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Dear Ava,

Since I can remember, writing has always been something that you never were confident

about. You felt as though you lacked the vocabulary and creativity to write something that people

would be interested to read. You knew what you wanted to write, but you just couldn’t figure out

how to get it down on paper. I knew that your growth as a writer would come in time, but you

had to be patient and keep working.

I recall you saying sometimes it was difficult for you to comprehend what you were

reading. It may have been because you were assigned something to read that did not interest you.

Just like everything else in life, once you find out what you truly enjoy and you focus on your

passion, it no longer feels like work. I had a feeling that you just hadn’t found the genre of

literature that captured your attention.

You have worked so hard over these last few years. You rarely asked for help. You

figured it out and always got your work done. What I have noticed by reading your portfolio is

the tremendous growth in your vocabulary and the ability to write something in such a way that

gets your readers’ attention. The grammar is excellent as well. Each comma, semicolon and

period perfectly placed. You have learned how to create a comprehensive paper with a beginning,

middle and end. You have realized how to create detail that allows your reader to visualize what

you are writing about. You evoke your reader’s senses.

I am proud of your growth Ava and hope you continue to use the skills you have learned

throughout high school in college and well through your professional career. Congratulations!

You should be proud of yourself.

Love, Mom

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