2023 Yennadonpac Bylaws Constitution Adopted Jan2023

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Yennadon Elementary School

Home & School Association


23347 - 128th Avenue
Maple Ridge, British Columbia
V2X 4R9

Adopted: January 31, 2023


Section I Name
Section II Purposes
Section III Interpretation of Terms

Adopted: January 31, 2023


The name of the Association shall be the Yennadon Elementary School Home & School
Association, and herein after referred to as the Yennadon Elementary School Parent
Advisory Council (PAC), School District No. 42. It is a single PAC operating for all
buildings operating for the school. The PAC is a non-profit organization.


The purposes of the PAC is to promote and support the involvement of parents at Yennadon
Elementary School, to encourage a positive and inclusive school community environment
for both students and parents, and to enhance the quality of education and the well-being of
the students at our school.

The PAC shall conduct itself as follows:

1. Maintain an inclusive, positive and respectful environment for all; unbiased towards
race, colour, creed, national origin, religion, politics, family status, gender, sexual
orientation, socioeconomic status, or physical or mental ability;

2. Communicate with the school principal and staff on parental views about school
programs, services, policies, plans and activities;

3. Organize PAC activities and events;

4. Encourage parent involvement in the school and support programs that promote
parent involvement;

5. Provide financial support for the goals of the PAC, as determined by its Membership;

6. Advise and participate in the activities of the District Parent Advisory Council
(DPAC) and the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC);

7. The PAC, the PAC Executive, and any Member speaking/acting on behalf of the
PAC, will refrain from partisan political action or other activities that do not serve
the interests of Yennadon Elementary School; and,

8. The PAC is not a forum for the discussion of individual school personnel, parents, or
other individual members of the school community.

Adopted: January 31, 2023


• Yennadon Elementary School – refers to both Yennadon Elementary School Main

Building, Annex and portable classroom(s).

• PAC – Parent Advisory Council for Yennadon Elementary School, which is an

organized group of parents recognized as the Yennadon Elementary School Home &
School Association under the British Columbia School Act.

• Members – refers to parents and guardians of students registered at Yennadon

Elementary School and defined as a ‘parent’ under Part 1, Section 13 of the School

• PAC Executive – refers to the elected Executive Officers from the membership who
act on the behalf of the PAC.

• Term of Office - the length of time a person serves in an Executive Officer position
shall commence on July 1st of each year and shall be held for one year.

• General Meetings – refers to those meetings held throughout the year to carry out the
ongoing business of the PAC; these meetings are open to all Members.

• Executive Meetings – refers to meetings held between General Meetings, by the

elected Executive Officers, to carry out the business of the PAC.

• Annual General Meeting (AGM) — refers to the mandatory annual gathering of the
Members. The AGM will include the election of new Executive Officers, the
authorization for transfer of signing authority on any bank accounts, and the
discussion and voting on an annual budget for the next financial year.

• Parents – refers to parents and guardians of students in School District No.42 and
defined as a ‘parent’ under Part 1, Section 13 of the School Act.

• School – any public elementary or secondary educational institution within the

School District No.42 (Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge).

• District or SD42 – School District No.42 (Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge).

• DPAC – the District Parent Advisory Council, which is recognized by the Board of
Trustees of School District No.42, to be the umbrella group of Parent Advisory
Councils formed or to be formed in each school.

• BCCPAC – the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils, which is recognized

by the Board of Trustees and the provincial government, to be the umbrella group of
District Parent Advisory Councils.

Adopted: January 31, 2023


Yennadon Elementary School

Home & School Association


23347 - 128th Avenue
Maple Ridge, British Columbia
V2X 4R9

Adopted: January 31, 2023


Section I Membership
Section II Meetings of Members
Section III Proceedings at Meetings: Quorum
Section IV Proceedings at Meetings: Voting
Section V PAC Executive E-Vote
Section VI Election of Executive Officers
Section VII Terms of Office of Executive Officers
Section VIII Executive Officers and Duties
Section IX Code of Conduct
Section X Committees
Section XI Finances
Section XII Constitution & Bylaw Amendments
Section XIII Dissolution

Adopted: January 31, 2023


1. All parents of students registered at Yennadon Elementary School and defined as a

‘parent’ under Part 1, Section 13 of the School Act are voting Members of the PAC. In
addition to adhering to the Yennadon Elementary School’s own Code of Conduct, each
Member will also uphold this Constitution and comply with these Bylaws.

2. Administration and staff (teaching and non-teaching) of Yennadon Elementary School

may be non-voting members of the PAC.

3. Members of the community who are not parents of students currently in the school may
be invited to be non-voting members of the PAC.


1. Members will be given reasonable notice of Annual General Meetings (AGM) through
PAC communications, and at least 14 days before the Meeting. An annual calendar of
meetings that is reasonably accessible to all parents shall satisfy the requirement for
reasonable notice.

2. PAC Executive Meetings should be held regularly and in-between General Meetings,
and to perform the business of the PAC.

3. Members will be given reasonable notice of General Meetings through PAC

communications, and at least 7 days before the Meeting. An annual calendar of
meetings that is reasonably accessible to all parents shall satisfy the requirement for
reasonable notice. A minimum of 5 General Meetings shall be held during the school

4. Additional General Meetings shall be held at the discretion of the PAC Executive, or
upon the receipt of a petition signed by a minimum of 30 voting PAC members.

5. Meetings may be held virtually or in-person. Virtual meetings will follow Video
Conference Etiquette for Yennadon PAC Meeting rules. Appendix A.

6. General Meetings will be conducted professionally and efficiently, with respect and
fairness to all members present, both voting and non-voting.

Adopted: January 31, 2023

7. Bylaws define the practice and procedures of business conducted by the PAC. If a
procedure is not identified within the Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order will be used.


1. Quorum for General Meetings and AGMs will be 75% of the voting members present
when the meeting is called to order.

2. Quorum for Executive Meetings will be 75% of the total number of Elected Officers
present when the meeting is called to order.

3. Quorum at any Meeting requires a minimum of 3 voting members.

4. If at any time during a meeting a quorum ceases to be present, business then in progress
requiring a vote must be suspended until there is a quorum present or until the next

5. In the absence of a quorum, any business transacted that required a vote will be null and


1. Except as provided elsewhere in these Bylaws, all matters requiring a vote will be
decided by a simple majority (51%) of the votes cast.

2. In the case of a tie vote, the President does not have a second or casting vote and the
motion is defeated.

3. Members must vote in person on all matters. In-person is deemed as in-person or with
camera-on when conducting a vote during a scheduled virtual meeting.

4. Voting by proxy is not permitted.

5. Except as provided elsewhere in these Bylaws, voting is by a show of hands or, where
requested by two voting Members present at a meeting, by secret ballot.

6. If a secret ballot is held, a vote will be taken to destroy the ballots after a secret ballot

Adopted: January 31, 2023


1. Voting through electronic communication (E-Vote) is permitted by the PAC Executive

for a specific motion for which action is required before the next scheduled Executive
Meeting. The Executive Officers will designate the format and form of electronic
communication for E-Voting at a scheduled Executive Meeting prior to any E-Voting.

2. All relevant information on the issue must be presented by email or other electronic
communication service and a motion made by the Executive Officer initiating the E-

3. Motions require a seconder and then a vote by each Executive Officer.

4. E-Votes must be sent to all Executive Officers who will be given 24hrs for online
discussion. The subsequent 24 hours will be provided for continued voting. In the
event all Executive Officers have cast their e-vote or their abstention the motion shall
be immediately declared passed or failed.

5. If an Executive Officer does not respond within 48 hours, their vote will be counted as
an abstention.

6. The results of the motion will be presented at the next scheduled Executive Meeting
and be recorded in the Minutes.


The Members shall elect Executive Officers for each school year at the Annual General
Meeting (AGM). The number of Member at Large positions will be determined by the
organizational needs of the PAC.

1. Executive Officers shall be elected from voting members at the AGM.

2. Calls for nominations (self-nomination included) for all Executive Officer positions
shall be made at the AGM. Nominee will be asked to present a short introduction using
the template adopted as Appendix B. Additional Members at Large may be nominated
and elected by the PAC during General Meetings.

3. In the event of a vacancy in the President, Vice-President, Treasurer or Secretary

Officer positions during the school year, Members may elect a new Officer at any

Adopted: January 31, 2023

General Meeting; these elected Officers, shall hold the position until the remaining
Term of Office. All other position vacancies may be elected by a vote by the PAC

4. The voting members may, by a majority of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes
cast, remove an Executive Officer before the expiration of their term of office, and may
elect an eligible voting member to complete the term. Written notice specifying the
intention to make a motion to remove the Executive Officer must be given to all voting
Members not less than 14 days before the meeting.

5. No Executive Officer may be remunerated for serving on the PAC Executive, but may
be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred while engaged in duties or affairs of the
PAC, as prescribed in the approved budget. Expenses not included in the approved
budget must be voted on and passed at a General Meeting prior to any reimbursement
with the exception of XI.5.

6. Any Executive Officer or representative who could benefit financially from an action of
the PAC, must fully and promptly disclose the extent of their potential benefit and
interest before any vote or decision.


1. The Term of Office shall commence on July 1st of each year and shall be for one year.

2. A transition meeting between current PAC Executive and incoming PAC Executive
will be held in the month of June following the AGM. During this meeting(s) only, both
current and incoming PAC Executive will have voting rights.

3. Any elected member of the PAC may serve on the PAC Executive for as many years as
they are elected to a position. However, no person may hold any one position, other
than Member at Large, for more than five consecutive years. Should no one present
themselves for a mandatory position, the PAC shall vote to allow a person to run for
election to an Office beyond the 5 year term.

4. No person may hold more than one elected Executive Officer position at any one time,
with the Exception of DPAC Representative.

5. The President and Treasurer may hold the Office of Past President or Past Treasurer for
up to one year.

Adopted: January 31, 2023

The affairs of the PAC shall be managed by the PAC Executive Officers. The positions of
President, Treasurer and Secretary are mandatory and must be filled at a minimum. The
Executive Officers will be as follows, where possible:

1. President

2. Vice-President

3. Treasurer

4. Secretary

5. Two or more Members At Large

6. Past President

7. Past Treasurer

8. DPAC Representative

The PAC Executive will vote to nominate one of the Executive Officers to serve as the
DPAC and/or BCCPAC representative(s) on behalf of the PAC. The nomination will be put
forward and voted upon at the next General Meeting.

The PAC Executive may vote to elect Executive Officers to serve as Committee Chairs.
Committee Chairs will consult regularly with the PAC Executive. If appropriate, Members
at a General Meeting may vote to elect a non-PAC Executive to serve as a Committee Chair.

The PAC Executive will regularly participate and engage in PAC business.


a. shall be the official spokesperson for the PAC;

b. shall provide leadership and guidance to the PAC;

c. shall be the primary contact between the PAC and the school administration,
unless otherwise decided by the PAC Executive;

d. shall convene and preside at all General and Executive Meetings, unless otherwise
decided by the PAC Executive;

e. shall ensure that an agenda is prepared and presented at each meeting;

Adopted: January 31, 2023

f. shall maintain PAC communication channels including but not limited to, Social
Media, Parent Portal and email;

g. shall be an ex-officio member to all committees;

h. shall take such actions or ensure that such actions are taken by others to achieve
objectives and purpose of the PAC;

i. shall ensure that PAC activities are aimed at achieving the objectives and purposes
of the PAC;

j. may be a signing officer;

k. shall ensure that the PAC is represented in school and school district activities;

l. shall submit an annual report.


a. shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the President’s absence ;

b. shall provide leadership and guidance to the PAC;

c. shall assist the President in the performance of their duties, as agreed upon;

d. shall assist the President in maintaining PAC communication channels including

but not limited to, Social Media, Parent Portal and email;

e. may accept extra duties, as required;

f. may be a signing officer; and,

g. shall ensure that all PAC activities are aimed at achieving the objectives and
purposes of the organization.


a. shall be a signing officer;

b. shall be responsible for and report on the accounts of the PAC and ensure all funds
are properly accounted for;

Adopted: January 31, 2023

c. shall create and update policies and procedures for safe-keeping of cash, bank
accounts and assets in an effort to protect the PAC and its Members and to prevent

d. shall disburse funds as authorized by the Budget, the Members or PAC Executive;

e. shall report financial standing at every Executive Meeting, General Meeting and

f. shall ensure that proper financial records and books of account are maintained;

g. shall make financial records available to Members upon request;

h. shall, with the assistance of the PAC Executive, draft an annual budget and
tentative plan of expenditures for presentation for approval at the AGM;

i. shall ensure that another signing officer has access to the books in the event of
his/her absence;

j. shall submit an annual financial report at the AGM

k. shall ensure that all PAC activities are aimed at achieving the objectives and
purposes of the organization;

l. shall apply for the BC Gaming Grant and maintain funds in accordance with their
rules; and,

m. shall ensure all required reporting has been or is submitted for the BC Gaming
Grant and Gaming Funds in compliance with their policies.


a. shall record and maintain the minutes of membership, AGM, General and
Executive Meetings;

b. shall distribute draft minutes from all Meetings to the Executive Officers via email
or other electronic communication within 14 days of the meeting;

c. shall distribute all approved minutes to all Executive Officers via the agreed upon
form of electronic communication within 14 days of their approval;

Adopted: January 31, 2023

d. shall maintain the electronic communication sources (e.g. Slack, WhatsApp) for
Members and for PAC Executive, unless, at the request of the Secretary, the
Executive selects another Executive Officer to perform this function;

e. shall maintain record or usernames and passwords for PAC business;

f. shall keep an accurate and up-to-date electronic and paper copy of the Constitution
and Bylaws; any amendments shall be dated and initialed and a copy submitted to
the school office for safekeeping;

g. shall safely keep all non-financial records of the PAC in a manner easily
accessible to the PAC executive (e.g. google drive);

h. may be a signing officer; and,

i. shall ensure that all PAC activities are aimed at achieving the objectives and
purposes of the organization.


a. may serve on Committees, projects and events to be determined by the PAC

Executive; and,

b. shall ensure that all PAC activities are aimed at achieving the objectives and
purposes of the organization.


a. may only hold this position if served as the previous year’s President, and does
not hold an Officer role in the current year;

b. shall be automatically elected;

c. shall facilitate a smooth transition between Presidents and PAC Executive;

d. may serve in a capacity on projects and events to be determined by the PAC

Executive throughout their tenure, as required; and,

shall ensure that all PAC activities are aimed at achieving the objectives and purposes
of the organization.

Adopted: January 31, 2023


a. may only hold this position if served as the previous year’s Treasurer, and does not
hold an Officer role in the current year;

b. shall be automatically elected;

c. shall facilitate a smooth transition between Treasurers; and,

d. may serve in a capacity on projects and events to be determined by the PAC

Executive throughout their tenure, as required.


a. will hold a Member at Large or other Executive Officer;

b. the PAC Executive will vote to nominate one of the Executive Officers to serve as
the DPAC and/or BCCPAC representative(s) on behalf of the PAC. The
nomination will be put forward and voted upon at the next General Meeting;

c. may be elected to serve on the DPAC Executive by the DPAC members;

d. shall attend DPAC meetings and provide a report at the following General

e. shall liaise, seek and provide input into the DPAC on behalf of the PAC; and,

f. shall ensure that all PAC activities are aimed at achieving the objectives and
purposes of the organization.

Adopted: January 31, 2023


As a representative of the PAC, I will act in accordance with the stated purpose of the PAC.

1. Support, and encourage the quality of education and the well-being of students at
Yennadon Elementary School.

2. The business of the PAC shall maintain an inclusive, positive and respectful
environment for all; unbiased towards race, colour, creed, national origin, religion,
politics, family status, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or physical or
mental ability.

3. The PAC Executive will refrain from partisan political action or other activities that do
not serve the interests of Yennadon Elementary School.

4. The PAC is not responsible for the operation of the school or management of School
District 42 staff.

5. The PAC is not a forum for the discussion of individual school personnel, individual
parents, or other individual members of the school community.

6. Any Executive Member must be responsible for mitigating their own

7. Any person that chooses to join the PAC executive while employed in a position that
might create conflict of interest or reprisal assumes responsibility of managing risk and
engagement while carrying out PAC business and their duties.

8. An Executive Officer who is approached by a parent with a concern relating to an

individual school personnel, individual parents, or other individual members of the
school community is in a confidential position and must treat such discussion with
discretion, protecting the confidentiality of the people involved.

9. All documents, records, minutes, correspondence, Constitution and Bylaws or other

papers held by a Member, Executive Officer, representative, or Committee member in
connection with the PAC shall be deemed to be property of the PAC and shall be turned
over to the President when the Member, Executive Officer, representative, or
Committee member ceases to perform the task to which the paper relates.

10. A Member who accepts a position as an Executive Officer must:

a. uphold the Constitution, Bylaws, policies and procedures of the PAC;

Adopted: January 31, 2023

b. adhere to the policies and procedures and Code of Conduct of Yennadon
Elementary School;

c. regularly participate and engage in PAC business;

d. perform their duties with honesty and integrity;

e. respect the rights of all individuals;

f. take direction from the PAC Executive;

g. ensure all parents are equally and fairly represented;

h. encourage and support parents and students with individual concerns to act on
their own behalf (with teachers and staff) and provide information on the process
for taking forward concerns;

i. work to ensure that issues are resolved through due process;

j. strive to be informed and only pass on information that is reliable and correct;

k. respect all confidential information.

Statement of Understanding

I, the undersigned, in accepting the position of __________________________ on the

Yennadon Elementary School PAC Executive, have read, understood, and agreed to abide
by the Code of Conduct, Constitution and Bylaws set out in this document.

Name of Member: ______________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________________________

Date: _________________ Email: _________________________________

Note: This page will be required to be signed by all elected Executive Officers and any
Member speaking or acting on behalf of the PAC.

Adopted: January 31, 2023


1. Committees shall be formed when necessary to help conduct the business of the PAC.

2. Committee’s will be determined by the PAC Executive and presented to the PAC at the
following General Meeting.

3. Each committee shall function under a defined purpose as presented and approved by
the PAC Executive.

4. The PAC Executive shall vote to elect Executive Officers to serve as Committee
Chairs. If appropriate, the Members at a General Meeting may vote to elect a non-PAC
Executive to serve as a Committee Chair.

5. Committees are responsible to the PAC Executive and Members and shall report to the
Members and PAC Executive regularly and upon request.

6. Members may be appointed annually to Committees by the Committee Chair, in

consultation with the PAC Executive.

7. Any substantive work, project plans and meeting schedules set forth or performed by
any active Committee must be brought forward to the Executive Meetings prior to
actions and work taking place.

8. Committees shall keep written records of decisions and activities. All Committee
information is the property of the PAC.

9. Committee activities that may result in a financial component must follow the
applicable Financial rules set out by the Treasurer.


1. All financial records and recorded minutes will be maintained by the PAC for 7 years.

2. General Meeting Minutes will be reasonably made available to all Members.

Adopted: January 31, 2023


1. The financial year of the PAC will be July 1 to June 30.

2. The PAC may raise and spend money to meet its purposes.

3. An annual budget and tentative of expenditures will be presented for approval at the

4. Once the budget is voted on and passed, the PAC Executive must abide by and adhere to
said budget.

5. The PAC Executive will remain apprised of all activity. If a proposed expenditure does
not fit the budget as passed, it will be discussed and voted on at a General Meeting
before any expenditure takes place. Exception: The PAC Executive may vote and
approve a budget line increase of up to $500.

6. All reimbursements require completion of a PAC provided expense claim form with
proof of payment, or a vote of the PAC Executive, prior to being paid.

7. All funds of the organization will be on deposit in a bank or financial establishment

registered under the Bank Act. Exception: The PAC Executive may vote and approve a
reasonable amount of cash to be held as a float for conducting business. The float shall
be maintained on the school premises, in a secure location, and in accordance with the
Treasurer’s policies and procedures.

8. The PAC Executive shall name at least three signing officers, one of whom will be the
Treasurer. Banking and legal documents require two signatures.

9. Any changes to the signing officers shall be recorded in the minutes of the AGM or
General Meeting.

10. A Treasurer’s Report to all Members will be presented annually at the AGM.

11. If available, all efforts will be made to apply for gaming and applicable financial grants
that support the PAC’s activities and events. The PAC will ensure all reporting is
complete and submitted on time to granting agencies.

12. The PAC shall end the fiscal year with a minimum of $6000 in the accessible general
bank account to carry over to the following financial year.

Adopted: January 31, 2023

13. Upon closure of the financial year, and reconciliation of accounts, the PAC will prepare
a fiscal year end report to be retained as part the record keeping as outlined in Section

14. Upon a motion and approval of the Members at any at any General Meeting, an
independent audit will be required.


The PAC Executive shall review the Constitution and Bylaws annually, and at least once
during each financial year. Any proposed changes or amendments shall be presented at a
General Meeting or AGM for a vote of all Members.

Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the PAC may be made at any General
Meeting at which business is conducted, providing:

1. Written notice (including electronic) of the meeting has been given to all members with
14 days minimum notice.

2. The notice of the meeting included notice of the specific amendments proposed.

3. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those voting members present at the meeting will be
required to amend the Constitution and Bylaws.


1. Only in the event of a permanent school closure by the School Board of District 42, and
in the absence of any relocation language or understanding, shall the PAC be dissolved.

2. In the event of dissolution or winding down of the PAC, all opportunities shall be
exhausted to spend remaining funds from all accounts for the benefit of the students at
Yennadon Elementary School.

3. After payment of all debts and costs of dissolution or winding down, all assets and
remaining funds shall be distributed as follows:

a. BC Gaming Funds that remain shall be dealt with in accordance of the BC

Gaming Policy; and,

Adopted: January 31, 2023

b. The PAC shall then transfer any remaining funds and assets to another Parent
Advisory Council or District Parent Advisory Council within School District 42.
Efforts shall be made to consider where Yennadon students will be re-located.
This shall be determined by the membership at the final general meeting of the

4. While vacancies within the Executive may hamper the Council’s ability to conduct
business, vacancies within the Executive shall NOT constitute nor contribute to a
dissolution of the PAC.

Adopted: January 31, 2023

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