Letter of Permission NEMSU

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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

(Formerly Surigao del Sur State University)
Tagbina Campus
Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308
Email Address: sdssutc2010@yahoo.com
Website: www.sdssu.edu.ph

May 11, 2023


Dear Dr. _____________________:

Greetings of peace and solidarity!

The undersigned are presently conducting an action research entitled:


In this regard, the researchers would like to ask permission from your good office for the
approval of the implementation of the intervention in the identified grade level and section of
your institution. Also, as part of this research, the undersigned will be conducting a Key Informat
Interview to the subject teacher and class adviser to deepen the understanding of the said
teaching strategy.

The undersigned are fully aware that conducting research on your school premises requires
approval from the relevant authorities. Therefore, this is a formal request for your permission to
conduct the aforementioned study. The researcher is confident that the said study will be of
significant value to the academic community, and can assure you that they will adhere to all
ethical guidelines and protocols while conducting the study.

Attached are the copies of the approved research proposal and research instrument which
outline the objectives, methodology, and potential benefits of the said study.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by:

Research Adviser

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