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Level of awareness and implementation of RA 10354: Responsible

Parenthood and Reproductive Health on selected parents in Barangay


Name (optional): ___________________________ Date: ______________

General Instructions: Check the Colum that corresponds your answer, use
the scale below as your reference.


Scale Description interpretation

5 Always Very high

4 Often High

3 Sometimes Moderate

2 Seldom Low

1 Never Very low

Part I. Awareness of RA 10354 Responsible Parenthood and

Reproductive Health.

Awareness of RA 10354 Responsible Parenthood and 5 4 3 2 1

Reproductive Health
1. I find myself being a supportive parent.

2. I look myself as manageable parent in my child.

3. I’m aware for being strict parent on my child.

4. I always thinking the needs of my child.

5. I make sure that my children are safe.

6. I motivate my children on their school event.

7. I discipline my children a lot

8. Sometimes, I think the future of my child.

9. I attend the school event of my children

10. I make sure that my children can open up their

Level of awareness and implementation of RA 10354: Responsible
Parenthood and Reproductive Health on selected parents in Barangay

Name (optional): ___________________________ Date: ______________

General Instructions: Check the Colum that corresponds your answer, use
the scale below as your reference.


Scale Description interpretation

5 Always Very high

4 Often High

3 Sometimes Moderate

2 Seldom Low

1 Never Very low

Part II. Implementation of RA 10354 Responsible Parenthood and

Reproductive Health.

Awareness of RA 10354 Responsible Parenthood and 5 4 3 2 1

Reproductive Health
1. I am a responsible parents to my children.

2. I respect my children’s own decisions .

3. I spend quality time with my children.

4. I can give my child what they want.

5. As a parent I’m concerned about their overall well-

6. As a parents I always observe what they doing in life.

7. I always monitor my children.

8. . I put some limitations on what they want to do.

9. . Sometimes I reject their decisions.

10.Rising my children is difficult.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to measure the level of awareness and

implementation of RA10354 .

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following:

1. What is the level of awareness in RA 10354 in terms of:

1.1 Parenthood; and

1.2 Reproductive health?

2. What is the level of implementations in RA 10354 in terms of:

2.1 Parenthood; and

2.2 Reproductive health?

3 Is there a significant relationship between the level of awareness and

implementation of RA 10354 on selected parents in Barangay


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