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Module 6- Adult Teaching and Learning

Adult definition
Psychological : “ A person is a n adult to the extend that he or she perceives himself or
herself to be essentially responsible for his or her own life.”
Sociological:” An individual is a person who has come to the stage of his life in which
he or she has assumed full responsibility for himself and usually for others, who has
concomitantly accepted functionally productive in his community.”
Andragogy – the art and science of helping adult learners
- used originally by Alexander Knapp, a German, in 1833
- developed as adult education theory by Max Knowles, an American
- Built upon two central, difining attributes:
 Learners are self-directed and autonomous
 The teacher is a facilitator of learning rather than a presenter
of content.
Pedagogy – the art and science of teaching children

Comparison between” Andragogy and Pedagogy

As Regards to Andragogy Pedagogy

Orientation to Learners seeks to acquire Learning is subject-orientedwith

Learning competence to cope with enphasis on content, mostof
demands of their world; they which they may forget because it
seek personal development and has no immediate relevance
acgienvement of potential; they (principle of deferred gratification)
also seek immediate
gratification; learning must be
relevant and immediately
Concept of the Role of the learners is Role of the learner is dependent
Learners essentially self-directing
Role of a teacher is to Teacher takes responsibility for
encourage and nurture this self- the whoke learning process
directed need
Learners experience Learners bring little experience to
accumulated over a lifetime is a the learning situation
great resource for learning both
Role of for self and others
Learner;s Learners attach greater Learners dependent on expert
Experience significance to what they input
experience rather thsn they sre
Main techniques are Main techniques are transmittal
experimental techniques techniques
Learners learn when they feel a Learners learn what they are
need to learn conditioned to learn to obtain
parental, societal approval
Learning should meet their Fear of failure is a great
Readiness to needs to help them cope with motivator
learn the demands of their world-
home, work, etc.
Learning should be organized to Learning is standardized and
meet learner needs and progressive because it is aimed at
sequenced according to the same age group is similar in
individual’s ability and readiness its learning needs and its
to learn readiness to learn.

General Conditions of the Client of Extension

1. Resource-poor
2. Most neglected in terms of basic services such extension, health, roads, markets
3. Poor access to information and technology options
4. Inappropriate farming/fishery practices
5. Typically individualistic (not interested to join organizationd)
6. Dole-out oriented ( due to experiences in past programs/project appraoches)
7. Rural remote and exposed to peace and order problems
8. Have varied land tenure/arrangements issue
9. Have varied experiences in projects that have come and gone without
sustaining(thus, might be cynical, pessimestic or distrusting)

Principles of Adult Learning

1. The need to know
- Adult need to know what and why need to learn before undertaking to
learn it. Adults are more afraid to fail and want to make sure the
undertaking is worthwhile.
2. The learners self-concept and self-direction
- Adult have a self-concept of being responsible for their oown decisions
and for their own lives. They resent and resist ideas “imposed” on them.
3. The role of the learner’s experiences
- Adult possess varying quantity and quality of experineces. This implies a
wider divergence and difference within groups, or a high degree of
heterogeneity; different biases that may influence their openness to
incoming information/ideas, and the rate of adoption of the same. It is
important for the learning fcilitator to draw from the participants
experiences when starting a topc or discussion.
4. Readiness to learn
- Adult become ready to learn those things they neeed to know and be
able to do in order to cope effectively with their real-life situations. Adult
question the truth or usefulness of the information they receive.
5. Orientation to learning
- Adults are life-centered or task-centered in the orientation to learning.
Adults learn to assist in performing tasks and dealing with problems.
6. Motivation
- Adults are more responsive on internal pressures (e.g. self-esteem,
quality of life); then external motivations (better production, higher
income_. It is necessary for the facilitator to raise their self-confidence.
7. Participation in learning is vountary
- Not all learning methods can be equally effective to all adult
learners.Facilitator need to know to be innovative to design appropriate
methods and approaches.

Adult learns best when………..

 They have strong desire to learn
 They put an effort to learn
 They have clear goal
 They have receive satisfaction

Principles of Adult Teaching and Learning

1. Self Activity or active response
To effectively change the behavior of people, we should make them
actively participate in doing what is to be learned
2. Repetition or Practice
A leraning activity experienced many times tends to be remenbered longer
and to be recalled easier.
3. Timing
Learning takes place more readily when a fact or skill is taught at the
same time or just before the time when it can be used in some serviceable
4. Association
Experiences that happen together tend to recur together hence we learn
once by associating it with the other.
5. Satisfaction
Anything that is satisfying will promote learning.
6. Reward
Reward promotes learning
7. Motivation
The ease of learning varies directly with the meaningfulness of the
materials presented
8. Aperception
Learners perceive the new in terms of the old
9. Transfer
A person learns through transfer to the extent that the abilities acquired in
one situation help in the other.
10. Readiness
The more fully a person is in readiness to act in a certain way the more
satisfying it will be for him to act in that way and the more annoying it will
be if prevented.
11. Mindset
Past experienes keep individuals from using objeects in different ways.
12. Use and Disuse
When something is learned and used, it is remebered but when it is not
used, it is forgetten.
13. Individual differences
No two people are exactly alike. People vary in their ability to benefit from
one taeching method or techniques.
14. Contrast
We tend to remember those things which are in sharp contrast to one
15. Recency
The more recent an experience, the more readily it can be recalled.

Green Empire PH ( empireph)

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