and estimated gestational age at birth was
26 weeks, has recurrent episodes of apnea, bradycardia, and cyanosis. Caffeine is administered
intravenously with a loading dose of 20 mg/kg, followed by a maintenance dose of 5 mg/kg per day. Of
the following, the most likely adverse effect of caffeine at this dose and assuming plasma concentrations
of caffeine in the therapeutic range in this infant is:
A. Altered renal function.
B. Decreased energy expenditure.
C. Increased blood glucose concentration.
D. Opening of the ductus arteriosus.
E. Relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.

NeoReviews Vol.8 No.5 May 2007 e221

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