Metamorphismandmetamorphicrocksppt 131212202648 Phpapp01

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Metamorphism and metamorphic

• Rocks created by heat, pressure and/or
chemically reactive fluids
• Metamorphic rocks are produced from
• Igneous rocks
• Sedimentary rocks
• Other metamorphic rocks
• Metamorphism progresses incrementally from low-
grade to high-grade
• During metamorphism (transformation) the rock
remains essentially solid
• Metamorphism characterized by
• Growth of new minerals from pre-existing
minerals through recrystallization
• Deformation of existing minerals
– Change in shape
– Change in orientation
• Metamorphic settings
Growth of new minerals

Mica garnet schist

Garnet crystal
Deformation of rocks and minerals

Layers are folded

and broken
Metamorphism settings
• Contact or thermal metamorphism
• Driven by a rise in temperature within the host
• Regional metamorphism
• Occurs during mountain building
• Produces the greatest volume of metamorphic
• Burial metamorphism
• Occurs at bottom of thick sedimentary rock piles
• Hydrothermal metamorphism
• chemical alterations from hot, ion-rich water
• Others
Agents of metamorphism
• Heat
• The most important agent
• Two sources of heat
– Contact metamorphism – heat from magma
– An increase in temperature with depth due to
the geothermal gradient
• Pressure (stress)
• Increases with depth
• Fluids
• Helps transporting elements from one crystal to a
new metamorphic crystal (enhances migration of
• Mainly water with other volatile components
Origin of pressure in metamorphism

• Confining pressure
applies forces equally in
all directions
• Rocks may also be
subjected to differential
stress which is unequal
in different directions
Importance of parent rock

• Most metamorphic rocks have the same overall

chemical composition as the parent rock from which
they formed
• Mineral makeup determines, to a large extent, the
degree to which each metamorphic agent will cause
Metamorphic textures
• Texture refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of grains within a rock
• Foliation – any planar arrangement of mineral grains
or structural features within a rock
• Parallel alignment of platy and/or elongated
• Foliation can form through:
– Rotation of platy and/or elongated minerals
– Recrystallization of minerals in the direction
of preferred orientation
– Changing the shape of equidimensional
grains into elongated shapes that are aligned
Examples of foliation

• Parallel alignment of flattened mineral grains and

• Compositional banding
Development of foliation due
to directed pressure (stress)


Directed pressure (stress) effects on

Dissolution &
of crystal

• Rotation
• Deformation within crystal
• Dissolution and precipitation
of crystal
Foliated textures
• Rock or slaty cleavage
• Closely spaced planar surfaces along which rocks
• Schistosity
• Platy minerals are discernible with the unaided
eye and exhibit a planar or layered structure
• Rocks having this texture are referred to as
• Gneissic texture
• Segregation of minerals leads to distinctive
banded appearance
Non-foliated textures

• Metamorphic rocks that lack foliation are referred to

as nonfoliated
• Develop in environments where stress (deformation) is
• Typically composed of minerals that exhibit
equidimensional crystals
Metamorphic rocks
• Main groups based on whether or not rocks are foliated
• Foliated rocks
• In this group, changing degree of metamorphism
leads to characteristic rock series
• (Shale) slate ¡ phyllite ¡ schist ¡ gneiss
• (Basalt) greenschist ¡ amphibolite
• (Basalt) blueschist ¡ eclogite
• Non-foliated rocks
• Quartzite (sandstone)
• Marble(limestone)
• Hornfels (claystone)
• Coal (peat)
Metamorphic rock series
• Very fine-grained
• Excellent rock cleavage
• Most often generated from low-grade metamorphism of shale,
mudstone, or siltstone
• Gray to black color
• Glossy sheen and often wavy surfaces
• Gradation in the degree of metamorphism between slate and
• Platy minerals not large enough to be identified with the
unaided eye
• Exhibits rock cleavage
• Composed mainly of fine
crystals of muscovite
and/or chlorite
• Medium- to coarse-grained
• Platy minerals predominate
• Commonly include the micas
• The term schist describes the texture
• To indicate composition, mineral names are used (such
as mica schist)
• Varieties:
•Mica schist (biotite, muscovite)
•Greenschist (green chlorite)
•Blueschist (blue amphibole)
• Medium- to coarse-grained
• Banded appearance
• High-grade metamorphism
• Often composed of white or light-colored feldspar-rich
layers with bands of dark ferromagnesian minerals
• Metamorphosed limestone or dolostone
• Non-foliated
• Composed essentially of calcite or dolomite crystals
• Coarse, crystalline
• Used as a decorative and monument stone, table top
• Exhibits a variety of colors

Microscopic picture
• Non-foliated
• Formed from a parent rock of quartz-rich sandstone
• Quartz grains are fused together
• Sugary texture

Microscopic picture
Metamorphic environments
• Contact or thermal metamorphism (low P, high T)
• Regional metamorphism
• Type A: Pressure and Temperature both
increase comparable
• Type B: Pressure increases relatively faster than
temperature (high P, low T metamorphism)
• Burial metamorphism
• Others
– Hydro-metamrophism
– Shock-metamorphism
Contact metamorphism
• Occurs due to a rise in temperature when magma
invades a host rock
• A zone of metamorphism forms in the rock
surrounding the magma
• Most easily recognized when it occurs at the surface, or
in a near-surface environment
Regional Metamorphism
• Regional metamorphism
• Produces the greatest quantity of
metamorphic rock
• Associated with mountain building and
the subducting plate (high P, low T
Burial metamorphism
• Associated with very thick sedimentary strata
• Required depth varies from one location to another
depending on the prevailing geothermal gradient
Other types of metamorphism

• Hydrothermal metamorphism
• Chemical alteration caused when hot, ion-rich
fluids, called hydrothermal solutions, circulate
through fissures and cracks that develop in rock
• Most widespread along the axis of the mid-ocean
ridge system
• Impact metamorphism
• Occurs when high speed projectiles called
meteorites strike Earth’s surface
Metamorphic zones
• Systematic variations in the mineralogy and often the
textures of metamorphic rocks are related to the
variations in the degree of metamorphism
• Changes in mineralogy occur from regions of low-grade
metamorphism to regions of high-grade metamorphism
• Certain minerals, index minerals, are good indicators of
the metamorphic conditions in which they form
• Highest degree of metamorphism
– Transitional to igneous rocks
– Indicate melting in certain bands
– Rock called migmatites
– Light bands are igneous components (“magma”)
along with areas of unmelted metamorphic
Metamorphic grade and index

• E.g., chlorite indicates low Grade (low P, low T)

• garnet indicates high Grade (high P and/or high T)
Metamorphism and plate tectonics
• Most metamorphism occurs along convergent plate
– Compressional stresses deform the edges of the plate
– Formation of the Earth’s major mountain belts
including the Alps, Himalayas, and Appalachians

• Large-scale metamorphism along subduction zones

• Several metamorphic environments exist here
• Distinct linear belts of metamorphic rocks
– High-pressure, low-temperature zones
nearest the trench
– High-temperature, low-pressure zones
further inland in the region of igneous
Metamorphic environments
associated with plate tectonics

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