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Tutorial 1: Gas Power Cycle

1. The compression ratio of an air-standard Otto cycle is 9.0. Prior to the isentropic
compression process, the air is at 100 kPa, 300 K and 500 cm3. The temperature at the end
of the isentropic expansion process is 800 K. Assume constant specific heat during the
a. Sketch the p–v and T-s diagrams of the cycle.
b. Determine:
i. the highest temperature and pressure in the cycle,
ii. the amount of heat input in kJ, and
iii. the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
c. Discuss the effect of increasing the compression ratio on the thermal efficiency of the
[T2=722.47K, T3=1926.58K, P2=2167.4 kPa, P3=5779.7 kPa; Q23=0.502 kJ; 58.47%]

2. An air-standard Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 7.5. At the beginning of compression,
air is at 32oC and 85 kPa. The mass of air is 2 grams, and the maximum temperature in the
cycle is 687 oC. Account for variation of specific heats with temperature.
a. Sketch the p–v diagram and label the processes.
b. Determine the temperature and the internal energy at all the states of the cycle.
c. Calculate the amount of heat rejected from the cycle and the amount of heat added to
the cycle.
d. Determine the net work output and the thermal efficiency.
e. Determine the mean effective pressure.
[T2=667.4K, u2=486.77 kJ/kg, T4=458.7K, u4=329.01 kJ/kg; Q41=0.2227 kJ,Q23= 0.4765 kJ;
Wnet=0.2538 kJ, 53.3%; MEP=142.2 kPa]

3. At the beginning of compression of an air-standard Otto cycle, the inlet pressure, P1 = 1 bar,
temperature, T1 = 290K, and volume, V1 = 400 cm3. The maximum temperature in the cycle
is 2200K and the compression ratio is 8. Assume the inlet air condition to be T0 = 290 K, and
P0 = 1 bar. Determine for the cycle:
a. The heat addition, Qin in kJ.
b. The net work, Wnet in kJ.
c. The thermal efficiency,  th .
d. The mean effective pressure, in bar.

[T2=652.4K, T4=1159.3K, Q23=0.6715 kJ, Wnet=0.3397 kJ, 50.6%, MEP=9.71 bar ]

Tutorial 1: Gas Power Cycle

4. An engine operating on the Diesel cycle using air as the working fluid. The volume of the
cylinder is 1200 cm3 at the beginning of the compression process and 75 cm3 at the end; and
150 cm3 after the heat-addition process. Air is at 17oC and 100 kPa at the beginning of the
compression process.
a. Draw T-s diagram of the cycle.
b. Assume variable specific heats, determine:
i. Temperature at the end of compression and at the end of combustion processes.
ii. Temperature and pressure at the end of expansion process.
iii. Mass of the air admitted into the engine.
iv. Work net of the engine, in kJ.
v. Thermal efficiency,  th .
vi. Mean effective pressure, kPa.
vii. If the cutoff ratio were reduced, how would be the thermal efficiency of the engine?
[r=16, rc=2, T2=837.28K, T3=1674.56K, T4=853.38K, P4=294.27 kPa, m=0.001442kg, Wnet=0.802
kJ, 56.4%, 712.9 kPa]

5. An air-standard Diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 18.2. Air is at a temperature of 300 K
and a pressure of 100 kPa at the beginning of the compression process and at a temperature
of 1700 K at the end of the heat addition process. Consider the variation of the specific heats
with temperature.
a. Sketch the p–v and T-s diagrams of the cycle.
b. Find the temperature at the beginning of the heat addition process.
c. Calculate the cut-off ratio.
d. Determine the heat addition per unit mass.
e. Determine the heat rejection per unit mass.
f. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
[T2=901.7 K, rc=1.885, qin=945.27 kJ/kg, qout=388.84 kJ/kg, 58.9%]

6. An air-standard Diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 17 and a cutoff ratio of 2. Air is at a
temperature of 40oC and a pressure of 100 kPa at the beginning of the isentropic compression
process. Heat transfer to the working fluid occurs from a reservoir at a temperature of 1800oC
while the surroundings is at a temperature of 25oC and 100 kPa. Use the cold air-standard
assumptions and assume k = 1.4.
Tutorial 1: Gas Power Cycle

a. Sketch the P–v diagram of the cycle.

b. Find the temperature and pressure at the end of the compression process.
c. Find the temperature and pressure at the beginning of the heat removal process.
d. Determine the heat addition and heat rejection per unit mass.
e. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
What would be the maximum thermal efficiency of the cycle operating between the two
[T2=972.13 K, T3=1944.26 K, T4=82 6K, P2=5279.9 kPa, P4=263.9 kPa, qin=977 kJ/kg,
qout=368.3 kJ/kg, 85.6%]

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