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To: Mobile App Developer

Subject: JazzPlease Android App Pre-Beta version

Dear Mobile App Developers,

We’re just now receiving DRAFT-1 wireframe design for JazzPlease app upcoming event from our design consultant
that has been reviewed by regional office.
Please generate this on Android as a Pre-Beta version using Android Studio, so we can present this on management
meeting next week.
Below are brief information about 7 screens we need to generate.

Screenshot Descriptions
 Splash Screen
 Duration 5 seconds

Screenshot Descriptions
 After Splash Screen, app goes here
 JazzPlease logo on top-left
 Event date and location on top-middle
 Has 4-icons of menu, each icon will link to respective screen
 Has banner for ads on bottom

Screenshot Descriptions
 Get Your Ticket icon on top-middle
 Has 3 days event, just like shown
 Currently just 3 stages approved to be used, make Stage A, B, C in option provided at the
moment, later will change this with sponsor stage name
 1 account can only buy 3 tickets maximum
 Make the Buy button disabled at the moment, we still on deal progress with payment
gateway system
 Has small 5-icons of menu down there, each icon will link to respective screen

Screenshot Descriptions
 Line Up icon on top-middle
 There will be artists/singers/bands photos and names here. Placed 3 photos with names at
the moment, make it scrollable.
 Between artists/singers/bands name and next artists/singers/bands, provide 2 paragraphs
information about them. Find them on the Internet.
 Has small 5-icons of menu down there, each icon will link to respective screen, this menu
will remain appear even the information above scrolled down

Screenshot Descriptions
 Fix Schedule icon on top-middle
 We still wait for artists confirmation, just put as it is shown at the moment.
 Has small 5-icons of menu down there, each icon will link to respective screen, this menu
will remain appear even the information above scrolled down

Screenshot Descriptions
 News Feed icon on top-middle
 We will place news related to the JazzPlease event later here
 Put news image with details information as shown. There will be date and time, news
subject and news contributor name. Put 2 news at the moment, make it scrollable.
 Has small 5-icons of menu down there, each icon will link to respective screen, this menu
will remain appear even the information above scrolled down

Screenshot Descriptions
 This screen appear when ads banner is touched
 Screen is scrollable
 Open for advertiser, currently make it accessible for wartajazz.com

We also provided with wireframes as our screen navigation reference:


Supporting materials like logo, images and wireframe images will be handed to you shortly.

1. Once done generating on Android Studio, have it installed on real Android OS device, then send the .apk to
me. So I can test it also on my Android device.
2. Do screen recording for maximum 5 minutes for all layouts in .mp4 format and explain.
3. Give me suggestions also for this app development, I believe there are improvements we can do for this
DRAFT-1 wireframe to be discussed with the management.

Let us know if you have questions related on this screen and navigation.
Goodluck. Thank you.

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