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This chapter presents the analysis and results done in Department of Public Works and Highways




Rating Statement Mean Verbal Description

1. The employees are well compensated. 2.77 Moderately Manifested
2. The employees are satisfied with their salary. 2.63 Manifested
3. The employees receive their salaries on time. 3.07 Moderately Manifested
4. The employees received incentives and bonuses. 2.83 Moderately Manifested
5. The employees are given allowance. 2.90 Moderately Manifested
Over-all Mean 2.84 Moderately Manifested

Table 1 showed the mean distribution of respondents and the verbal description in terms

of payment with an over-all mean of 2.84 verbally described as “Moderately Manifested”. The

table also shows the items “The employees are well compensated” has the mean of 2.77 with the

verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that some employees think they are

moderately compensated. The employees are satisfied with their salary has the lowest mean of

2.63 with the verbal description of “Manifested”. This means that some employees are not satisfied

with their salaries. The employees receive their salaries on time has the highest mean of 3.07 with

the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means some employees don’t receive

their salaries on time. The employees received incentives and bonuses has the mean of 2.83 with

the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that some employees don’t receive

incentives and bonuses. The employees are given allowance has the mean of 2.90 with the verbal
description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that some employees are not given


According to Lemieux et al. (2009), the existing evidence shows that when there is a good

performance measures, performance-pay can enhance employee productivity and improve match

quality. However, the use of performance-pay is constrained by the quality of available

performance measures. As a consequence, a profit maximizing firm will introduce performance-

pay in a particular job only when the quality of the performance measure is sufficiently good.



Rating Statement Mean Verbal Description

1. The employees feel most secure in permanent Moderately Manifested
public jobs.
2. The employee felt least secure in temporary jobs 2.83 Moderately Manifested
3. The employee exhibits confidence in his/her Moderately Manifested
4. The employee shows trust and appreciation in Manifested
the work of others.
5. Public sector jobs are largely considered to be Moderately Manifested
the most secure.
Over-all Mean 2.79 Moderately Manifested

Table 2 showed the mean distribution of respondents and the verbal description in terms

of Job security with an over-all mean of 2.79 verbally described as “Moderately Manifested”. The

table also shows the items The employees feel most secure in permanent public jobs has the mean

of 2.80 with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that some employees

doesn’t feel most secure in permanent public jobs. The employee felt least secure in temporary
jobs has the mean of 2.83 with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that

some employees felt least secure in temporary jobs. The employee exhibits confidence in his/her

work has the highest mean of 2.87 with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This

means that some employees do not exhibit confidence in his/her work. The employee shows trust

and appreciation in the work of others has the lowest mean 2.67 with the verbal description of

“Manifested”. This means that some employees doesn’t show trust and appreciation in the work

of others. The Public sector jobs are largely considered to be the most secure has the mean of 2.80

with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that some employees do not

agree with the statement that public sector jobs are largely considered to be the most secure.

Miller et al. (2001) stated that job security has a considerable influence on worker

performance, and employees are less motivated to work when job security is poor. On the

investigations on the effects of job loss and having a job, job security has a considerable influence

on worker performance, and employees are less motivated to work when job security is poor.


Rating Statement Mean Verbal Description

1. The employees are satisfied with their chances for Moderately Manifested
2. The employees feel the opportunity to reach their full Moderately Manifested
potential in the organization.
3. The employees understand the criteria they must Moderately Manifested
meet to be promoted.
4. The company offer adequate opportunities for Moderately Manifested
promotions and career development.
5. The employee knows and understands the plans Moderately Manifested
designed by the organization.
Over-all Mean 2.97 Moderately Manifested

Table 3 showed the mean distribution of respondents and the verbal description in terms

of promotion with an over-all mean of 2.97 verbally described as “Moderately Manifested”. The

table also shows the items The employees are satisfied with their chances for promotion has the

mean of 3.07 with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that some

employees are not satisfied with their chances for promotion. The employees feel the opportunity

to reach their full potential in the organization has the lowest mean of 2.83 with the verbal

description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that some employees do not feel the

opportunity to reach their full potential in the organization. The employees understand the criteria

they must meet to be promoted has also the lowest mean of 2.83 with the verbal description of

“Moderately Manifested”. This means that some employees don’t understand the criteria they must

meet to be promoted. . The company offer adequate opportunities for promotions and career

development has the mean of 3.00 with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This

means that some employees do not think that the company offer adequate opportunities for
promotions and career development. The employee knows and understands the plans designed by

the organization has the highest mean of 3.13 with the verbal description of “Moderately

Manifested”. This means that some employees doesn’t completely knows and understands the

plans designed by the organization.

(Kosteas et al. 2009) Promotions are also a significant component of a worker's career and

life, influencing other aspects of the job. They are a crucial component of labor mobility for

employees and usually accompanied by significant wage gains.


Independent Variable Mean Verbal Description

Indicator 1 2.84 Moderately Manifested
Indicator 2 2.79 Moderately Manifested
Indicator 3 2.97 Moderately Manifested
Grand Mean 2.87 Moderately Manifested

Table 4 showed the summary of the results in the Diversification Strategies. Based on the

results it has a grand mean of 2.87 verbally described as “Moderately Manifested”. The indicator

1 (payment) has the mean of 2.84 with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This

means that the Motivational Factor in payment is observed effective. The indicator 2 (job security)

has the lowest mean of 2.79 with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means

that the Motivational Factor in job security is observed effective. The indicator 3 (promotion) has

the highest mean of 2.97 with the verbal description of “Moderately Manifested”. This means that

the Motivational Factor in promotion is observed effective.



Rating Statement Mean Verbal Description

1. The employees fancy the company of others 2.93 Very Satisfactory
2. The employees perform better when working with Very Satisfactory
3. The employees very relaxed and confident while Satisfactory
speaking in public
4. The employees interact with almost everyone in the Very Satisfactory
5. The employees prefer making inquiries by asking Very Satisfactory
people rather than reading about it.
Over-all Mean 3.01 Very Satisfactory

Table 5 showed the mean distribution of respondents and the verbal description in terms

of promotion with an over-all mean of 3.01 verbally described as “Very Satisfactory”. The table

also shows the items The employees fancy the company of others has the mean of 2.93 with the

verbal description of “Very Satisfactory”. This means that some employees fancy the company of

others. The employees perform better when working with others has the highest mean of 3.20 with

the verbal description of “Very Satisfactory”. This means that some employees perform better

when working with others. The employees very relaxed and confident while speaking in public

has the lowest mean of 2.73 with the verbal description of “Satisfactory”. This means that some

employees are very relaxed and confident while speaking in public. The employees interact with

almost everyone in the workplace has the mean of 3.13 with the verbal description of “Very

Satisfactory”. This means that some employees do not interact with almost everyone in the

workplace. The employees prefer making inquiries by asking people rather than reading about it
has the mean of 3.03 with the verbal description of “Very Satisfactory”. This means that some

employees do not prefer making inquiries by asking people rather than reading about it.

Extraversion is one of the five-factor model's qualities, although it has also been included

in many other personality theories. Extraversion defines energetic persons who are gregarious,

chatty, and forceful (McCrae and Costa 2003,) assert that there are six facets of extraversion:

gregariousness, assertiveness, warmth, activity, excitement-seeking, and positive emotions.



Rating Statement Mean Verbal Description

1. When employees faced with a stressful situation, Satisfactory
they make themselves think about it in a way that 2.63
helps them stay calm.
2. The employees control their emotions by not Very Satisfactory
expressing them.
3. The employees are careful in expressing their Very Satisfactory
emotions when they are feeling positive.
4. The employees make sure not to express their Satisfactory
emotions when they negativity.
5. The employees are able to perform physical tasks Very Satisfactory
that they believed they are capable of doing makes 2.80
them feel happy or comfortable.
Over-all Mean 2.71 Satisfactory

Table 6 showed the mean distribution of respondents and the verbal description in terms

of promotion with an over-all mean of 2.71 verbally described as “Satisfactory”. The table also

shows the items When employees faced with a stressful situation, they make themselves think

about it in a way that helps them stay calm has the mean of 2.63 with the verbal description of

“Satisfactory”. This means that some employees when faced with a stressful situation, they make
themselves think about it in a way that helps them stay calm. The employees control their emotions

by not expressing them has the mean of 2.83 with the verbal description of “Very Satisfactory”.

This means that some employees do not control their emotions by not expressing them. The

employees are careful in expressing their emotions when they are feeling positive has the highest

mean of 2.90 with the verbal description of “Very Satisfactory”. This means that some employees

are not careful in expressing their emotions when they are feeling positive. The employees make

sure not to express their emotions when they negativity has the lowest mean of 2.40 with the verbal

description of “Satisfactory”.

This means that some employees do not make sure not to express their emotions when they

negativity. The employees are able to perform physical tasks that they believed they are capable

of doing makes them feel happy or comfortable has the mean of 2.80 with the verbal description

of “Very Satisfactory”. This means that some employees are able to perform physical tasks that

they believed they are capable of doing makes them feel happy or comfortable.

According to (Barrick and Mount, 2000) emotional stability, the counterpart of

neuroticism, is one of the Big Five factors. One of the Big Five is emotional stability, which is the

antithesis of neuroticism. After conscientiousness, it is regarded as the most relevant personality

characteristic in job situations, and it provides incremental validity in predicting performance

future achievement trumps general mental abilities.



Rating Statement Mean Verbal Description

1. The employees have a constant need to learn. 2.37 Satisfactory
2. The employees are open to new experiences. 2.47 Satisfactory
3. The employees always have the impression that new Satisfactory
things are for the best.
4. The employees allow themselves to change their Satisfactory
5. The employees adapt easily to unforeseen situations 2.53 Satisfactory
Over-all Mean 2.45 Satisfactory

Table 7 showed the mean distribution of respondents and the verbal description in terms

of promotion with an over-all mean of 2.45 verbally described as “Satisfactory”. The table also

shows the items The employees have a constant need to learn has the lowest mean of 2.37 with the

verbal description of “Satisfactory”. This means that some employees do not have a constant need

to learn. The employees are open to new experiences has the mean of 2.47 with the verbal

description of “Satisfactory”. This means that some employees are not open to new experiences.

The employees always have the impression that new things are for the best has the mean of 2.47

with the verbal description of satisfactory. This means that some employees don’t always have the

impression that new things are for the best. The employees allow themselves to change their ideas

has the mean of 2.40 with the verbal description of “Satisfactory”. This means that some

employees do not allow themselves to change their ideas. The employees adapt easily to

unforeseen situations has the highest mean of 2.53 with the verbal description of “Satisfactory”.

This means that some employees do not adapt easily to unforeseen situations.
According to (McLeod and MacDonell 2011) openness supports the alignment of goals

and expectations and assists team members in achieving a clear and mutual knowledge of the

project scope.


Dependent Variable Mean Verbal Description

Indicator 1 3.01 Very Satisfactory
Indicator 2 2.71 Satisfactory
Indicator 3 2.45 Satisfactory
Grand Mean 2.72 Satisfactory

Table 8 showed the summary of the results in the Diversification Strategies. Based on the

results it has a grand mean of 2.72 verbally described as “Satisfactory”. The indicator 1

(Extraversion) has the highest mean of 3.01 with the verbal description of “Very Satisfactory”.

This means that the Employee’s Performance is observed effective. The indicator 2 (emotional

stability) has the mean of 2.71 with the verbal description of “Satisfactory”. This means that the

Employee’s Performance is observed less effective. The indicator 3 (openness) has the lowest

mean of 2.45 with the verbal description of “Satisfactory”. This means that the Employee’s

Performance is observed less effective.

Table 9. Test of Significant Relationships between Independent Variable and

Dependent Variable

Independent Dependent Variable

Variable Indicator 4 Indicator 5 Indicator 6
Pearson p-value Pearson p-value Pearson p-
rho rho rho value
** ** **
Indicator 1 .552 .000 .731 .000 .641 .000 Significant
** ** **
Indicator 2 .717 .000 .808 .000 .740 .000 Significant
** ** **
Indicator 3 .748 .000 .817 .000 .812 .000 Significant
Correlation is significant at p-value ≤0.05 level of significance

Table 9 showed the test of significant relationships between independent variable and

dependent variable. It was found that there is a significant relationship since the p-value is less

than 0.05 level of significance which means reject the null hypothesis.

Kosteas, V.D. (2009), “Job level changes and wage growth.” International Journal of

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Lemieux, T., MacLeod, W. B., & Parent, D. (2009). Performance pay and wage inequality. The

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McCrae RR, Costa PT., Jr . (2003) Personality in adulthood: A Five-Factor Theory perspective.

2nd ed. New York: Guilford Press; 2003.

McLeod, L., & MacDonell, S.G. (2011) Factors that affect software systems development project

outcomes: a survey of research, ACM Computing Surveys

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