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Which of the following sentences express NO obligation

A.I have to inform my teacher why I was absent.
B. I mustn't inform my teacher why I was absent.
C. I should inform my teacher why I was absent.
D.I don't have to inform my teacher why I was absent.

2. Which of the following sentences express permission?

A.You should ask questions after the discussion.
B. You may ask questions after the discussion.
C. You have to ask questions after the discussion.
D.You can't ask questions after the discussion.

3. Which of the following sentences express advice?

A.You can inform your teacher why you were absent.
B. You must inform your teacher why you were absent.
C. You should inform your teacher why you were absent.
D.You don't have to inform your teacher why you were absent.

4. What does it mean when you have read the sign: NO ID, NO ENTRY in your school.
A.You can enter school without ID.
B. You must not enter school without ID.
C. You must enter school without ID.
D.You should enter school without ID.

5. You heard the news that Gov. Jonvic Remulla prohibits the selling and drinking of liquors in the entire province of Cavite
when you see your friends drinking alcohol in your street . What will you tell them in casual manner?
A."You can't drink alcohol because there is liquor ban."
B. "You have to drink alcohol because there is liquor ban."
C. "You may not drink alcohol because there is liquor ban."
D."You should not drink alcohol because there is liquor ban."

6. As a concerned citizen, what will you advise to your friend who usually throws garbage anywhere for him/her to take the
right action?
A."We should help maintain the cleanliness of our environment."
B. "We may help maintain the cleanliness of our environment."
C. "We can help maintain the cleanliness of our environment."
D."We must help maintain the cleanliness of our environment."

7. You want to ask permission from your mother to visit your friend whom you haven't seen for a long time but your place is
under MECQ. What will she say to you?
A."You can't leave now."
B. "You don't have to leave now."
C. "You can leave now."
D."You must leave now."
8. Which of the following modals completes this sentence: According to Sec. Leonor Briones, education ________________
continue even in times of crisis. (necessity)
B. Should
C. Can
D.Have to

9. Which of the following modals completes this sentence: Parents ____________ send their children to school. (obligation)
B. May
C. Have to

10. Which of the following modals completes this sentence: Children ___________ obey their parents. (moral obligation)
B. May
C. Have to
11. Which of the following modals completes this sentence: __________________ I go to school to submit my output? (asking
B. May
C. Have to
12. Which of the following modals completes this sentence: Only the parents or guardians _______________ go to school to
get the modules next week. (giving permission)
B. May
C. Have to
13. Your mother advised you to just stay at home and make a call to your friend. What did she say?
A."You have to call your friend instead of visiting her."
B. "You can call your friend instead of visiting her."
C. "You should call your friend instead of visiting her."
D."You must call your friend instead of visiting her."

14. What is the appropriate response based on the dialogue

Mae: Sorry, I did not come today as promised.
Nikka: It’s okay._______________________.
Mae: Thank you for understanding.
Nikka: Our safety is still the priority.
Mae: We have to follow the protocols.
Nikka: Yeah, you’re right.
A."You must worry about me."
B. "You can worry about me."
C. "You should worry about me."
D."You don't have to worry about me."

15. What is the appropriate response based on the dialogue?

Mark saw an old woman crossing the street. He approached her.
Mark: Can I help you carry your things.
Old woman: ___________________. Thank you.
Mark: You're welcome.
Old woman: I appreciate your kindness.
A."Yes, you should."
B. "No, you can't."
C. No, you may."
D.Yes, you can."

For 16-20
A. Permission
B. Obligation
C. Prohibition
D. No obligation

16. Seat belts must be worn by all the passengers as a part of the safety protocols.
A. Permission
B. Obligation
C. Prohibition
D. No obligation

17. You can always use my car whenever you needed to drive.
A. Permission
B. Obligation
C. Prohibition
D. No obligation

18. You can’t leave your bike in front of anyone’s house.

A. Permission
B. Obligation
C. Prohibition
D. No obligation

19. Visitors mustn’t park their cars in the staff car park.
A. Permission
B. Obligation
C. Prohibition
D. No obligation

20. May I see your ID please?

A. Permission
B. Obligation
C. Prohibition
D. No obligation

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