Final Examination ECB20403. Mohamad Hafizuddin Bin Mohd Hanafiah (62212121043)

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Final Examination (ECB20403) E-Marketing

Name : Mohamad Hafizuddin bin Mohd Hanafiah

ID No : 62212121043

Class : IB20

Section A

Question 1 :

There are many reason for customers to abandon their shopping cart. One of the most common reason
is unexpected costs. Unexpected expenditures during the checkout process are the most common cause
for customers leaving their purchases. Previous case studies have shown that up to 56% of cart
abandoners do so due to unplanned charges; addressing this might cut your cart abandon rate in half,
with some case studies placing it closer to 60%. Unexpected charges include higher-than-anticipated
shipping prices, unexpected processing fees or taxes, and automated cross-sells. The example of
unexpected cost such as hidden shipping cost and hidden extra cost before the checkout. The second
reason is consumers have to create an account. When consumers click "Checkout Now," they intend to
buy the product. The greatest thing you can do is get out of their path. Redirecting them to a website
that screams, "Create Your Account Now!" is not only rude, but also completely unrelated to what they
intended to accomplish (i.e. buy a product). So get rid of the necessary account setup (or offer a "Check
Out as a Guest" option) and merely acquire their email address at the same time you get their shipping
details. Most customers won't mind as long as it feels like a natural part of the checkout process. Third
reason is no express shipping offer. Simply because you offer fixed, free, or promotional shipping to
combat hidden cost desertion does not mean you should not offer speedier delivery upgrades.
According to one survey, as many as 16% of buyers who abandoned their basket did so due to a lack of
faster delivery choices. Another source placed the figure as 26%. We can blame Amazon for the
increased demand for faster delivery, and you might be shocked at how many customers are prepared
to pay extra to obtain their things faster. The fourth reason is bad checkout process. There is no doubt
that your checkout procedure plays a significant part in why customers quit their online carts. According
to one example study, 26% do so because the checkout procedure is slow and/or complicated, while
another put the figure closer to 30%. The good news is that checkout optimization may be extremely
profitable for business owners; one report even predicts that checkout optimization might recover up to
$260 billion in revenues. The bad news is that it will take time and experimentation to get it right: to
simplify your navigation and ensure that your consumers like their buying experience. You want to make
your checkout experience as simple, user-friendly, and clear as possible, while simultaneously
demonstrating trustworthiness at all times. Many of the improvements in this post will apply to
checkout pages, allowing you to optimise your pages even while optimising for cart abandonment. The
fifth reason is payment security concerns. Payment security issues are another major reason why
customers quit their online shopping carts. Concerns about payment security account for up to 15% of
cart abandoners' reasons for not completing a purchase. Furthermore, one-third of online buyers avoid
purchasing from eCommerce sites owing to concerns about credit card fraud and data theft.
Question 2 :

Customer Relationship Management consists of a number of various components that must be present
in order for a firm to succeed. Every component is distinct in its own right and performs an important
and indisputable function in the process. One of them is salesforce automation. Customer relationship
management relies heavily on SalesForce Automation. This is one such component that most
commercial organisations do. Forecasting, sales processing, and keeping track of possible encounters
are all part of it. It aids in better understanding of income creation prospects, which is highly important.
The component also involves the analysis of sales estimates and worker performance. Numerous
components collaborate to make salesforce automation as a logical unit in order to accomplish an
overall increase in the development and expansion of the industry. Lead management, account
management, opportunity management, forecasting, pipeline analysis, contact management, activity
management, email management, and reporting are some of the primary components of the same.
Next is human resource management. Human resource management entails the effective and proper
use of human resources and abilities at the appropriate time and place. This necessitates ensuring that
the professionals' abilities and intellectual levels correspond to the responsibilities assigned to them in
their work descriptions. It is a necessary component not only for huge enterprises, but also for medium-
sized businesses. Adopting a successful people strategy entails researching the capabilities of the
workforce and the growth being created, and then planning and implementing the tactics required to
achieve progress. After that, lead management. Lead management, as the name indicates, relates to the
tracking and distribution of sales leads. The sales sectors, marketing organisations, and customer
executive centres profit the most from this CRM component. It include managing campaigns effectively,
creating customised forms, finishing mailing lists, and a variety of other tasks. An exhaustive research of
client buying habits as well as possible sales leads aids in capturing the greatest number of sales leads to
increase sales. Furthermore, customer service is one of the component. Customer Relationship
Management focuses on gathering customer information and data, as well as purchasing information
and trends, and distributing the obtained data to the appropriate and relevant departments. Customer
service is thus a crucial component of CRM. Almost all main departments, including sales, marketing,
and management, are needed to enhance their knowledge and comprehension of customer wants and
concerns. This surely causes the business or corporation to provide swift and ideal answers and
assistance to clients, as well as adapt to their demands, increasing the dependability and confidence of
customers and individuals in the organisation. Last but not least is marketing. Marketing is a crucial
component of Customer Relationship Management and refers to the promotional efforts used by a firm
to advertise their products. Marketing might be directed at a certain demographic as well as the broader
public. Marketing is the process of developing and implementing strategies to market a product.
Customer Relationship Management aids in the marketing process by enhancing and boosting the
efficacy of marketing and promotion initiatives. This is accomplished by observation and analysis of
potential clients. It is a component that carries several sub-elements or features with it. List
management, campaign management, activity management, document management, call management,
mass emails, and reporting are all important aspects of marketing. The utilisation of the aforementioned
characteristics differs from business to business depending on its nature, requirements, and target
Section B

Question 1 (a)


Your exact business's strengths will vary depending on your brand, geography, local market size, and so
on. It is critical to consider your brand and business strengths. Here are a few instances of brand

- Lack of competition - There will be minimal competition if you reside in a region where there are
few or no pet grooming businesses accessible. This suggests you have a significant market share
and a larger pool of potential clients.
- Experience - A lot of experience in pet grooming means you already have a high degree of ability
and can provide better service than competitors. Furthermore, having skilled employees will
minimise training time and boost customer satisfaction.
- Low cost - Depending on your company concept, you can minimise your start-up expenditures
to a minimal. Mobile groomers will require little equipment and will not be required to pay rent
for a business.
- Passion - Your enthusiasm for your job and love of animals will assist to improve the client
experience and boost positive feedback, which is extremely powerful PR.


No business strategy or brand is flawless, but by recognising flaws in your organisation, you may strive
to enhance your service quality.

- Lack of brand recognition - It is difficult for any new firm to establish itself, especially when the
market is crowded with existing names. Brand awareness may be improved through advertising
and smart marketing.
- Low budget - A new company's initial start-up costs might be quite high, especially if you're
operating a shop. You may check into business loans to assist you get your brand off the ground.
- Lack of business experience - It will take some time to find your feet as a business owner when
you enter a new market. Having a passion for pet grooming is crucial, but you will also need to
understand what it takes to run a successful business.
- No business links - Having excellent relationships with suppliers and business colleagues is
critical to the growth of your company. When you first start off, you will most likely have no
links, and it will take some time to build them up.


Once you get your business up and running and show people how fantastic you are with their furry pets,
there are a plethora of chances available to you, even in the early phases of development.

- Profit - Your love of animals will come first, but the possibility of making money in the future is
an added bonus. When your firm becomes profitable, it opens up a plethora of new prospects.
- Expansion - After establishing a presence in the market and growing your client base, you will be
able to expand by opening other sites or hiring more employees.
- Franchising - If you have a strong enough brand and a large enough customer base, you may
want to consider franchising and allowing other enthusiastic dog groomers to flourish under
your brand.


Although you can't always anticipate the future, it's vital to plan for the worst-case situation.

- Competition - One of the most significant risks to every new company initiative is competition. If
the local pet grooming industry is already saturated, you may have difficulty establishing your
brand at first.
- Increased cost - There is always the possibility of a rise in company and material expenses.
Utility bills may rise over time, and if you lease your building, the rent may fluctuate.
- Issues with the economy - Your pet grooming business, like any other, is vulnerable to economic
downturns. If local clients' household budgets are reduced, demand may fall.
- Sick days - Unfortunately, we all get ill from time to time, which means that if you need to take
time off, you may struggle to keep up with company operations. This is especially difficult if you
are a self-employed mobile pet groomer.

1 (b)

There are many objectives of this plan. First of all is profit. Profitability is the fundamental goal of every
business, and pet stores are no exception. These establishments sell pets, such as dogs, cats, rats,
guinea pigs, and birds, as well as a variety of pet supplies. Most pet stores have aisles stocked with food,
cages, toys, and even clothing and boots. To ensure that their sales income exceeds their expenditures,
pet store owners calculate the average cost per item as well as their rent, utilities, insurance, and other
company expenses, and then price their goods and services to surpass their investments. Next is
education. Some pet stores provide instructional materials, lectures, and demonstrations to educate pet
owners on a variety of issues. Dog training techniques, aquarium upkeep, avian breeding, and rabbit
grooming procedures are among the topics covered. Pet businesses and local animal welfare
organisations occasionally collaborate to give information about spaying and neutering pets, as well as
the benefits and drawbacks of pet adoption. Educating pet owners assists pet stores in meeting their
business goals by boosting potential sales to both new and existing pet owners. After that is pet care.
Grooming, behaviour training, and pet sitting are common services offered by pet stores. Shot and spay
clinics are frequently included in the services offered by pet stores, providing low-cost vaccines and
medical treatment. Pet retail businesses such as Petco occasionally provide mobile grooming services as
well as online pet first aid. Some pet stores provide self-service dog washing stations, complete with
shampoo, brushes, towels, and drying racks. Offering pet care services not only generates cash, but also
positions the pet store as a team of caring specialists. Lastly is community events. Some pet stores host
community meet-ups, such as a dachshund lovers' organisation, to foster intimate relationships with pet
owners and encourage them to gather. Costume parties or contests may also be held in stores, and pet
photography services may be provided. In Birmingham, Alabama, the Pet Shop "Plus" pet store hosts a
"Picture With Santa Paws" event shortly before Christmas, as well as a "AKC Responsible Dog Ownership
Day" in August. Organizing unique events or forming pet loving networks exposes the pet business to
new clients.

There are many methods or tools that would be used in promotion and marketing. One of it is make a
great impression of all time. The way you treat people in your everyday life is a crucial aspect of your
professional and personal brand, and it is essential for promoting your pet business. People you engage
with on a daily basis have the ability to spread positive word about you and your company, therefore
you want that relationship to be positive. Always respond to emails promptly and courteously, and
always answer the phone in a kind and welcome manner. Be respectful to the individuals in your
community with whom you have everyday contact. Other than that is become the go-to pet expert.
Starting a privately owned pet business has several benefits versus big-box, general retail stores that sell
pet supplies. Notably, one has the option of selecting one's own unique items and materials. Begin by
carrying items that are not widely available in your area and learning everything you can about them.
Examples of items to consider include natural pet food and pet care products, as well as items that solve
problems such as a slow feeder bowl that measures out a certain amount of food at intervals to slow
down a fast-eating pet, a special comb that eliminates the shedding of cat fur, or a pet video camera
that allows you to monitor your pet from work. Then is network with others in the industry. Above and
beyond your commercial aims, starting a pet shop entails creating mutually beneficial connections with
others. Join an organisation, such as the Independent Pet Retailers Association (IPRA) or the Pet Industry
Distributors Association (PIDA), and attend business events to keep up with the industry and understand
what the competitors is doing to keep their company afloat. After that is get involved in the community.
You and your pet store are part of a bigger picture. Participate and offer your time not only as part of
your pet store marketing strategy, but also because you actually care about others. Consider organising
or assisting with pet rescues and shelters, community cleanups, or being active in local school groups,
charities, and other organisations where you may meet people in your town. Last but not least is
creating a brand. An good marketing strategy for any firm also includes the creation of a brand, or a
distinguishing identity for the company. Belief in your pet store, products, and services, as well as in
yourself, is essential for company success. Consider what you have to offer that your competitor does
not, and how you can leverage on this in ways that benefit dogs and their owners. Above all, be sure
that every component of your pet company is of high quality.

1 (d)

Retained profits, loan capital, and equity capital are the three basic sources of finance. Retained
earnings from company operations are used by companies to expand or pay dividends to shareholders.
Businesses raise capital by either privately borrowing loans from a bank or going public (issuing debt
securities). Equity finance is obtained by swapping ownership rights for cash from equity investors.

1 (e)

This plan can be implemented by using this methods. Firstly, emphasize customer service. Paw puff will
set itself apart from other animal care facilities. We will position our company offering as a distinct and
feasible option for our target market. Secondly, build a relationship-oriented business. Build long-term
connections with clients rather than merely paying them a passing visit. Allow them to develop reliant
on paw puff in a variety of settings. Make them realise the importance of the partnership. Thirdly is
focus on target market. We must tailor our products to busy professionals who want to save time while
still enjoying convenience, a wide range of services, and ultimate pleasure. Last but not least is
differentiate and fulfill the promise. We must not only offer and sell services and products, but we must
also deliver them. We must ensure that we have the knowledge-intensive and service-intensive
businesses that we boast.

1 (f)

Here are some ways how social media influence the consumer variable behaviour. Number one is builds
product awareness. When it comes to raising awareness about a product, social media has a big impact
on customers. When people encounter a difficulty, they begin to look for a solution. However, most
customers do not sure which product or service would answer their difficulties. Every company wants to
influence customer behaviour. If your company does not have a social media presence, you are passing
up a crucial chance to influence customer purchasing behaviour. Next is social proof as a greater force of
buying decision. Social media has led in the emergence of social proof as a more powerful influence in
purchasing decisions. Persons's proclivity to copy the conduct of others around them, particularly
people who have power over them, has given rise to social proof. Customers who are pleased with a
product are more likely to praise it on social media with likes, shares, reviews, and comments.
Marketers are making the social sphere more transparent by revealing pleased customers' reviews,
comments, likes, tweets, and pins to build brand trust and enhance conversion rates. Sharing client
testimonials, case studies, images, comments, and videos can increase trust and will work well on your
landing page, consulting page, and sign-up page. After that is promotion, discount and deals on social
media. Many social media users have joined relevant social media groups/forums. When customers see
promos, discounts, and bargains on social media, it impacts their purchasing behaviour. Social media is a
low-cost platform that allows marketers to contact billions of active social media consumers instantly.
Brands should make certain that their target audience sees, loves, and shares their items on social
media, since this helps to influence customer behaviour. Lastly, social media influencer. When
consumers receive recommendations from someone they trust, they are more inclined to purchase.
Celebrities and well-known persons inspire and influence their audiences' purchasing decisions. By
generating more customers, influencer marketing may do wonders for your business. Many marketers
are substituting YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat influencers for celebrities. Customers appreciate it
when these internet celebrities provide unvarnished reviews on things.

1 (g)

The plan can be evaluated by using this methods. Number one is return on investment. When it comes
to marketing or any other business cost, the return on investment is always a key worry. The goal is to
see if the money you invested in your marketing strategy resulted in a profit. You must track the amount
spent on each campaign vs the number of sales generated by each campaign. You can compute an
overall measurement, but a more detailed breakdown by marketing endeavour will reveal which
initiatives were successful and which were not. Next is reviewing sales number. Reading the figures
might be the simplest and quickest approach to see if your strategy is working. For example, if your total
sales from June 1 to September 1 last year were $100,000 and your total sales this year were $150,000,
you may conclude that your present marketing strategy is working. Take into consideration any pricing
increases or business expansion, but overall, you are selling more than a year ago. After that is
customers responds and reaction. Customer response, in all of its forms, may assist you in determining
the kind of reactions your marketing elicits. Internet and in-person surveys, general customer service
reviews, and online criticism may all tell what your consumers think of your marketing and which efforts
are the most effective. Simple queries like "How did you hear about our seasonal sale?" might
demonstrate which initiatives are reaching customers and which market groups are buying.
Furthermore, marketing reach expansion. If your marketing reach is increasing, the most likely
explanation is the efficacy of your strategy. Marketing that spreads into new markets through consumer
referrals or organic expansion implies a profitable and popular product or experience as well as an
effective marketing message. The increase in your marketing budget is another indication that your
strategy is functioning effectively and has received greater business support. Other than that is
marketing partner response. Your marketing partners will provide feedback on the effectiveness of your
marketing strategy. The efficacy of your activities in respect to linked brands, suppliers, and vendors is
shown via partner feedback. Because they are frequently on the front lines and have more direct client
engagement, these non-team members may feel the impacts of a good campaign before you do. The
same is true for a negative report. If your partners are wondering when you will be launching fresh
marketing activities, it may be time to rethink your marketing strategy. After that is outside salespeople
feedback. Outside salespeople are an excellent indicator of marketing performance. Request input from
your soldiers in the field to assess if the message you're sending and the methods you're using to deliver
it are successful. In any event, you will receive advise, but if the feedback is very negative or customers
are entirely ignorant of your recent marketing efforts, your plan should be updated to better engage
existing clients and meet the demands of your sales force. Lastly, actions of competitors. When it comes
to the success or failure of your marketing strategy, the activities of your rivals are sometimes highly
telling. If competitors rush to replicate what you've done or strive to outdo your endeavours, your
strategy is succeeding. If your initiatives are generally disregarded or have an immediate unfavourable
response, there may be a problem or at the very least a question about what you've started.

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