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Patient #: ML1-064-8380


Lab #: 27-112022-10066
27-112022-10066 R # 28029 ISO 9001: 2015

Patient Information:
Father/Husband Name: Phone: 923228090203
Age / Sex: 26 Year(s)/Female Address:
Lab Information:
Reporting Location: Minhaj Diagnostic Center
Registration Date: 27-Nov-2022 7:23 pm Reference: Standard
Registration Location: Minhaj Diagnostic Centre Consultant:
Conducted At: Minhaj Diagnostic Centre Sample Location: Taken in the Lab

Blood Complete Examination RESULT

TEST NORMAL VALUE UNIT 27-Nov-2022 7:23 pm

TLC 4.0 - 11.0 x10^9/l 10.7

RBC 3.5 - 5.5 x10^12/L 4.57
Hb(HEMOGLOBIN) 12.0 - 16.0 g/dl 13.1
Hct 36.0 - 46.0 % 36
MCV 77.0 - 95.0 fl 79
MCH 27.0 - 32.0 pg 28
MCHC 30.0 - 35.0 % 36
Platelet Count 150.0 - 450.0 x10^9/L 260

Neutrophils 40.0 - 75.0 % 67

Lymphocytes 20.0 - 45.0 % 26
Monocytes 2.0 - 10.0 % 06
Eosinophils 1.0 - 5.0 % 01

Electronically verified report. No signature(s) required. Lab reports should be interpreted by a physician in corretation with clinical and radiologic findings.

Dr. Haroon Habib Dr. Sajjad Ullah Amir Mustafa Dr. M Usman Wakeel .
Assistant Professor M.Phil Molecular Biology (CEMB) M.Sc. (PU), B.Sc. (MLT) PU M.B.B.S .
M.B.B.S, PhD Human Genetics & Molecular Sr. Medical Technologist Patients care Coordinator
M.phil (Biochem) Biology (UHS). Molecular Biologist
Phd Scholar (Biochem)

Basement Shabnam Center Opp. Shalimar Hospital Link Road Lahore. Ph No: 042-36821981, Mob: 0306-3222000

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