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Name: CYREL G.


Course/Year: BEED 1


Integrated with Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC)

Grade 5
Integrated with Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) Grade 5

Integrated with Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC)

Grade 5
Date: May 30, 2023

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, 90% of the students are expected to:

a. identify and define different text types based on their structures and language;
b. understand the concept of cause and effect relationship in texts;
c. analyze texts to identify cause and effect relationships; and
d. demonstrate good manners and right conduct during classroom discussions and

II. Subject Matter

Subject Matter
Target skills: Distinguishing text types according to features ( structures and
language) cause and effect relationship
Target skills: Distinguishing text types according to features ( structures
andlanguage) cause and effect relationship

Chart paper or whiteboard, Markers, Worksheets,Pencils or Pens

TG- Abiva., Calamlam, J.M.,et al. (2016).Soaring High with
Reading 5 (p.288).
Values Integration: Respect and empathy among peers as members of the

III. Procedure

A. Performing Routine Activities

a. Greetings
b. Prayer
d. Checking of Attendance

1. Review

Remind students about the importance of good manners and right conduct in
the classroom. Display the good manners and right conduct posters or visual
aids and briefly discuss the key principles.

2. Warm – up Activity


Divide the class into 5 groups. They have 5 minutes to brainstorm different
text types they know (e.g., narrative, informational, persuasive, descriptive).
Each group to write down as many examples of each text type as they can.

B. Enrichment Activity:

1. Preparation:

Students must engage in a brief discussion about the characteristics

of each text type, focusing on their structures and language features
and identify and discuss the different elements that distinguish each
text type from one another.

2. Analyzing Cause and Effect Relationships (20 minutes):

Worksheets will be distributed containing texts that have cause and effect
relationships to each student.

Students will be instructed to read the texts individually and identify the cause
and effect relationships present in each text.

Students will be provided guidance and support as needed, ensuring that

students understand the concept of cause and effect and how to identify it
within texts.

3. Group Discussion (15 minutes):

Students will be divided into 5 groups and each group will be assigned a
specific text type.

In their groups, students should discuss and analyze the cause and effect
relationships present in the texts assigned to them.

Students are encouraged to share their findings, explain their reasoning, and
discuss any challenges they encountered while identifying cause and effect

4. Guided Practice :

Each student will be provided with a handout containing guiding questions for
analyzing cause and effect relationships within texts.

Students should choose a text from any text type and work individually to analyze
the cause and effect relationships within it, using the guiding questions as

Student’s progress will be monitored and will be provided assistance as needed.

5. Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes):

Students are tasked to share their findings and insights regarding cause
and effect relationships within texts.

Students should reflect on how understanding cause and effect

relationships can help improve reading comprehension and critical
thinking skills.

6. Wrap-up and Application (10 minutes):

A summary of the lesson will be presented, emphasizing the importance

of good manners, right conduct, and understanding cause and effect
relationships in reading and communication.

A small writing task will be given for students to practice identifying cause
and effect relationships independently. For example, they can write a
paragraph explaining the cause and effect relationships in a familiar story
or event.

C. Assessment
Students’ understanding will be assessed through their participation in group
discussions, completion of worksheets, and their ability to identify cause and
effect relationships within texts during guided practice. Additionally, the quality
and depth of their written responses in the writing task assigned.

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