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whose mission isto pursue transformation ofthe Filipino nation. 4 Bawat Isa Mahalaga (B1M) is a movement of citizens and groups of citizens, It believes transformation wil take place if more Filipinos will tink and act on the basis 7 Cf ther biblical identity as having been each vay “created in the image of God,” and wil earnestly ‘exercise their constitutional authority asthe £ } Sovereign Filipino People in order to establish @ ‘Just and humane society.” JOIN THE MOVEMENT Connect with Bawat Isa Mahalaga ® www banatisamahalagaorg © ebanatisovahaiaga © inyong ngkod@bawatsamahslagaorg Connect with CJ Meilou Sereno © emeioupasereno @ ocmeiousereno © oserenoMeiiou © omeiiouseeno. offi Gi omeiiousereno © Tugmatahat ® worasugmalaatorg Bawat Isa Mahalaga Sama-sama sa pagbuo ng isang Makatarungan at Makataong Lipunan RIVULETS of HOPE People and groups working forthe common good in ‘communities are like rivulet in 2 parched land, bringing hope to the poor and marginalized in society. Wile they fulfill Goes second commandment to love our neighbors, they must be better equipped to stop the systemic evi that causes injustice inthe ist place, Rivulets can merge into streams, toRIVER of RENEWAL Building the just and humane society envisioned in the Constitution requies ustained, collective effort by the sovereign Filipino people. With the ad of Almighty God Flipinos can work together to transform power structures for good, and help restore human institutions to God's wil Other B1M Initiatives IM Tabang - Collective response to help vulnerable communities during emergencies “Tamang Kandidato -Values-based voters empowerment program for Schools churches, and communities ‘YoungDavids- Formation program for ‘young public servants. Pilot project in partnership with the CBCP Episcopal ‘Commission an Youth Dehold, orl and sears to mighty riers that an Now thi fer heshowel ne the river of ting water, a Shall jena ow pring ke ery, oing rom the a ee | told even make @ road in the wilderness, throne of God and of the Lamb Andiars he desert _ awa sa Mahaiaga's mission is to cll for rivulets of hope all over the nation to a i a converge into a mighty ver f renewal _. Bawat Isa Mahalaga BUKLOD SAMBAYANANG JOURNEY GUIDE PANALANGIN BARANGAY Spiritual formation toward 5 jy Prayer groups serving People of ath working integral Faith. Based on ee together for the Bibs TRe Framework for instuons, commited to commen good, ard National Transformation er eeaneea ‘actively participating in Berangay governance

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