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Galileo’s Astronomical

Discoveries and Sunspots

Observation Supernovas
•Greek philosophers have
Before Galileo concrentized the concept expressed the Sun as a source of
of Supernovas,scientists have already light,but no other information about
observed new stars appearing in the it is available at the same time.
Galileo Galilei sky.These are called Stellar Nova or new
stars.In 1604,Johannes Kepler , A -Observers back then just thought
-A Renaissance Italian astronomer,used the German Astronomer,observed a nova in
telescope to observe the cosmos,his discoveries that the spots found on the sun are
provided evidence to prove it disprove the existing Prague.This nova was called a
Greek beliefs and models of the universe
Supernova because the nova exuded
planets.Galileo clarified this idea.
The Ptolemaic Model of the universe posed that the enormous amount of light in just a short He observed the movement of the
Earth is stationary,the center of the universe,and
that the stars,planets,and the sun revolve around it. period indicating that it was exploding. It sunspots and noticed that one spot
was also labeled as Kepler’s Nova took approximately 14 days to
Galileo’s astronomical observation helped weaken
the Ptolemaic Model by showing that the travel from one side to the other
Star,Planets and Sun do not revolve around the •at that time,Kepler was working as a
Earth through his observation of (The Phases of mathematician at imperial court and as while maintaining its constant
Venus and The Moons of Jupiter)
Galileo was also a mathematician,they speed.
Phases of Venus were able to compare their data of their
* Galileo observed that the brightest
observation of the said nova all over From this observation he was able
planet ,Venus,as seen from the earth.behaved Europe. They measured the parallax of to to deduce that the Sun also
similarly like the moon.He noticed that Venus has a the nova from different locations.Galileo’s
systematic change in shadows and lightning,just like rotates on an axis
the Lunar phase.
•A parallax is the angle that can be
* Galileo observed that Venus is in its “new phase”
when it is between the Earth and the sun and waxes measured when an observer looks at the
as it move in its orbit.During this phase ,we cannot same object from different locations.The
see Venus because no light from the sun is reflected
toward us.Venus is in its “full phase”when the sun is greater the distance between the two
between Venus and Earth.It is still not visible from
the Earth because sun blocking it. locations,The greater the parallax and the
closer the object is to the observer the
Through this observation Galileo disproved that the greater the parallax.Galileo and Kepler
other planets revolve around the Earth.
Sets of data showed that there were no
Moons of Jupiter measurable parallax from the nova and
* Prior to use of telescopes,the satellites or moons of
the fixed stars which means that they
Jupiter were unknown.When Galileo observed were at immeasurable distances from the
Jupiter,He noticed that there were planet-like bodies earth even farther than the moon.These
close to it.He first noted that there were four bodies
moving around Jupiter .After some time one of them observation were able to show that the
disappear and ‘hid’ behind Jupiter.He later named
the bodies or satellites as sky is changing

The discovery of the moons of Jupiter disprove Lunar Craters

Ptolemaic Model by showing that not everything
revolves around the Earth •Ancient Greeks assumed that the moon
had a smooth surface

-Galileo discovered that the surface of the

moon was uneven and rough.He also
observed that it had high points (mountain
and hills) and low points (trenches and

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