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Perforating Requirements for Fracture

L.A. Behrmann, SPE, Schlumberger Perforating and Testing Center,* and K.G. Nolte, SPE, Dowell

Summary the breakdown phase can be problematic because of a hydrauli-

Perforating provides the means of communication between the cally propagated microannulus that is analogous to hydraulic frac-
wellbore and the reservoir, and in a fracture-stimulated reservoir, turing, as discussed in Appendix A. Fracturing then proceeds as
the perforation is the fluid conduit between the fracture and the though from an open hole with some defects 共perforations兲 that
wellbore. The existence of, or lack of, a hydraulic microannulus may be near the preferred hydraulic fracture plane 共PFP兲. Most
critically affects the choice of perforating parameters. The exis- laboratory fracturing studies have taken extraordinary measures to
tence of a microannulus is dependent on reservoir and wellbore avoid a microannulus by epoxying the casing to the rock, using
properties, perforating parameters, and fracture stimulation execu- O-rings around the perforations, etc. Thus, the generality of these

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tion. laboratory findings must be viewed with caution. The magnitude
Recommendations are provided to choose the best perforating of the microannulus is dependent on the wellbore fluid and size
parameters of: shot phasing, shot density, type of charge interval and type of perforating gun 共Table 1兲.
length and gun orientation. Recommendations are provided for Except when gas is the wellbore fluid, perforating debonds a
hard and soft rock hydraulic fracturing and extreme overbalance portion of the cement/sandface hydraulic bond. This is a result of
stimulation. the loading of the wellbore fluid from the gun swell 共charge/
explosive coupling for capsule charges兲, passage of the perforat-
ing jet through the wellbore fluid, and expulsion of the explosive
detonation gases into the wellbore fluid. For hollow carrier guns,
Background the debonding may be a function of the gun phasing. The debond-
Within this paper, fracturing implies using proppant. However, in ing promotes the creation of a micorannulus during formation
general the presentation also applies to acid fracturing. The choice breakdown as discussed in Appendix A. Figs. 3a and 3b are
of perforating parameters can have a significant affect on the qual- examples of cement debonding observed in large-scale block
ity of the subsequent fracturing or matrix stimulated treatment.1-4 tests7,8 with the microannulus effect evident in Fig. 3b.
For the combination of gravel packing and fracturing 共frac and An ideal perforation for fracture initiation would have a mini-
pack兲, perforating practices are governed by the gravel-packing mum injection pressure, initiate only a single fracture and gener-
considerations. These considerations are discussed in the ‘‘Frac ate a fracture with minimum tortuosity 共turning from the initiated
and Pack and High-Rate Water Packs’’ section. fracture into the PFP兲 at an achievable fracture initiation pressure.
The objective of perforating for fracturing is to choose perfo- The following sections provide recommendations on how best to
rating parameters that minimize near-wellbore pressure drops dur- achieve this ideal perforation. In the following sections, a vertical
ing both the fracturing operation and production with limited- well is one with deviation less than 30°.
entry fracture placement being an exception. Some of these near-
wellbore effects are perforation friction, microannulus pinch Perforation Phasing for Hard-Rock Hydraulic
points from gun phasing misalignment, multiple competing frac- Fracturing
tures and fracture tortuosity caused by a curved fracture path.5 No Microannulus, Vertical Wells. For the following discussion,
Several of these near-wellbore effects from Romero et al. are il- the PFP is assumed to be vertical and therefore can connect di-
lustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. For any type of well treatment, there rectly over a significant distance for a vertical well. When the PFP
are two additional perforation-related parameters that may also is not vertical, as can occur near a significant fault, the PFP devi-
affect the choice of the perforating system: the integrity of the ates from the axis of a vertical well. For this case, the ‘‘Deviated
cement/sandface hydraulic bond 共microannulus兲 after perforating and Horizontal Wells’’ section should be consulted.
and residual fractured-sand grains in the perforation cavity, par- Dry gas wells, wells swabbed of liquid prior to perforating,
ticularly for a matrix treatment. Effective matrix treatments re- wells shot with small hollow carrier guns, and wells shot with low
quire communication through most of the perforations. This can 共1 to 2 spf兲 shot density hollow carrier guns are potential candi-
be achieved by either effective underbalance, extreme overbalance dates for maintaining good cement/sandface bonds. With a ‘‘per-
共see ‘‘Extreme Overbalance Stimulation’’ section兲, or ball-out. If fect’’ cement bond, fractures are forced to initiate from the perfo-
a reservoir is perforated with insufficient underbalance to remove rations, which should eliminate additional fracture initiation sites
most of the perforation sand debris, then fluid injection may cause around the sandface. Most laboratory hydraulic fracture experi-
the comminuted sand to create an external filter cake on the per- ments have been conducted with a sealed annulus with the only
foration cavity during fluid injection. This was first observed on a fluid entry to the reservoir through artificial 共drilled or cast兲 per-
water injector and later on extreme overbalanced tests.6 Two forations. Thus, reference to these experiments should provide
unique characteristics were observed in these tests: productivity insight on how to perforate wells with a good hydraulic bond.
was not affected, and this ‘‘filter cake’’ was also an injection
pressure barrier with an estimated pressure drop of more than
1,000 psi. The existence of comminuted sand in the perforation
cavity limits injectivity and increases the injection pressure. High
pump rates and high fluid viscosity enhance these effects, which
are more important for extreme overbalance stimulation.
A microannulus is usually present after perforating and/or im-
mediately after pumping begins. Maintaining a good bond during

*Now Schlumberger Reservoir Completions.

Copyright © 1999 Society of Petroleum Engineers
This paper (SPE 59480) was revised for publication from paper SPE 39453, first presented
at the 1998 SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette,
Louisiana, 18–19 February. Original manuscript received for review 18 February 1998. Fig. 1–Near-wellbore microannulus pinch points „from SPE
Revised manuscript received 30 August 1999. Paper peer approved 14 September 1999. 30506….

228 SPE Drill. & Completion 14 共4兲, December 1999 1064-6671/99/14共4兲/228/7/$3.50⫹0.15

Fig. 2–Near-wellbore fracture tortuosity „from SPE 30506….

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Fig. 3–„a… Picture of wellbore showing disruption of cement/
However, these results should be used with caution if a microan- sandface bond. Intact cement sections are shown in black/dark
nulus is likely after perforating or during breakdown of the for- gray. „b… Picture of wellbore showing disruption of cement/
mation. 共See Appendix A.兲 sandface bond. The fracture fluid that flowed around the well-
One of the papers describing laboratory fracture experiments,9 bore annulus is light gray.
shows that 180° phased perforations oriented within 30° of the
PFP provide good communication between the perforations and
the fracture. The good connection minimizes the multiple fracture than production rates and the proppant enlarges the perforations
overlap and turning tortuosity and therefore minimizes restriction and erodes near-wellbore restrictions, the production area open to
of fracture width. As the perforation-to-PFP angle increases, the flow should generally be adequate.
fracture initiation pressure increases because of the horizontal The literature indicates other perforating strategies can be ap-
stress difference. Also, when the fracture initiates at the perfora- plied. For example, Stadulis10 discusses the use of 0° phased guns
tions, it must turn to eventually align with the PFP and the near- at 1 spf with proppant slugs to prevent initiation or propagation of
wellbore fracture width decreases. This work suggests that if a competing multiple fractures and near-wellbore screenouts. 共It is
180° phased gun cannot be oriented within 30° of the PFP, then not clear if the observed success was from the use of low shot
the use of a 60° phased gun is recommended for a good fracture density, closed microannulus or proppant slugs.兲 It is not known if
connection. It is assumed that only those perforations closest to a dominant single or biwing fracture propagates with 0° phased
the PFP initiate a fracture and the shot density of the 60° phased guns. A biwing fracture must initiate, but the wing opposite the
gun must be three times that of a 180° phased gun to achieve the perforations can have limited flow rate and may screen out be-
same number of holes directly linked to the fracture. This assump- cause of the restricted flow around the microannulus. The asym-
tion also implies that multiple parallel fractures do not initiate for metry for a dominant single wing fracture offsets the drainage
this wellbore-stress-aligned case. However, the increased shot pattern from the well location. To minimize multiple fractures
density of the 60° phased gun would probably negate the assump- using 0° phasing, the lower shot density can help maintain
tion of a minimal microannulus. Assuming equal perforation areas cement/sandface integrity; whereas the use of a 60° phased gun at
open in direct communication with the primary fracture, Table 2 6 spf 共providing the same 1-ft spacing between perforations along
gives the tradeoff between different nonoriented phased guns. any azimuthal plane兲 will be more detrimental to cement debond-
Selection of the optimum gun depends on weighting factors ing and thus increase the potential for initiation of multiple frac-
assigned to the different parameters, which becomes subjective tures.
and dependent on personal experience. For equal weighting, all Deviated 共deviation greater than 30°兲 and horizontal wells typi-
guns are equivalent. However to minimize the initiation of mul- cally have an open microannulus or channel because of gravity,
tiple fractures and if the possibility of higher fracture initiation independent of the perforator. The perforating requirements for
pressure is acceptable, then a 0° or 180° phased gun could be these wells are discussed in the ‘‘Deviated and Horizontal Well-
used but could give proppant entrance problems for hard rock at bores’’ section.
pinch points should a microannulus exist, Fig. 1. In all cases, the
casing hole diameter should be chosen to give an acceptable in- Open Microannulus Vertical Wellbore/Vertical Fractures.
jection pressure drop 共see ‘‘Other Perforating Considerations For The presence of a microannulus promotes fractures from the sand-
Fracturing section’’兲. Because injection rates are generally greater face, independent of the perforations, unless the perforations are
within about 10° of the PFP.7 Fractures can also be initiated from
perforations that are within about 30° of the PFP. Multiple initial
fractures are encouraged from these perforations between 10° and
30° from the PFP if sufficient fluid is allowed to move around and
TABLE 1– PERFORATING PARAMETERS AFFECTING pressurize the microannulus. However, maintaining significant
MICROANNULUS flow, and hence width, in more than one fracture is inherently
unstable because of the increased pressure requirement. The pres-
Promotes sure drop across the multiple fractures increases by the square root
Parameter Microannulus of the number of fractures.11 When the fracture does not originate
Capsule gun Yes from the perforations, the flow path connects through the microan-
Hollow carrier gun Modest nulus. The annulus separates from the sandface to allow displace-
Small gun-to-casing clearance Yes ment continuity with the fracture width. However, as shown by
Liquid in wellbore Yes Fig. 1, geometric effects result in pinch points at the fracture
Low shot density No entrance that can cause large pressure drops for fluid flow and
Gas in wellbore No near-wellbore proppant bridging. These points are subject to en-
hanced erosion, with their endurance depending on the rock hard-

L.A. Behrmann and K.G. Nolte: Perforating Requirements SPE Drill. & Completion, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1999 229

Fracture Multiple Destroy Fracture Micro- Multiple

Initiation Fracture Cement Initiation Annulus Fracture
Gun Pressure Initiation Tortuosity Bond Gun Pressure Pinch Points Initiation

0°, 1 spf 3 1 3 1 0°, 1 spf 3 4 1

180°, 1 spf 3 1 3 1 180°, 1 spf 3 3 2
120°, 1.5 spf 2 2 2 2 90°, 2 spf 2 3 3
60°, 3 spf 1 3 1 3 120°, 1.5 spf 1 2 3
60°, 3 spf 1 1 4

ness. Fracture tortuosity should not exist for a vertical wellbore in

a normally stressed environment. Table 3 gives the fracture

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tradeoffs versus gun phasing for a normally stressed vertical well performance for penetration should be compromised in favor of
共deviation less than 30°兲. The shot densities given in Table 3 are casing hole size. Size requirements have been adopted from gravel
relative only. Determination of required shot density is given in packing.25 The general requirement is for the minimum casing
the ‘‘Other Perforating Considerations for Fracturing’’ section. hole diameter to exceed six times the proppant diameter. A ratio
Selection of the optimum gun depends on weighting factors of eight to ten times larger than the average proppant diameter
assigned to the different parameters, which once again is subjec- should be generally used because of variance between nominal
tive and dependent on personal experience. For equal weighting, and actual hole diameters, gun positioning, and variation in prop-
either 120° or 60° phased guns should be used. If one is more pant size. Manufactured proppant is highly biased toward larger
concerned about a pinch point than initiating multiple fractures, diameters 共lower mesh range兲 to maximize its permeability. For
then a 60° gun should be used. However, the use of a 60° gun these proppants, the minimum casing-hole diameter should be
may potentially initiate more multiple fractures and will require sized for the size of the lower mesh 共e.g., 16 mesh for the 16 to 30
twice the shot density of a 120° phased gun since only one of mesh兲.
three perforations will be connected to the fracture.
Other strategies are reported in the literature. For example, Perforated Interval. Limiting the perforated interval was previ-
modification of the pad with high pump rate, use of high viscosity ously discussed for deviated wells. Even when the perforated por-
fluid and use of proppant slugs12,13,10 have been used to theoreti- tion of the well is nominally aligned with the PFP, consideration
cally control near-wellbore screenouts by restricting fluid commu- should be given to limiting the perforated interval, particularly for
nication around the microannulus to reduce pinch points, tortuos- relative thick sections that most likely will be covered by the
ity and multiple fractures. propped fracture. For example, a 6° deviation between the well
and PFP over 100 ft provides a 10-ft offset and the potential for
Deviated and Horizontal Wellbores/Vertical Fracture. The de- more than one dominant fracture. Detrimental multiple fractures
sired fracture geometry for an arbitrarily oriented deviated well is occur when they overlap, causing their width to decrease in the
to initiate a single biwing fracture along the perforated length of overlapped region. This region is likely near the center of the
the wellbore that then gradually turns into the PFP. If the wellbore perforated zone. Assuming vertical coverage of a zone by the
is in the PFP, then the fracture initiates from the top/bottom per- propped fracture, the limiting effects for reducing the interval are:
forations, and thus, 180° guns oriented up/down are recom- achieving sufficient hole density and the resulting converging flow
mended. The use of oriented 180° phased guns has successfully for the subsequent production. Another consideration for limiting
been used by ARCO on deviations up to 65°. 14-16 The guns were the perforated section near the center of a zone is to assist vertical
aligned in the plane of minimum tangential compressive confinement of a tip screenout treatment 共TSO兲. The limited sec-
stress.17-19 Recent laboratory experiments by van de Ketterij20 tion increases the vertical exposure of the slurry to fluid loss,
confirms these field observations. If the stress direction is not which increases the concentration and promotes competent bridg-
known, then a vertical, up/down orientation is suggested. See the ing during the increased pressure portion of the TSO.
following section to ensure that the casing hole diameter on top
meets the required size. Large Stress Contrasts. Large horizontal stress contrasts favor
As the wellbore is rotated azimuthally about the PFP, the 60° phased guns to minimize the perforation-to-PFP alignment.
length of the intersection of the PFP with the wellbore decreases Lack of alignment increases the fracture initiation pressure and
with a minimum occurring at a 90° rotation 共the PFP and the enhances the microannulus pinch point effect.
plane through the top to bottom of the wellbore are at 90°兲. The
perforated interval should be continually decreased as the combi- Shot Density and Hole Diameter. Minimum shot density is de-
nation of well deviation and azimuth becomes less favorable. For termined by the perforation casing hole diameter, injection rate
more favorable orientations, 10-ft perforated intervals would be per perforation, desired perforation friction pressure and fluid
reasonable to minimize the initiation of nonlinking multiple frac- properties. The perforation friction pressure for noncrosslinked
tures. For wellbore deviation greater than about 75° 共horizontal fluids is given by the following equation:
well兲, perforations should be clustered in a short length, less than
3 ft with maximum shot density and multiple phase angles to p p f ⫽0.237* ␳ * 关 q/ 共 C d* d 2 兲兴 2 , 共1兲
maximize perforation communication with the fracture.21,9 This where ␳ is fluid density in lbm/gal, q is injection rate in bbl/min/
limited interval, with sufficient zonal isolation from the cement, perforation, C d is the dimensionless discharge coefficient, and d is
enhances the propagation of only one dominant fracture. Staged the perforation casing diameter in inches. Lord et al.26 provide
multiple fractures through cemented casing have been successful tables of C d for different perforation sizes and fluid types plus an
in horizontal wells drilled perpendicular to the PFP.22-24 additional pressure drop for crosslinked gels. Shah et al.27 gave
further correlations with viscosity for linear polymer solutions,
Other Perforating Considerations for Fracturing crosslinked gels and fracturing slurries. Fig. 4 gives the injection
Penetration Depth. Perforation penetration beyond 4 to 6 in. 共10 pressure drop vs. casing hole diameter for water based systems
to 15 cm兲 into the formation is not required for fracturing because where C d is given by
fracture initiation from a perforation generally begins near the
C d ⫽ 共 1⫺e ⫺2.2D/ ␮ 兲 0.4,
sandface and propagates toward the preferred fracture plane.7 Gun 共2兲

230 L.A. Behrmann and K.G. Nolte: Perforating Requirements SPE Drill. & Completion, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1999
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Fig. 4–Injection rate vs. perforation diameter.

where ␮ is the apparent viscosity in cp. and thus shots/ft for a given pump rate and perforated interval. For
Unless a perforating gun is centralized, the perforation casing- an acceptable perforation friction, one can trade off casing-hole
hole diameters are a function of gun phasing. This means that the diameter and shot density for a given total injection rate. Except
injection rate is different for different perforation diameters. For for limited-entry treatments, the perforation friction should be
example, a crosscasing perforation diameter equal to 0.7 of the minimized 共e.g., 25 psi兲 to reduce unnecessary fluid shear and
near-casing perforation diameter has 0.49 the injection rate of the proppant damage.
near-casing perforation. An average perforation diameter can be
calculated as follows:

再兺 冎
Frac and Pack and High-Rate Water Packs
i⫽n 0.5
Perforating requirements for frac-packs and high-rate water packs
具d典⫽ d i2 /n , 共3兲 are the same as for an internal gravel pack 共IGP兲. This is to assure
a good gravel pack if the planned fracture placement is not com-
where n is the number of effective casing holes. pleted successfully. Perforating requirements for a gravel pack
Fig. 5 provides typical hole size variation resulting from gun- have been driven by the need for a low production pressure drop
to-casing clearance. For specific gun and casing systems, the Ser- through the casing/cement tunnel that contains the packed gravel.
vice Company should provide data on the variation in casing en- If fines from the perforation and/or formation move into this tun-
trance hole size for different values of clearance. Also, during the nel during production and are not expelled into the wellbore, the
fracture treatment, the hole entrance becomes rounded, increasing gravel permeability is reduced and the pressure drop increases. An
the discharge coefficient. The hole size may also increase from optimum gun for an IGP would give maximum area open to flow
erosion by the frac sand.27 Both effects decrease perforation en- through the casing with the minimum hole diameter required for
trance friction. gravel placement. A gun with shots phased every 60° or 45° is
The hydraulic horsepower and surface treating pressure limits desired. Depending on expected flow rate per perforation 共re-
determine the maximum permissible treating rate Q. The number quired minimum pressure drop兲, guns using big hole charges at
of perforations in contact with the fracture determines the average 12, 16, and 21 spf would be used. Because of the low strength of
injection rate per perforation. For 0° and 180° phased guns, all sand-producing formations, large fracture widths with a corre-
perforations should contribute to the fracture. For a 120° phase sponding large microannulus are created, and minimize pinch
gun, only two-thirds of the perforations will likely communicate points. A treatment design and execution objective should be a
with the fracture, and for a 60° phased gun only one-third of the successful TSO fracture that packs back into the gravel pack to
perforations are likely effective. Appendix B provides an example ensure the large microannulus is also packed and creates an ex-
calculation to determine the minimum required number of shots ternal gravel pack, Fig. 6. The external pack provides a highly

Fig. 5–Casing hole diameter vs. water clearance.

L.A. Behrmann and K.G. Nolte: Perforating Requirements SPE Drill. & Completion, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1999 231
gradients required are a result of at least four events. First, the
dynamic fracture initiation is greater than static fracture initiation;
second, the near wellbore pore pressure does not increase as much
as in a static injection; third, residual ‘‘crushed’’ sand debris in
the perforation tunnel restricts both fluid injection and pressuriza-
tion of the perforation; and fourth, lack of a microannulus and the
perforations not aligned with the PFP initiates against a larger
stress. These effects result in required pressures two to three times
greater than conventional hydraulic fracturing.
Because experiments show no microannulus effect or parallel
Fig. 6–Illustration of a sucessfully packed-back-tip-screenout
multiple fractures, only tortuosity must be considered. For a ver-
tical well, a misaligned 0° phased gun would be the least accept-
able, whereas 60° or 120° phased guns provide the least tortuous
path 共Table 2兲. However, Petitjean et al.,33 reports mitigating the
conductive path between the fracture and perforation and is a tortuosity for modest strength formations by minimizing the liquid
primary benefit of frac packs. Issues of multiple fractures and to that necessary for fracture initiation and using the nitrogen to
tortuosity do not arise because of the erosive nature of the pumped extend the fracture and erode any near-wellbore tortuosity. This

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fluid and gravel on the weak formation. To minimize the chance should be applicable for both vertical and deviated wells. Also,
of a void within the IGP, the frac-packed interval should not ex- Snider et al.,32 report the use of a proppant carrier to erode near-
ceed about 100 ft. However, the use of alternate path screens has wellbore tortuosity and improve near-wellbore fracture conductiv-
extended the frac-packed interval to hundreds of feet.28 Consistent ity, however the fracture width is generally insufficient for prop-
with the goal of achieving a competent IGP, if the fracture place- pant entry.33
ment is not completed successfully, standard practice is to perfo- In general, perforating considerations for EOB in vertical wells
rate the complete gravel-packed section. are similar to those given for no microannulus. The perforating
recommendations for deviated and horizontal wells are also simi-
Fracturing for Sand Control Without Gravel Pack lar. A detailed discussion of extreme overbalance perforating is
Screens found in Ref. 34.
Fracturing for sand control without gravel-pack screens can be
accomplished by pretreating the formation or post-treating the Nomenclature
proppant with resin, pumping curable-resin-coated proppant
and/or pumping chopped fibers with the proppant. Except for a Cd ⫽ discharge coefficient, dimensonless
resin pretreatment, these techniques fix or control proppant flow- d ⫽ perforation casing diameter, in.
back and provide a filter to prevent sand production. Because dw ⫽ wellbore diameter, in.
there is no gravel in the casing/cement tunnel to restrict flow, the E ⫽ Young’s modulus, psi
perforation requirements are different than for frac-pack opera- n ⫽ number of effective casing holes
tions. The perforating objective, beyond hole size for the prop- pm ⫽ microannulus pressure, psi
pant, is to eliminate any nonessential perforations that could pro- pp ⫽ far field reservoir pressure, psi
duce formation sand. Therefore, for all well deviations, a limited ppf ⫽ perforation friction pressure, psi
perforated section, 共e.g., 20 ft or less兲 with either 0° or 180° ⌬p ⫽ pressure change, psi
phased guns aligned with the PFP determined before the treat- q ⫽ injection rate, bbl/min/perforation
ment, are recommended. As with a frac-pack, a design and execu- Q ⫽ maximum permissible treating rate
tion objective should be to achieve a TSO that packs back to fill ␯ ⫽ Poisson’s ratio, dimensionless
the expanded microannulus with proppant, and for the screenless w ⫽ microannulus width, in.
case, with the proppant treated for flowback control to create a ␮ ⫽ apparent viscosity, cp
competent external-pack that controls the formation sand. Again, ␳ ⫽ fluid density, lbm/gal
because of the weak rock, the pumped fluids wash away any near-
wellbore restrictions. 0° phased guns should be used when the References
guns cannot be aligned with the PFP to eliminate any nonessential 1. Nolte, K.G.: ‘‘Principles for Fracture Design Based on Pressure
perforations. Analysis,’’ SPEPE 共February 1988兲 22; Trans., AIME, 285.
2. Nolte, K.G.: ‘‘Application of Fracture Design Based on Pressure
Analysis,’’ SPEPE 共February 1988兲 31; Trans., AIME, 285.
Extreme Overbalance Stimulation 3. Daneshy, A.A.: ‘‘Experimental Investigations of Hydraulic Fracturing
Extreme overbalance 共EOB兲 has been defined as either the appli- Through Perforations,’’ JPT 共October 1973兲 1201; Trans., AIME,
cation of a very high overbalance pressure during the perforating 255.
process or a very high pressure ‘‘surging’’ of existing perfora- 4. Warpinsky, N.R.: ‘‘Investigation of the Accuracy and Reliability of
tions. Other names have also been used: rapid overpressured per- In Situ Stress Measurements Using Hydraulic Fracturing in Perfo-
foration extension by ARCO and ‘‘high energy’’ stimulation by rated Cased Holes,’’ 1983 U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, June
Marathon. EOB utilizes pressurized gas 共usually nitrogen兲 to in- 1983.
ject various fluid systems into the formation at pressure gradients 5. Romero, J., Mack, M.G., and Elbel, J.L.: ‘‘Theoretical Model and
Numerical Investigation of Near-Wellbore Effects in Hydraulic Frac-
from 1.4 to 2.0 psi/ft. The primary objective is to create fractures turing,’’ paper SPE 30506 presented at the 1995 SPE Annual Tech-
either as a prehydraulic fracture treatment or as a dynamic fluid nical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 22–25 October.
diversion.29,30 6. Behrmann, L.A. and McDonald, B.: ‘‘Underbalance or Extreme
Early publications29 suggested that effective multiple fractures Overbalance,’’ SPEPE 共August 1999兲 187.
were created from all perforations. However, additional full-scale 7. Behrmann, L.A. and Elbel, J.L.: ‘‘Effect of Perforations on Fracture
laboratory fracture initiation experiments6,31 plus field tests32 con- Initiation,’’ JPT 共May 1991兲 608; Trans., AIME, 291.
firm that although fractures may initiate from many perforations, 8. Mason, J.N. et al.: ‘‘Block Tests Model the Near-Wellbore in a Per-
only a single biwing fracture is propagated from those perfora- forated Sandstone,’’ paper SPE 28554 presented at the 1994 SPE
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 25–28
tions nearest the PFP. Furthermore, there is no evidence of the
initiation of parallel multiple fractures. All fractures initiate from 9. Abass, H.H. et al.: ‘‘Oriented Perforations-A Rock Mechanics
the perforations, with the primary fracture from the perforations View,’’ paper SPE 28555, presented at the 1994 SPE Annual Tech-
nearest the PFP. It is assumed that the sudden pressurization of the nical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 25–28 September.
wellbore casing closes any microannulus prior to hydraulic com- 10. Stadulis, J.M.: ‘‘Development of a Completion Design to Control
munication away from the perforations. The high fracture pressure Screenouts Caused by Multiple Near-Wellbore Fractures,’’ paper SPE

232 L.A. Behrmann and K.G. Nolte: Perforating Requirements SPE Drill. & Completion, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1999
29549 presented at the 1995 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional/Low 33. Petitjean, L. et al.: ‘‘Well Productivity Improvement Using Extreme
Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, Colorado, 20–22 Overbalanced Perforating and Surging-Case History,’’ paper SPE
March. 30527 presented at the 1995 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
11. Nolte, K.G.: ‘‘Discussion of Influence of Geologic Discontinuities on Exhibition, Dallas, 22–25 October.
Hydraulic Fracture Propagation,’’ JPT 共August 1987兲 998; Trans., 34. ‘‘The Schlumberger Oilfield Review,’’ Autumn 共1996兲.
AIME, 283.
12. Aud, W.W. et al.: ‘‘The Effect of Viscosity on Near-Wellbore Tor-
tuosity and Premature Screenouts,’’ paper SPE 28492 presented at the
1994 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Or- Appendix A— Propagating A Microannulus During
leans, 25–28 September. Formation Breakdown
13. Cleary, M.P. et al.: ‘‘Field Implementation of Proppant Slugs to For normal completion practices, the creation of a microannulus
Avoid Premature Screen-Out of Hydraulic Fractures With Adequate should be anticipated during the breakdown process. The mi-
Proppant,’’ paper SPE 25892 presented at the 1993 SPE Rocky croannulus results from the same mechanics that govern the
Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoir Symposium, Denver, propagation of a hydraulic fracture, but on a smaller scale and
Colorado, 12–14 April.
confined to the annular circumference of the cement’s interface
14. Pearson, C.M. et al.: ‘‘Results of Stress-Oriented Perforating in Frac-
turing Deviated Wells,’’ JPT 共January 1992兲 10; Trans., AIME, 293. with the well. The affected annular interface can either be that of
15. Pospisil, G., Carpenter, C.C., and Pearson, C.M.: ‘‘Impact of Oriented the cement and the casing or the cement and the formation. The

Downloaded from by PT Medco E&P Indonesia, Martin Rylance on 09 October 2022
Perforating on Fracture Stimulation Treatments: Kuparuk River Field, formation interface is more prospective because of the mudcake
Alaska,’’ paper SPE 29645 presented at the 1995 Western Regional remaining between the cement and formation.
Meeting, Bakersfield, California, 8–10 March. A hydraulic fracture, or a microannulus, can propagate when
16. Vincent, M.C. and Pearson, C.M.: ‘‘The Relationship Between Frac- fluid of sufficient pressure energizes a prospective flaw and the
tured Well Performance and Hole Deviation,’’ paper SPE 29569 pre- flaw is embedded in a deformable environment. Flaws of this type
sented at the 1995 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional/Lower Permeabil- exist in the cement interfaces and around perforation tunnels and
ity Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, Colorado, 20–22 March. are in communication with the wellbore fluid. These flaws can
17. Yew, C.H. and Li, Y.: ‘‘Fracturing of a Deviated Well,’’ SPEPE originate in the mudcake, which can rehydrate by capillary action
共November 1988兲 429; Trans., AIME, 285.
from the wellbore fluid or in a region of mechanical alteration
18. Yew, C.H., Schmidt, J.H., and Li, Y.: ‘‘On Fracture Design of Devi-
ated Wells,’’ paper SPE 19722 presented at the 1989 SPE Annual
around the perforation tunnel. As the wellbore is pressurized dur-
Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 8–11 Oc- ing breakdown, the fluid in the prospective flaw is also pressur-
tober. ized, increasing the width of the flaw by compressing the material
19. Yew, C.H. et al.: ‘‘On Perforating and Fracturing of Deviated Cased surrounding the flaw and allowing more fluid to enter and extend
Wellbores,’’ paper SPE 26514 presented at the 1993 SPE Annual the flaw. For the microannulus, the relevant surrounding material
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, 3–6 October. is the rock containing the wellbore and the casing confining the
20. van de Ketterij, R.G.: ‘‘Raw Data of Hydraulic Fracturing Model cement. Increased fluid pressure in the annulus compresses the
Tests-Series 5,’’ test report, Delft U. of Technology 共April 1996兲. rock and enlarges the wellbore radius. Similarly, the casing radius
21. Abass, H.H., Saeed, H., and Meadows, D.L.: ‘‘Nonplanar Fracture changes as the internal pressure and external-annular pressure
Propagation From a Horizontal Wellbore: Experimental Study,’’ pa- change. The deformation of the cement sheath is relatively small
per SPE 24823 presented at the 1992 SPE Annual Technical Confer-
and can be considered as part of the rock containing the wellbore.
ence and Exhibition, Washington, DC, 4–7 October.
22. Baumgartner, W.E. et al.: ‘‘Fracture Stimulation of a Horizontal Well The annular width results from the combined radial deformation
in a Deep, Tight Gas Reservoir: A Case History From Offshore The of the borehole and casing.
Netherlands,’’ paper SPE 26795 presented at the 1993 Offshore Eu- The evolution of the flaw’s geometry is similar to that for a
rope Conference, Aberdeen, 5–8 September. hydraulic fracture originating from a point source of injected fluid.
23. Chambers, M.R., Mueller, M.W., and Grossmann, A.: ‘‘Well 䊉 The flaw opens and propagates when the energizing pressure

Completion Design and Operations for a Deep Horizontal Well With exceeds a ‘‘closure pressure,’’ equaling the stress tending to close
Multiple Fractures,’’ paper SPE 30417 presented at the 1995 Offshore the flaw. For a typical cement composition prior to the break-
Europe Conference, Aberdeen, 5–8 September. down, the stress in the cement sheath is essentially hydrostatic and
24. Abou-Sayed, I.S. et al.: ‘‘Multiple Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in about equal to the reservoir pressure of the formation. Therefore,
a Deep Horizontal Tight Gas Well,’’ paper SPE 30532 presented at
under normally pressured conditions, the flaw’s closure pressure
the 1995 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
22–25 October.
is about the same as the hydrostatic pressure of the completion
25. Gruesbeck, C. and Collins, R.E.: ‘‘Particle Transport Through Perfo- fluid and the flaw can begin to propagate as the breakdown begins.
䊉 The flaw initially extends in a radial geometry from the per-
rations,’’ SPEJ 共December 1982兲 857.
26. Lord, D.L. et al.: ‘‘Study of Perforation Friction Pressure Employing foration tunnel. Actually, extending annular flaws originate from
a Large-Scale Fracture Simulator,’’ paper SPE 28508 presented at the most of the perforations. The mechanics, describing the flaw’s
1994 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Or- deformation, are relatively complex during this early stage. The
leans, 25–28 September. complexity results from the multiple regions of localized pressure
27. Shah, S.N. et al.: ‘‘New Correlations for Perforation Pressure Loss,’’ acting on the curved surfaces of the casing and borehole.
GRI Technical Summary, GRI-96/0208, 1996. 䊉 After some period, the individual radial patterns coalesce into
28. Jones, L.G. et al.: ‘‘Gravel Packing Horizontal Wellbores with Leak-
one microannulus around the complete circumference of the ce-
Off Using Shunts,’’ paper SPE 38640 presented at the 1997 SPE
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas,
ment sheath. At this stage, the annulus is analogous to a confined
5–8 October. height PKN fracture 共that is, the height equals the wellbore cir-
29. Handren, P.J., Jupp, T.B., and Dees, J.M.: ‘‘Overbalance Perforating cumference兲 and can begin to extend up and/or down along the
and Stimulation Method for Wells,’’ paper SPE 26515 presented at wellbore until breakdown of the formation by a hydraulic fracture.
the 1993 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, For this latter stage, the mechanics governing the annular width
3–6 October.
in the perforated section become relatively simple. The simplicity
30. Dees, J.M. and Handren, P.J.: ‘‘A New Method of Overbalanced
Perforating and Surging of Resin for Sand Control,’’ JPT 共May 1994兲 comes from several sources. The expressions for the change in
431. radii of the casing and wellbore can be determined from special-
31. Willson, S.M.: ‘‘Maximizing Completions Efficiency Through High ized cases for the elastic deformation of a thick-wall cylinder. The
Overbalanced Perforating,’’ report CEA 61 Phase I, TerraTek 共Feb- multiple-connecting perforations provide fluid with minimal pres-
ruary 1995兲. sure gradients in the annulus. As a result, the pressures inside and
32. Snider, P.M., Hall, F.R., and Whisonant, R.J.: ‘‘Experiences With outside the casing become essentially equal, with no change of the
High Energy Stimulations for Enhancing Near-Wellbore Conductiv- casing diameter, and the annular width depends only on the
ity,’’ paper SPE 35321 presented at the 1996 SPE International Pe- change in radius for the borehole
troleum Conference and Exhibition of Mexico, Villahermosa,
Mexico, 5–7 March. w⫽ 共 1⫹ v 兲 d w 共 p m ⫺p p 兲 /2E, 共A-1兲

L.A. Behrmann and K.G. Nolte: Perforating Requirements SPE Drill. & Completion, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1999 233

Phase EH (2-1/2 BH) EH (3-3/8 DP) Actual Minimum SPF

SPF Pressure Using EH
API Data 0.61 in. 0.40 in. Using Drop Using from Table B-2,
0° 0.58 in. 0.38 in. Gun/Phase API EH API EH ⌬ p ⫽25 psi
60° and 300° 0.58 in. 0.37 in.
120° and 240° 0.49 in. 0.30 in. 2-1/2 BH 0.86 spf 70.5 psi 1.5 spf
180° 0.36 in. 0.27 in. 180°
2-1/2 BH 2.57 spf 70.5 psi 4.5 spf
3-3/8 DP 2.18 spf 58.5 psi 3.4 spf
where w is the microannulus width 共in.兲, ␯ is Poisson’s ratio 共di-
3-3/8 DP 6.53 spf 58.5 psi 10.0 spf
mensionless兲, d w is wellbore diameter 共in.兲, E is Young’s modulus 60°
共psi兲, p m is microannulus pressure 共psi兲, and p p is the far field
reservoir pressure 共psi兲.
As an example consider Eq. A-1 for a bottomhole pressure

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increase of 2000 psi over the hydrostatic pressure, a borehole
䊉 Calculate average hole diameter for 180° and 60° phasings
diameter of 7 in., and the rock modulus and Poisson’s ratio of 1
⫹E6 psi and 0.2, respectively. For these conditions, the hole ra- using Eq. 3. Because the effective shots are always pairs of holes
dius and microannulus width increase by about 0.009 in. 共or the at 180° phasing, n⫽2. For example, the average hole diameter for
thickness of several sheets of normal writing paper兲. The hydrau- the 2-1/2 big hole for the 0° to 180° is
lic conductivity of such a microannulus is significant when
coupled with a large pressure differential 共for example, 2000 psi兲 具 d 典 ⫽ 关共 0.582 ⫹0.362 兲 /2兴 0.5⫽0.482.
and a low-viscosity fluid: for example, less than 0.4 cp for
Table B-2 gives the average hole diameters.
completion brine at representative bottomhole temperatures. 䊉 For both the 180° and 60° phased guns, use the average hole
The conductivity microannulus created during the breakdown
diameters for the 0°/180° pairs. Because the guns are not ori-
pressurization provides the same pressure and fracture initiation
ented, we do not know if the PFP will be closest to the 0°/180° or
environment as an openhole. For a vertical well, it enhances the
60°/240° perforation pairs, thus a worst-case condition is used
creation of a single fracture in the preferred fracture plane,
共smaller average holes兲. Use Eq. 1 to calculate the average flow
whereas for a deviated well, the openhole environment enhances
rate per perforation: 0.70 bbl/min for EH⫽0.482 and 0.30 bbl/min
the creation of the dominate fracture along the wellbore axis that
for EH⫽0.33. The flow rates for the API holes are 1.17 and 0.46
eventually aligns with the preferred fracture plane, as illustrated in
bbl/min, respectively, for EH⫽0.61 and 0.40 in. Divide these flow
Fig. 2.
rates into the total injection rate of 20 bbl/min to obtain the mini-
mum number of effective holes: 29 for the 2-1/2 BH and 67 for
Appendix B— Calculation of Minimum Shot Density for the 3-3/8 DP. To obtain the total number of holes multiply the
Fracture Stimulation effective holes by the phasing deficiency which is 1 for 180°, 1.5
The following calculations illustrate the process and importance for 120° and 3 for 60° phased guns and then divide by the 20 ft of
of calculating perforation friction pressure drop and using the ac- perforated interval to obtain the minimum required shot density.
tual downhole perforation casing hole diameters. Table B-3 summarizes these final numbers.
䊉 Problem statement: Given the maximum injection rate and 䊉 Check the required shot density and phasing with that avail-

length of perforated interval, calculate the required shot density able. Most 2-1/2 and 3-3/8 guns are built with 6 spf at 60° phasing
for two gun systems for both 180° and 60° phasings. Calculate the and can be downloaded to 2 spf at 180° and 3 spf at 120°. The 10
pressure drop if API entrance hole 共EH兲 data are used instead of spf 3-3/8 gun at 60° phasing does not exist with the DP charge
downhole data. used in this example; the maximum shot density is 6. This would
䊉 Given: Maximum injection rate⫽20 bbl/min, perforated result in a pressure drop of 70.8 psi. All other spf/phasings would
interval⫽20 ft, gun one⫽2-1/2 big hole with API EH⫽0.61 in., be special orders, requiring lead time and advanced planning.
gun two⫽3-3/8 deep penetrator with API EH⫽0.40 in., casing
size⫽5.5 in., 21 lbm/ft, Q125, and maximum 25-psi perforation Lawrence A. Behrmann is Scientific Advisor and Manager of
friction pressure drop. Perforating Research with Schlumberger Reservoir Comple-
䊉 Obtain perforated casing hole diameters vs. phase angle from tions in Rosharon, Texas. e-mail: Behr-
service company, as in Table B-1. mann holds a BS degree from the U. of California, Berkeley,
and an MS degree from Lehigh U. He was a member of the
1993–94 Forum Series in North America Steering Committee.
Kenneth G. Nolte is an engineering advisor with Dowell in
Sugar Land, Texas. e-mail:
TABLE Bⴚ2– AVERAGE CASING HOLE DIAMETERS He holds a BS degree in civil engineering from the U. of Illinois
and a PhD degree in solid mechanics from Brown U. Nolte, a
Phase Pair 2-1/2 BH 3-3/8 DP
Distinguished Member and the 1992 recipient of the Lester C.
0°/180° 0.482 in. 0.33 in. Uren Award, was a 1986–87 Distinguished Lecturer and a
60°/240° 0.537 in. 0.34 in. member of the 1995–96 Forum Series in North America Steering

234 L.A. Behrmann and K.G. Nolte: Perforating Requirements SPE Drill. & Completion, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1999

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