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Types of baths:

1. Complete bed Bath- unable to leave the bed involves washing entire body.
2. Partial bath- done between complete baths, involves washing: face, hands,
underarms, and then perineal area.
3. Tub bath- relaxing method for those that can tolerate sitting in water.

Purpose of Bath

1. Bathing is an important part of personal hygiene.

2. Bathing cleanses the skin makes the patient more comfortable.
3. It stimulates the circulation and relaxes the patient.
4. It’s a good opportunity to serve the observe the client body and as well as
communicate with the patient.

Partial bath- it is the cleaning particular areas of the parts, such as face, axilla and
genitalia, upper and lower extremities.

Things that you need for sponge bath:

 Two large basin for the warm water

 Two kidney basin
 two towels
 one set of baby clothes
 mild baby soap
 cotton balls
 70% alcohol
 clean diapers

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