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*Cultural Preservation and Identity:

Wayang Kulit plays a crucial role in preserving Malay cultural heritage and identity. Researchers have
highlighted its ability to showcase traditional values, beliefs, and stories, providing a sense of
continuity and cultural pride. Through performances that incorporate Malay folklore, legends, and
historical narratives, Wayang Kulit serves as a repository of Malay traditions, ensuring their survival
and transmission to future generations.

Moral Education and Ethical Values

Wayang Kulit serves as an important educational tool, imparting moral lessons and ethical values to
the Malay community. Scholars have explored how the stories depicted in Wayang Kulit
performances convey messages of bravery, honesty, loyalty, and compassion. The characters and
their struggles provide valuable insights into moral dilemmas and ethical decision-making, shaping
the moral fabric of Malay society.

Community Engagement and Social Cohesion:

Wayang Kulit acts as a catalyst for community engagement and social cohesion within Malay society.
Researchers have examined how the performances bring people together, fostering a sense of shared
experience and collective identity. Wayang Kulit events often involve the active participation of the
audience, encouraging dialogue, interaction, and the strengthening of social bonds. This contributes
to a sense of belonging and unity among community members.

Reflection of Malay History and Traditions:

Wayang Kulit reflects and preserves the historical and traditional aspects of Malay society. Scholars
have studied the repertoire of stories depicted in Wayang Kulit performances, which often include
narratives related to Malay sultans, legends, and folklore. These performances serve as a historical
record, allowing Malays to connect with their past, understand their heritage, and appreciate their
cultural roots.

Entertainment and Artistic Expression:

Wayang Kulit provides entertainment and artistic expression, adding vibrancy to Malay cultural
events and celebrations. Researchers have explored the intricate craftsmanship of the puppets, the
skillful manipulation by puppeteers (tok dalang), and the accompanying gamelan music. Wayang
Kulit performances showcase the artistic talents of Malays, encompassing music, storytelling,
puppetry techniques, and visual aesthetics

importance of Wayang kulit to society

policy recommendations to preserve wayang kulit

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