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Family Disowned Me #flushyourmeds … ;

Nothing New Or Special #flushyourmeds ... ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry … ;
You really want me to commit suicide and kill myself like
you keep sending me messages to KILL MYSELF LOL … ;
Also Guy who was Former CIA who also threatened me, I’m glad
you destroy peoples lives over First Amendment Activities such
as Whistle-blowing and Activism LOL, Goofs & Freemasons … ; ; ;
Thank you Sean Anderson a Freemason Gang Stalker for trying to
Open Credit in my name and Drain my Bank Account to near
Overdraft LOL, I responed back and froze Credit and renewed
Everything LOL, I know SEAN is just a Family Member of mine
LOL, they really are clever aren’t they LOL, I’m Done LOL … ;
Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce … ;
Gonna Be Homeless, Have Nothing, Loose My Bank Account,
Be kicked out of Banking For the rest of my life, etc … ;
My other Family Member is Stalking and Harassing me
Every Single Day and Night and does not want to be
recorded in the Act of Doing So No Mpegs he Says … ;
This other Family Member Browser Jacks my Internet,
I reconnect the WiFi , then the site finally loads LOL,
just some Kali Kiddie using Wireshark to Stalk me LOL … ;
No it was just a video I liked Not a Comment, I thumbed
up The Fullerton Informer and you disliked it Twelve Times
through your bot computer giving it only a One Point Three
Percent Like to Dislike Ratio LOL, you think you can hijack
a video and give it Fifty Percent Dislikes when Eight Hundred
Plus People Liked the Damn Video, and the Day to Day and
Night to Night Harassment plus Stalking is Annoying … ;
So they said they would shut down my bank account, disown
me, make me homeless, other things to me, force me to talk
when I can plead the fifth and ignore the day to day harassment
and other nonsense, Post an SF-24 Bid Bond and other things,
they only admit patients if they say stuff, if they plead the fifth
nothing much will happen, only thing that ever happened when
I did plead the fifth mentioned in Constitution was I had a cop
threaten to bash my brains with the handle of a gun in the
Psychiatric Unit LOL, and you people just make me laugh LOL,
also you really think you’re that powerful to stalk and harass people
all hours of the day seven days a week and keep a Freemasonic
Oath with the Communist Zersetzung Government aka Jewish
Stasi LOL, you all suck and you know it, I’m glad my family
disowned me, you still believe in those Eighty Plus Years of WWII
Lies and fail to understand what Usuruous or Usury is in our
Central Banking system, because you never read books and you
watch too much television, Usury is the biggest Sin of Sins that
even Hitler opposed in his Theological Doctrine, you guys are
making me laugh and I will have to accept that you are trying to
force me to become Homeless and loose my bank account and
BTW I have Akathisia and Restless Leg Syndrome, that is why
I pace LOL it’s called Psychiatric Drugs I take to get off of Jury
Duty LOL, BTW that was a Video Not a Comment, you got it
wrong on the Wireshark Scan you did LOL, you Freemasons
Sell Steroids and Meth to the General Population LOL, and
your Network Attack Browser Jack was stopped by Re-Connecting
the WiFi and Spoofing the Mac Address Again on Any Live OS
that erases itself upon every single reboot LOL … ;
Kali Kiddies My Ass, Noobs My Ass, you are wasting all this time
to stalk and harass random people you know nothing about LOL … ;
Also we kind of blended in, here is my dad’s GAB … ; ; ;
Lastly Here is My Gab … ; ;
You people simply are Narcissists who hat being recorded and only want
to go by a Freemasonic Oath to Stalk and harass 24/7/365 and you are
as Gay as Shane and Bran for stalking another Man LOL you Wanker … ;
I will continue this shit at the Public Library as a Homeless Man on an
I sent to the PO BOX I rented LOL, you really think you have it all to stalk
and harass me all day and night when I could literally ignore all of the
Passive Aggressive Narcissistic Shit and Plead the Fifth and then Post
Request an SF-24 Bid Bond and then keep pleading the fifth until the cops
bash my brains like they did or were about to during my psychiatric eval
and yeah, cops were about to bash my brains with a gun on the way to the
hospital, plus I’m white so yeah, race is a non-issue, and why they were
bash my brains was because I was white and pleading the fifth which is
mentioned in the US Constitution of the USA LOL, and you traitors do not
even understand the First Amendment and want to censor and scrub off
Internet which is basically the good press, I was being Cooked with
Energy Weapons and getting Voice To Skull and Ignoring all your Bull
and will continue to ignore all your passive aggressive harassment
Big EGO bull crap until the day I die, and if I have to kill myself suicide by
cop over pleading the fifth too much and getting my brains bashed with
a gun over a mental evaluation which BTW almost did happen I will do so,
Psychiatry is so much of a Pseudoscience Fraud that if you plead the fifth
during a Psych EVAL the cops will come and threaten to bash your brains
with a gun if you do not speak up LOL, that really shows you something
with the neglect for days, hot rooms, cold rooms, and diesel therapy, in real
prison they cut off your genitals, tie you to a chair and cattle prod you non
whilst macing you with restraints and I am referring to most american jails
as whistleblowers already know this and it goes against the geneva
yet all american prisons are exactly like this going against basic title
and you can see videos of all this, USA is no longer land of the Free and
of the Brave it became a Corporation in 1871 and was always and still is a
British Crown Colony, your rights do not actually exist, you people are
and full of shit about everything, Hitler got Germany out of a Banking
Debt and
that is the only crime he ever committed, He fixed Germany and got it out
poverty and was no way responsible for starting WWII that was actually
Communists Jews and Jewish Bankers that funded both WWI and WWII
so you
brainwashing lemmings stay in your own crowd of Ignorance is bliss LOL,
you realize it’s all about Usury in the Banks right so you fail on that point
too, and
then Israel, Zionism, Jews, Mossad, ADL, B’nai B’rith, Freemasonry is
for Censoring the Press and Internet and we all know this, so for that I am
done with
all of you, Martains destroyed this planet as Kyle Odom Claims in his
Manifesto and
you people fail to acknowledge the Jewish Supremacy that David Duke
even talks
about and listen to your lemming TV telling you to Ignore David Duke
LOL you
people are all GOOFs and even Tarl Warwick Styxhexenhammer666 said
is Bullshit in a video he made so you can keep up with this crap, so yeah, I
have my family disowning me soon, I will loose all bank accounts and be
out of banking, I will become Homeless, and will continue with
#flushyourmeds … ;
#flushyourmeds Psychiatry Kills and Causes Homelessness … ;
#flushyourmeds You Israeli Zionists are the Problem Talmud Torah … ;
#flushyourmeds The Talmud of Usury is the Worst Book Ever Written … ;
#flushyourmeds Hitler Fixed Usurious Germany, got it out of Banking
Debt … ;
#flushyourmeds The Holocaust is a Hoax, not to mention Denail Laws … ;
#flushyourmeds 911 was an Inside Job and Rite Aid Never Recycles … ;
#flushyourmeds The Mossad does False Flag Terror Attacks on US Soil … ;
#flushyourmeds Meaningless Wars for Zionism and Israel Mossad LOL
#flushyourmeds Even Larken Rose Said Fuck The Troops GG Allin LOL
#flushyourmeds This will be the Footer EOF file of this File … ;

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