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1. The English t, d, and k are _____.
A. stop B. nasals C. fricatives D. approximants
2. In producing a consonant there is a ______ in the vocal tract.
A. opening B. construction C. constriction D. height
3. In a ______ consonant, the back of the tongue approaches or touches the soft palate.
A. labiodental B. palatal C. velar D. dental
4. Sounds which are made with vocal fold vibration are said to be ______.
A. affricate B. voiced C. voiceless D. lateral
5. Articulatory phonetics generally refers to the study of how humans ______.
A. transmit speech sounds B. perceive speech sound
C. interact with speech sounds D. produce speech sound
6. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT?
The central concerns in phonetics are the discovery of ______.
A. how we hear and recognise different sounds.
B. how they are used in written language.
C. how we can record speech sounds with written symbols.
D. how speech sounds are produced.
7. The soft portion of the roof of the mouth, lying behind the hard palate is called the _____.
A. uvula B. cavity C. palate D. velum
8. The structure that holds and manipulates the vocal cords is called the ______.
A. glottis B. larynx C. pharynx D. velum
9. A small pleshy finger – like flap of tissue that hangs in the back of the throat and is an extension of the
soft palate is called the ______.
A. hard palate B. uvula C. glottis D. larynx
10. The International Phonetic Association has played a very important role in _____.
A. making use of phonetic symbols that represent speech sounds.
B. designing conventions for using phonetic symbols that represent speech sounds.
C. using phonetic symbols for speech sounds.
D. designing conventions for using sounds in speech.
11. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to suprasegmental phonology?
A. rhythm B. transcription C. stress D. intonation
12. Complementary distribution is an indication that the sounds in question are ______.
A. minimal pairs B. allophones of the C. phonemes D. phones
same phoneme
13. The most important feature of a dipthong is that it ______.
A. is a combination of more than two vowels.
B. begin with /e/, /a/ or /o/.
C. contains a glide from one vowel quality to another one.
D. ends in /w/ and /u/.
14. In making the vowels /i:/ and /u:/ space between the tongue and the roof of the mouth is ______.
A. relatively narrow B. relatively wide C. very narrow D. very wide
15. The sounds /i:/ and /u:/ are examples of ______.
A. short vowels B. lax vowels C. back vowels D. tense vowels
16. The core or essential part of a syllable is called the ______.
A. coda B. rhyme C. onset D. nucleus
17. The syllable structure of the word “strength” is ______.
18. The substitutability of one sound for another in a given enviroment, with no change in the word’s
meaning is called ______.
A. a minimal pair B. free variation C. distribution D. a near minimal pair
19. A phonemic is put between ______.
A. round boxes B. slash brackets C. square boxes D. square brackets
20. Phonemes are ______.
A. concrete phonetic B. non – contrastive C. predictable D. organizable
21. The following statement describes which aspect of vowel classification?
“Vowels are classified in terms of how much space there is between the tongue and the roof of the mouth.”
A. tongue backness B. vowel length C. tongue height D. lip rounding
22. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
A. syllables don’t serve any meaning – signalling function in language.
B. most speakers of English have no trouble dividing a word up into its component syllables.
C. syllables exist only to make speech easier for the brain to process.
D. a word contains at least two syllables.
23. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. the smallest possible syllable contains a nucleus and a coda.
B. most speakers of English find it difficult to divide a word up into its component syllables.
C. in English and most other languages, most syllable nuclei are vowels.
D. a syllable is a unit of sound composed of only a central peak of sonority.
24. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
A. the rhythm may consist of only the nucleus.
B. the rhythm may consist of an onset and a nucleus.
C. the rhythm never precedes the onsets.
D. the rhythm may consist of a nucleus and a coda.
25. Which of the following pairs of words have different diphthongs?
A. ace – gaol B. aisle – dyle C. dough – plough D. mare – prayer
26. In the following words which underlined letter is pronounced /i:/?
A. win B. minute C. machine D. tick
27. Which of the following pairs of words have the same diphthongs?
A. bourse – mature B. height – take C. pure – future D. mayor – taylor
28. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
A. the rhythm may consist of only the nucleus.
B. the rhythm may consist of an onset and a nucleus.
C. the rhythm never precedes the onsets.
D. the rhythm may consist of a nucleus and a coda.
29. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
A. in coalescent assimilation the coaditioning sound precedes and affects the following sound.
B. in regressive assimilation the coaditioning sound precedes and affects the following sound.
C. in progressive assimilation the coaditioning sound follows and affects the preceding sound.
D. in progressive assimilation the coaditioning sound precedes and affects the following sound.
30. The suffix “s” in the word “dogs” is pronounced as [z] ([dogz]). This is an example of ______.
A. progressive B. regressive C. deletion D. coalescent
assimilation assimilation assimilation
31. In a stress – timed language, stressed syllables are _______.
A. sometimes less prominent than unstressed syllable
B. equal in timing
C. sometimes more prominent than unstressed syllables
D. varied in timing
32. A weak form is the pronunciation of a word or syllable in ______.
A. a stressed manner B. an unstressed manner C. a distorted manner D. an open manner
33. The relative highness or lowness of the voice is known as ______.
A. rhythm B. stress C. pitch D. ….
34. Which of the following is NOT a rule of sentence stress?
A. the time between stressed words is always the same.
B. structure words are unstressed.
C. the last word of a question is always stressed.
D. centent words are stressed.
35. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
A. the vowel sound in a stressed syllable sounds higher in pitch, longer, and louder.
B. you can be better understood if you place the stress where it should be when you’re speaking.
C. in every word in English, there is one main emphasized syllable.
D. The vowel sound in a syllable sounds higher in pitch, longer, and louder.
36. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
A. the intonation is primarily a matter of variation in the pitch level of the voice.
B. the intonation is primarily a matter of variation in the pitch level of the sound.
C. intonation is the melodic pattern of an utterance.
D. intonation conveys differences of expressive meaning.
37. The movement of pitch within an intonation unit is referred to as ______.
A. the intonation contour of that sentence.
B. the intonation of that sentence.
C. the intonation of that unit.
D. the intonation contour of that unit.
38. The word “as” in the phrase “As much as possible” ______.
A. none is correct B. has the strong form
C. has both strong and weak forms D. has the weak form
39. Intonation involves ______.
A. the variation of stress and rhythm.
B. the rising and falling of the melody to various pitch levels during the articulation of an utterance.
C. the variation of accent and pronunciation.
D. the rising and falling of the voice to various pitch levels during the articulation of an utterance.
40. In English, stress helps create _____.
A. the pronunciation of the language B. the pitch of the language
C. the rhythm of the language D. the speed of the language
41. When a stop followed by another stop or affricate, the first stop is ______.
A. released B. aspirated C. not released or D. not released
42. In which of the following sentences does the word “there” have a weak form?
A. There should be a suggestion. B. There it is.
C. You shouldn’t go there. C. Put it there.
43. In the question “What’s he looking at?”, the word “at” has ______.
A. both strong and weak form B. the strong form
C. none is correct D. the weak form
44. Knowing how to recognize the stressed syllable ______.
A. will improve your vocabulary B. will help you with comprehension
C. will help you better understood D. will help you with reading
45. Which of the following categories does not belong to content words?
A. conjunctions B. adjectives C. adverbs D. nouns
46. If the consonants (whether stop or not) are identical, the consonant is somewhat______, the two
consonants are not articulated separately.
A. varied B. lengthened C. shortened D. deleted
47. In the word “pronunciation”, the primary stress is on the _______.
A. third syllable B. fourth syllable C. first syllable D. second syllable
48. A sound is said to have a typically ______ distribution when it occurs before vowels.
A. phonetic B. vocalic C. consonantal D. phonological


II. Syllable tructure

a. squealed b. eighths c. splash d. texts e. types
f. which g. words h. asked i. front j. raised
k. cure l. thwart m. huge n. shriek o. square
p. stew q. sprawl r. splice s. sphinx t. suit

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