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1. Which of the following concepts in grammar is shown in the following definite of noun?

‘’ noun in a sentence occurs before the verb phrase; after a transitive verb; after a linking verb; after a preposition; and after another noun or
noun phrase.
Ans. B. Distribution

2. Which of the function words in the following sentence is not used to signal a noun? My sister in New York like to spend vacation in the
Philippines this summer.
Ans. C. to

3. Which of the following words/syllables have onset, nucleus, and coda?

I. cat III. Beg V. Fan
II. sand IV. Plea VI. Free
Ans. I, II, III, and V only

4. Which of the following is the competency you develop in the domain of viewing comprehension?
Ans. C. Give the meaning of signs and symbols

5. When working with presentation software in a stage production, which do you observe?
Ans. B. Use various forms of animation to ensure audience attention

6. A teacher who wants to conduct an intensive drilling of basic sentence pattern should _________
Ans. D. do pattern practice

7. Which process do you teach your students when you ask them to analyze the title of the story and the illustrations to help them initially
grasp the meaning of a text?
Ans. B. Predicting

8. Which of the following words are inflected?

I. singing III. nasal V. angry
II. stolen IV. neighborhood VI.oxen
Ans. A. I, II and IV only

9. Which type of error is committed in the sentence below?

“The President together with his department secretaries is in Central Luzon distributing relief good”.
Ans. A. Misplaced Modifier

10. Which is the correct sequence of a reading process?

I. Reading
II. Exploring
III. Preparing to read
IV. Extending
V. Responding
Ans. A. III, I, V, II, and IV

11. Best interpretation of “The car is a glutton for gasoline”

Ans. High expensive for fuels gas

12. “Give me a cup of blended coffee” best classified as

Ans. Direct illocutionary

13. A Marxist interpretation of “waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett focus on.
Ans. The power imbalances in the relationship of the characters.

14. An English language learner is at an advanced stage of the English language acquisition. This phenomenon can best explained as?
Ans. Fossilization of interlanguage structures

15. Labeled according to word usage “ I deeply apologize for delivery delay.
Ans. Formal

16. An ESL teacher is designing a listening lesson for seventh grade English learners which ff. guidelines should the teacher follow in order to
align the lesson with the comprehensible input hypothesis.
Ans. Choose an aural selection that is slightly above the students comprehension level.

17. Issue is pointed out in the ff. sentence.

Ans. Subject-verb agreement
18. Pair of sentences provides examples of?
Ans. Paraphrasing

19. At the border of two countries there is a part where fisherman work, the fishermen do not speak the same language.
Ans. Pidgin

20. “Biag-ni-lam ang” to become interesting and to establish connection.

Ans. Let them compose their own climax of the story.

21. When he unable to recall the name of an object instead reasons that it is at the “tip of his tongue”
Ans. Anomia

22. Central to the teaching of Hinduism is Karma with includes action intentions and consequences. This is reaccuring theme in Indian literature
like Sakuntala Karma reveal itself in this play.
Ans. Dusyanta failed to recognize his wife.

23. Virtually all languages have contrast

Ans. Inflection

24. Does not serve as the legal basis k to 12

Ans. Bilingual Education Policy

25. Budget Showdown loom.

Ans. Conflict

27. Components of reading fluency.

Ans. Rate, accuracy, and prosody
28. Activity in highlighted.
Ans. Communicative

29. “aside from police officer….

Ans. Editorial

30. Assessment tools must be standardized.

Ans. Evaluating

31. “it is an interesting but…”

Ans. Right

32. Best example of headline.

Ans. DepEd rolls our Senior High School

33. Negligible in color blind casting.

Ans. Nationality of actors

34. We challenge his belief about religion.

Ans. Syntactic ambiguity

35. Example of thematic roles

Ans. The high school students practiced at BF Village

36. Problem with the ff. lead

Ans. It is to general and lacks specific details

37. Prescriptively correct in the following.

Ans. I

38. Major theme of the poem best summarized as.

Ans. Virgins should seize the day.

39. Jean Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Ans. Marrying them off good families means financial security for them

40. Not illustrate the arbitrates of language.

Ans. Through time, language users will see the evolution of the denotation
Ans. Tanka

42. Informing, agreeing, apologizing, requesting…

Ans. Functional

43. Skills allows the language function and forms to interplay.

Ans. Communicative

44. Grim-reaper, crossing over

Ans. Euphemism

45. yet once more…

Ye myrtles brown….
Ans. Mourning over the death of writer’s friend and the revelation of personal concerns of the writer.

46. First talk about the author

Ans. Feed the text

47. Carl Sanburgs and Walt Whitman’s famous poems.

Ans. Free verse

48. For an essay to be unified

Ans. Direct Object

49. View of traditional media.

Ans. Tabloid

50. Perceptions are also interpretations

Ans. Someone from may indicate

51. Sophisticating the language by using high level learner

Ans. Demand of the situation

52. Improve their learning

Ans. Diagnostic

60. Which national policy describes the level educational qualification outcomes?
Ans. C. Philippine Qualification Framework

61. Which is the first step to follow in writing a literature test?

Ans. C. Identify the learning context, language level, profile of the language and literature syllabus, rules of the test and profile of the test.

62. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a formalist criticism?

Ans. C. It is extrinsic in essence

63. Teacher Fely imposes copious rules and paradigms to students rather than letting them discover the rules. She views language learning as
Ans. D. Deductive

64. The following are the element of HAIKU, except_________________

Ans. D. Iambic Pentameter

65. Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of using the results of an informal reading inventory to plan reading
Ans. B. Determining the independent, instructional, and frustration reading levels for each student.

66. Reading Comprehension involves understanding of information stated directly in the text?
Ans. B. Literal

67. The “masthead” refers to the _______________

Ans. Name of the Newspaper

68. Literary movement, nature its subject being the source of enjoyment and knowledge
Ans. D. Romanticism

69. Translation technique

“ Loyalty to the country always
Loyalty to the government when it deserve,
Katapatan sa bansa lagi
Katapatan sa pamahalaan kailangan karapat-dapat
Ans. One-to-one correspondence

70. Language learning theories emphasize student-centered and project-based learning?

Ans. B. Constructivism

71. The Literary term refers to the overriding feeling in a work?

Ans. A. Mood

72. The primary thing to be taken into account by teacher in formulating objectives of the lesson is:
Ans. C. Consideration for SMART ( Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound)

73. Teacher Reyes wants students to use a metacognitive strategy before listening to text. Which should her students do?
Ans. B. Check for difficult words

74. Which should be the next to learn to be able to expand understanding of the English Language?
Ans. A. Organizing sentence into paragraph

75. Plan to adapt instructional materials for class

Ans. B. Ensuring student’s performance in achievement texts

76. In teaching Shakespeare’s tragedies to Grade 9 students…, except

Ans. D. A central character may not necessarily be an important person in the society for as long as he/she brave

77. Last step in the application of situational language testing is ______

Ans. C. Correction

78. Tools which most likely achieve the goal of given assessment to achieve mastery of competencies, desired outcomes and standards
Ans. C. Learning Log

79. NOT comprise the four essential functions of mythology as viewed by Joseph Campbell
Ans. D. Exploring religious experience through reproducing the conditions of the mythical age

80. “Mabuti ang panahon sa aking palagay”

Ans. B. Extraposition

81. Symptom manifested by beginning reader who is unable to quickly recognize sight words
Ans. D. Can slowly decode sight words syllables by syllables

82. Assessment appropriate for an oral examination in phonetics

Ans. B. Performance

83. “He spoke in disparaging terms about the radical elements”

Ans. A. Vague

84. “Desk”
Ans. D. Corps of Editors

85. “Death of a Salesman”

Ans. C. Gives an ordinary salesman’s life weight and meaning

86. To ensure proper implementation of K-12 curriculum, the following approaches, as stated in Section 5 of R.A 10533, should only be used
Ans. B. Progressive

87. Which type of listening comprehension refers to the ability to listen only to specific parts of input?

88. The Monkey’s Paw

Ans. B. Desire and greed
Ans. A. Please dedicate yourself to the improvement of your soft skills.

90. Remember that I am thy creature. I ought to be thy Adam.

Ans. B. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

91. NOT to be employed by a teacher who is teaching grammar overtly

Ans. A. The teacher lets the learner subconsciously absorb grammatical information.

92. “Is the guy Eddie Brown?”

Ans. A. Questioning

93. EXAMPLE of individual’s freedom to choose once existence. THE MAN HAD NO USEFUL WORK
Ans. C. The girl fetching water from the well

94. MOST dominant linguistic intelligence

I. They are adept at recognizing rhythm
II. They can readily spot semantic errors
Ans. A. I and II

95. Do not gentle into that goodnight

Old age should burn and rave at close of day
=DYLAN’S THOMAS Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight=
Ans. A. Vilanelle

96. Intervention technique appropriate for learners with high learning difficulty
Ans. A. More structured Approach + Workbooks + Interactive Materials

97. One step to follow copy reading

Ans. B. Look for biases and possible ground for libel

98. MOST important in planning and developing curriculum

Ans. B. Teacher should follow standard adopted by the country

99. And on the slope of the sea

The hard handed peasants go their round
Ans. C. Icarus

100. Factors in selecting instructional materials for English

Ans. D. Cater the needs of diverse learners

101. Make up the art/science of knowledge

Ans. C. Pedagogy

102. Task-based syllabus

Ans. D. Writing notes, memos, reports

103. Enjambment means

Ans. D. when the meaning of a line flows onto the text

104. Which is the basest creature?

Ans. A. Man is just like animals

105. EXAMPLE of allomorphic variation is found EXCEPT

Ans. D. the difference between sound segment in seek and sick

106. Skills are intricate part of learning as subject…..

Ans. A. Pre-requisite

Ans. C. Approaching
Ans. B. The victim who was allegedly salvage is a freshmen.

109. Iconic learning

Ans. C. Visual images for real things

110. “Non-negotiable”
Ans. D. Individual learners and individualities of learning

111. Defoe, Addison, and Steele were representative of a new profession and form of writing called___
Ans. C. Journalism

112. Which of the following does not contain clutter

Ans. D. The prettiest girl dances gracefully

113. “Ancient Mariner”, “Kubla Khan” and Shelley’s poem “Ozymandias”

Ans. A. Romantics emphasized strange and faraway places

114. Which of the following has a noun clause?

Ans. A. My mother told me that you know where to find the best caterer in town

115. “Coral Vandalism…”

Ans. B. What

116. Tragedy of Ambition

Ans. D. Macbeth

117. In selecting instructional materials… to be considered?

I. Consider the varied interest; abilities and proficiency level of the learners
Ans. B. I only

118. Component of planning and carrying out a good read-aloud lesson for junior high school students
Ans. B. Preview and practice the text

119. “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”

Ans. B. Ancient civilization flourished near bodie of water like the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates

120. For instance Tom Cruise in the case of “film stars”, robin in the case of “birds”
Ans. C. Prototype

121. Direct contact with the native speaker of the target language
Ans. A. Immersion

122. Which of the following is the indirect object?

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