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Department of Technical Education

Capstone project
Capstone project details:

Capstone Project Title: Arduino Based Destination Finder Robot

Group Members: 1. Chandu V (499EC20006)

2. Likitha T (499EC20013)
3. Roopa N (499EC20026)

1. Description of Technology Used:

In a Destination finder robot, ultrasonic sensors are typically mounted on
the front of the robot and are used to detect walls and other obstacles in the robot's
path. Piezoelectric ultrasonic sensor use to generates ultrasonic waves. The
destination finder robot, IR sensor typically is programmed to follow a specific path
or algorithm to navigate the path. As the robot moves, the IR sensors continuously
scan the path and detect walls.

2. Details of Hardware Device

This topic covers the important information about all hardware which is
used in our project. It presents a short description about it working principle and

Figure 2.1: Circuit Diagram

2.1 Arduino Nano

The heart of this project is Arduino. The Arduino Nano is a small, versatile
microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P microcontroller chip. Arduino Nano is
simply a smaller version of Arduino UNO, thus both have all most the same
functionalities. It also has a built-in voltage regulator and a reset button. Automatic reset
during program download, Auto sensing/switching power input, Small mini-B USB for
programming and serial monitor, Manual reset switch.

2.2 Ultrasonic sensor

Ultrasonic sensor used to detect obstacles and navigate through the destination
finder robot. Ultrasonic sensor use high frequency sound wave to detect the distance
between the robot and nearby objects. The ultrasonic sensor used in a maze solving robot
is HC-SR04.When the sensor is triggered, it sends out a short burst of sound waves at a
frequency above the range of human hearing, usually in the range of 20 kHz to 200 kHz.
The ultrasonic sensors are basically the eyes of the robot which help it to find any
obstacles around it.

2.3 IR sensor
A transmitter sends a pulse of IR signals which is detected by the receiver if there
is path based on the angle the signal is received. The IR sensor work by emitting an
infrared signal and then detecting the reflection of that signal of near objects. The
Destination finder robot is designed to follow walls of the robot and turn in the direction

where it finds no walls. For this, a sensor which can detect the side walls is required. The
IR sensors can detect the walls of the path based on reflective/non-reflective indirect

2.4 L298N Motor driver

The L298N is H-Bridge motor driver which allows speed and direction control of
two DC motors at the same time. The module can drive DC motors that have voltages
between 5 and 35V, with a peak current up to 2A.  The module has two screw terminal
blocks for the motor A and B, and another screw terminal block for the Ground pin, the
VCC for motor and a 5V pin which can either be an input or output.  These circuits can
also be used to operate different types of inductive loads like motors, relays, etc.

2.5 Lippo-batteries
Lithium polymer batteries, also known as Lippo batteries, are rechargeable
batteries that use lithium-ion technology. They also have a higher discharge rate, which
means they can deliver power more quickly than other types of batteries. Lippo Batteries
supplies the voltage to all the block. A Lippo battery involves the movement of lithium
ions and electrons between the cathode and the anode, resulting in the storage and release
of energy.

3.0 Details of Software Product:

The Arduino IDE can be programmed using the Arduino Integrated Development
Environment (IDE), which is a free, open-source software tool that can be downloaded
from the Arduino website. Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a
program that uses the C programming language to write a code which can be uploaded to
Arduino board. The C programming language is a series of step by step instructions that are
converted into machine code is to transferred to the Arduino board through a USB cable.

Figure: 3.1 Arduino IDE

4.1 Programming Language:

Arduino boards are programmed in “Embedded C.” Embedded C is a popular
system programming language that has minimal execution time on hardware in comparison
to other high-level programming languages. It’s the reason most of the operating systems
and several programming languages are built on Embedded C. A general term for such
subsets is “Embedded C” because they apply to programming embedded controllers. The
language in which Arduino is programmed is a subset of Embedded C and it includes only
those features of standard embedded C that are supported by the Arduino IDE.

5.1 Descriptions of the Component in the System:

 Arduino Nano:

Figure 5.1: Arduino Nano

Power pins: The Arduino Nano has two power pins, labeled 5V and GND, which provide
a regulated 5V power supply for the board and connected components.

Analog pins: The Arduino Nano has six analog input pins, labeled A0 through A5, which
can be used to read analog voltage levels from sensors or other input devices.

Digital pins: The Arduino Nano has 14 digital input/output pins, labeled D0 through D13.
These pins can be configured as either digital input or digital output, and can be used to control
LEDs, motors, or other components.

Serial pins: The Arduino Nano has two serial communication pins, labeled RX and TX,
which can be used to communicate with other devices using the serial protocol.

I2C pins: The Arduino Nano has two I2C communication pins, labeled SDA and SCL,
which can be used to communicate with other devices using the I2C protocol.

SPI pins: The Arduino Nano has three SPI communication pins, labeled MOSI, MISO,
and SCK, which can be used to communicate with other devices using the SPI protocol.

Reset button: The reset button can be used to reset the board and restart the program.
Microcontroller Atmel Atmega328-2P

Operating Voltage (logic level) 5V
Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V
Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins 8
DC Current per l/O Pin 40 mA
Flash Memory 32 KB (of which 2KB used by bootloader)
Clock Speed 16 MHz

Overall, the Arduino Nano is a versatile microcontroller board that can be used for a wide
range of projects, from simple LED blinking programs to complex robotics projects. By connecting
sensors, motors, and other components to the board, it is possible to create interactive and
responsive projects that can sense and interact with the world around them.

Figure table 5.2: Arduino Nano

 Ultrasonic sensor:

Figure 5.3: Ultrasonic sensor

VCC pin: This pin is used to provide power to the sensor. The VCC pin of the sensor
should be connected to the 5V pin of the Arduino Nano.

GND pin: This pin is used for ground connection. The GND pin of the sensor should be
connected to the GND pin of the Arduino Nano.

TRIG pin: This pin is used to trigger the ultrasonic pulse that is sent to the object. The
TRIG pin of the sensor should be connected to a digital pin on the Arduino Nano. In the wiring
diagram, it is connected to digital pin D12.

ECHO pin: This pin is used to receive the ultrasonic pulse that is reflected off the object.
The ECHO pin of the sensor should be connected to a different digital pin on the Arduino Nano. In
the wiring diagram, it is connected to digital pin D11.

To use an ultrasonic sensor, you would typically connect the VCC and GND pins to your power
supply, and then connect the Trig and Echo pins to the input and output pins of your
microcontroller or other device. You can then program your device to send a trigger signal to the
sensor, and to read the Echo signal to determine the distance to nearby objects.
Model HC-SR04
Operating Voltage (VDC) 5
Average Current Consumption (mA) 2
Frequency (Hz) 40000
Sensing Angle 15A
Max. Sensing Distance (cm) 450
Weight (gm) 9
Sensor Cover Dia. (mm) 16
PCB Size (LxW) mm 45x20
Shipment Weight 0.014kg
Shipment Dimensions 5x4x3cm

Figure table 5.4: Ultrasonic Sensor

 IR Sensor:

Figure 5.5: IR sensor

VCC pin: The VCC pin is connected to the power supply, which can be either 5V or 3.3V
depending on the sensor's specifications.

GND pin: The GND pin is the ground connection.

Tie – Points 170 (10 A-17)
Materials ABS
Mounting Holes M2
Length (mm) 48
Width (mm) 35
Height (mm) 9
Weight 14
Shipment Weight 0.018KG
Shipment Dimension 5x4x2cm

OUT pin: The OUT pin is the digital output pin. It provides a high or low signal
depending on whether an object is detected within the sensor's range.

Figure table 5:6: IR Sensor

 LN298N Motor Driver:

Figure 5.7: L298N Motor driver

Power Input: The L298N motor driver can handle a wide range of input voltages
(typically between 5V and 35V), depending on the voltage requirements of your motors. The
power input is connected to the two pins on the left-hand side of the module, labeled "12V" and

Logic Input: The L298N motor driver requires two digital input signals (one for each
motor) to control the speed and direction of the motors. These logic inputs are connected to the
four pins in the middle of the module, labeled "IN1", "IN2", "IN3", and "IN4".

Motor Output: The L298N motor driver has four output pins (two for each motor),
labeled "OUT1", "OUT2", "OUT3", and "OUT4". These pins are used to connect the motors to the

Motor Power: The L298N motor driver has a built-in voltage regulator that can provide
power to the motors (up to 2A per channel). This power output is connected to the two pins on the
right-hand side of the module, labeled "5V" and "GND".

Driver Model L298N 2A

Operating Voltage (VDC) 5~35
Peak Current (A) 2
Continuous Current (A) 0-36mA
No. of Channels 2
Over-Current Protection (A) Yes
Thermal Protection Yes
LED Indicator Yes
Cooling Fan No
Arduino Sheild No-can be used with Wire connection
Dimensions in mm (LxWxH) 44 x 44 x 28
Weight (gm) 25
Max power A 25W
Shipment Weight 0.03 kg
Shipment Dimensions 7x7 x 3 cm

Figure table 5.8: L298N Motor drive

 DC Motor

Figure: 5.9 Construction and operation of Brushed DC motor

Positive and Negative Leads: A DC motor has two leads, one positive (+) and one
negative (-), which are used to power the motor.

Power Source: To power the DC motor, connect the positive lead to the positive terminal
of the power source (such as a battery or power supply), and connect the negative lead to the
negative terminal of the power source.

Motor Driver: A motor driver is often used to control the speed and direction of a DC
motor. The motor driver acts as an interface between the microcontroller or other control circuitry
and the motor.

Control Signals: The control signals for the motor driver typically consist of two signals:
one to control the speed (PWM signal), and one to control the direction (direction control signal).

6.1 Construction or Fabrication:

The robot construction has some aspects has been considered. First of all the maze robot
must be appropriately dimensioned. Furthermore, the robot must be able to run through the maze,
turn around and take turns, if needed. A ball caster was chosen as front wheel in order to provide
more mobility. Placing extra platform above the chassis also helps reducing the size of the robot.
The battery pack was placed on the lower platform for increased stability.

7.1 Any Other Information Needed To Execute Capstone Project:

The main base of the demonstrator is a laser cut 5 mm acrylic plastic. Two houses for the
two DC motors was three-dimensional (3D) printed and mounted on the same horizontal axis
enabling a differential steering system, The two DC motors where then placed and fixed in the
houses with a clamp mechanism. A second floor was added, a laser cut 5 mm acrylic plastic, which
was mounted above the main base providing extra space needed for the Arduino, motor driver and
the breadboard. Three holders for the ultrasonic sensors was 3D printed and mounted in the front as
well as both side of the demonstrator creating a fixed placement for the sensors, and minimizing
the measurement error.

Figure 7.1: 4 Wheel Robot Chassis


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