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Bawat Isa Mahalaga

Our Distinctives:
▪ We look to the Bible, the Constitution, laws, jurisprudence,
Philippine and Christian history, sociological and scientific
studies to equip communities so that we can more
articulately shape the rivulets of hope into a mighty river of
▪ We seek to serve – not duplicating or supplanting the good
works of other people and ministries that had been prepared
beforehand by God, and that are already being walked in by
the people God has called (Ephesians 2:10).
▪ We sense the points of convergence among people and
communities, and having identified these, encourage them
to share their converging vision and common actions (iisang
▪ We pray and work for the long-term fruits of a generation
that will serve God and country, raising up young people in
excellence and righteousness, in order that these young
leaders may successfully lead in the transformation of the
Filipino nation.
▪ Always trusting in God, we delight in His promises, including
in His many interventions in history when good prevailed
amidst so much darkness, as we together proclaim: “Come
Lord Jesus, come and dwell among Your people, we are Your
willing hands and feet, Your salt and light! Bring us to a place
of rest, health, wholeness and prosperity! Come build Your
just and humane nation! Come and build up the Filipino
4. Renewal
1. Recognition We stand for/ truth as the foundation for a just and equitable
society. We will encourage the raising of many voices so that
We recognize the dignity of each person. We hold ourselves up
the government cannot deny the people’s will. We will live the
to the Constitution as the “sovereign Filipino people, imploring
value system in our Constitution and will educate the youth on
the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane
the inherent nobility of the Filipino enshrined in our Basic Law.
society...” A careful and honest examination of our situation is
We will reject historical revisionism.
needed. This means taking stock of the ills of the nation and the
role we played in it. It also includes identifying a vision and 5. Resistance
setting the standards of national life in accordance with our We will resist efforts to undermine the institutions that represent
highest values. us. We will uphold the Rule of Law as our protection against
2. Repentance repression. We will defend the rights, of every Filipino, even
against the government. It will be our duty to remind those in
National healing will only begin when we acknowledge the
power of the Constitution and our inalienable rights. We will call
injustices that have been committed to our fellow Filipinos and
out abuse whenever we see it.
our national heritage. There can be no justice without
accountability. Restoration must be made to the people, giving 6. Reform
each person her due. We will say no to corruption, degradation, Our vision requires far-reaching reforms to change an unfair
and disenfranchisement. We will repent for our failure to stand society, develop a culture of accountability and reverse the
in the gap to prevent these evils. culture of impunity. We will embed robust systems that will
3. Reconciliation ensure meaningful participation and the protection of the
people’s rights and welfare.
We choose to return to the standards of good. We will start
within ourselves and build bridges where there is division. We 7. Rejoice
will welcome all who wish to contribute to the national project. We will celebrate the work of God in every area of Filipino lives.
We will bring back dignity, respect, and fellowship through When we attain a nation that is inclusive, respectful, nurturing
genuine service. We will foster unity with all Filipinos, regardless and united, we can rejoice in who we are as a people. We will
of class, gender, ethnicity, or faith. acclaim the work of God in building a just and humane society.

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