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Determine the horizontal and vertical components of force

at pins B and C. The suspended cylinder has a mass of 75 kg.

0.3 m


1.5 m

Solution A

Free Body Diagram. The solution will be very much simplified if one realizes that
member AB is a two force member. Also, the tension in the cable is equal to the
weight of the cylinder and is constant throughout the cable.
0.5 m
Equations of Equilibrium. Consider the equilibrium of member BC by referring to
its FBD, Fig. a,
a+ΣMC = 0;  FAB a b(2) + 75(9.81)(0.3) - 75(9.81)(2.8) = 0
FAB = 1532.81 N
a+ΣMB = 0;  Cy (2) + 75(9.81)(0.3) - 75(9.81)(0.8) = 0
Cy = 183.94 N = 184 N Ans.

+ ΣFx = 0;  1532.81a 4 b - 75(9.81) - Cx = 0

Cx = 490.5 N Ans.


FB = FAB = 1532.81 N
Bx = (1532.81) = 1226.25 N = 1.23 kN Ans.
By = (1532.81) = 919.69 N = 920 kN Ans.

Cy = 184 N
Cx = 490.5 N
Bx = 1.23 kN
By = 920 kN

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Determine the horizontal and vertical components of force 2m

which the pins at A and B exert on the frame. 400 N/m

1.5 m


Solution F
Free Body Diagram. The frame will be dismembered into members AD, EF, CD 1.5 m
and BC. The solution will be very much simplified if one realizes that members CD
and EF are two force member. Therefore, only the FBD of members AD and BC,
Fig. a and b respectively, need to be drawn

Equations of Equilibrium. Write the moment equations of equilibrium about point

A for member AD, Fig. a, and point B for member BC, Fig. b.

a+ΣMA = 0;  FEF a b(3) - FCD (4.5) - 400 (4.5)(2.25) = 0 (1)
a+ΣMB = 0;   - FEF a b(1.5) + FCD (4.5) = 0 (2)

Solving Eqs. (1) and (2)

FEF = 3375 N  FCD = 900 N

Write the force equation of equilibrium for member AD, Fig. a,

+ ΣFx = 0;  Ax + 400(4.5) + 900 - 3375 a 4 b = 0  Ax = 0

S Ans.

+ c ΣFy = 0;  3375 a b - Ay = 0  Ay = 2025 N = 2.025 kN Ans.
Also, for member BC, Fig. b

+ ΣFx = 0;  3375a 4 b - 900 - Bx = 0  Bx = 1800 N = 1.80 kN

S Ans.

+ c ΣFy = 0;       By = 2025 N = 2.025 kN Ans.

By - 3375a b = 0

Ax = 0
Ay = 2.025 kN
Bx = 1.80 kN
By = 2.025 kN

© Pearson Education Limited 2017. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist.
No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

6–85. Determine the force that the jaws J of the metal 15
100 N
cutters exert on the smooth cable C if 100-N forces are
applied to the handles. The jaws are pinned at E and A, 400 mm
and D and B. There is also a pin at F.
20 mm

C 15
F 15
30 mm 80 mm
20 mm

400 mm
100 N
Free Body Diagram: The solution for this problem will be simplified if one realizes 15
that member ED is a two force member.

Equations of Equilibrium: From FBD (b),

+ ©F = 0;
x Ax = 0

From (a),

a + ©MF = 0; Ay sin 15°1202 + 100 sin 15°1202

- 100 cos 15°14002 = 0

Ay = 7364.10 N

From FBD (b),

a + ©ME = 0; 7364.101802 - FC1302 = 0

FC = 19637.60 N = 19.6 kN Ans.

FC = 19.6 kN

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6–94. Determine the horizontal and vertical components

of force which pin C exerts on member ABC. The 600-N
load is applied to the pin. 2m 2m


1.5 m
Solution 600 N
F 300 N
Free Body Diagram. The solution will be very much simplified if one determines
the support reactions first and then considers the equilibrium of two of its three
members after they are dismembered. The FBDs of the entire assembly, member
DBF and member ABC are shown in Figs. a, b and c, respectively.

Equations of Equilibrium. Consider the equilibrium of the entire assembly, Fig. a,

a+ΣME = 0;  NA(3) - 300(4.5) - 600(4) = 0  NA = 1250 N

Next, write the moment equation of equilibrium about point D for member DBF,
Fig. b.

a+ΣMD = 0;  Bx(1.5) - 300(3) = 0  Bx = 600 N

Finally, consider the equilibrium of member ABC, Fig. c

+ ΣFx = 0;  1250 - 600 - Cx = 0  Cx = 650 N
S Ans.

a+ΣMB = 0;  Cy = 0 Ans.

Cx = 650 N
Cy = 0

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The two-member frame is pin connected at E. The cable is 1m

0.5 m 0.5 m
attached to D, passes over the smooth peg at C, and supports
the 500-N load. Determine the horizontal and vertical B
reactions at each pin. 0.5 m


Free Body Diagram. The frame will be dismembered into members BD and AC, of
which their respective FBDs are shown in Figs. a and b. 500 N

Equations of Equilibrium. Write the moment equation of equilibrium about point B

for member BD, Fig. a, and about point A for member AC, Fig. b,
a+ΣMB = 0;  Ey(0.5) - Ex(0.5) + 500(2) = 0 (1)

a+ΣMA = 0;  Ey (0.5) + Ex (0.5) - 500(2) - 500(2) = 0 (2)

Solving Eqs. (1) and (2),

Ey = 1000 N = 1.00 kN  Ex = 3000 N = 3.00 kN Ans.

Write the force equations of equilibrium for member BD, Fig. a.

+ ΣFx = 0;  Bx + 500 - 3000 = 0  Bx = 2500 N = 2.50 kN
S Ans.
+ c ΣFy = 0;  By - 1000 = 0    By = 1000 N = 1.00 kN Ans.

Also, for member AC, Fig. b

+ ΣFx = 0;  3000 - 500 - Ax = 0  Ax = 2500 N = 2.50 kN
S Ans.
+ c ΣFy = 0;  1000 - 500 - Ay = 0  Ay = 500 N Ans.

Ey = 1.00 kN
Ex = 3.00 kN
Bx = 2.50 kN
By = 1.00 kN
Ax = 2.50 kN
Ay = 500 N

© Pearson Education Limited 2017. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist.
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The spring has an unstretched length of 0.3 m. Determine

the mass m of each uniform bar if each angle u = 30° for
equilibrium. C 2m

k  150 N/ m B

Solution A

Free Body Diagram. The assembly is being dismembered into members AB and BC
of which their respective FBD are shown in Fig. b and a. Here, the spring stretches
x = 2(2 sin 30°) - 0.3 = 1.7 m. Thus, FSP = kx = 150(1.7) = 255 N.

Equations of Equilibrium. Consider the equilibrium of member BC, Fig. a,

a+ΣMC = 0;  Bx (2 sin 30°) + By (2 cos 30°) - m(9.81) cos 30° = 0 (1)

Also, member AB, Fig. b

a+ΣMA = 0;  Bx (2 sin 30°) - By (2 cos 30°) - m(9.81) cos 30° = 0 (2)
+ c ΣFy = 0;  255 - m(9.81) - By = 0 (3)

Solving Eqs. (1) and (2)

Bx = 8.4957 m  By = 0
Substitute the result of By = 0 into Eq. (3)

255 - m(9.81) = 0
m = 26.0 kg Ans.

m = 26.0 kg

© Pearson Education Limited 2017. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist.
No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

5–65. The cart supports the uniform crate having a mass of

85 kg. Determine the vertical reactions on the three casters B
at A, B, and C. The caster at B is not shown. Neglect the 0.1 m
mass of the cart. 0.4 m
0.2 m 0.2 m
0.5 m C 0.35 m
0.6 m 0.35 m

Equations of Equilibrium: The normal reaction NC can be obtained directly by
Sigming moments about x axis.

ΣMx = 0; NC 11.32 - 833.8510.452 = 0

NC = 288.64 N = 289 N Ans.

ΣMy = 0; 833.8510.32 - 288.6410.352 - NA 10.72 = 0

NA = 213.04 N = 213 N Ans.

ΣFz = 0; NB + 288.64 + 213.04 - 833.85 = 0

NB = 332 N Ans.

N C = 289 N
N A = 213 N
N B = 332 N

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No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*5–68. Due to an unequal distribution of fuel in the wing

tanks, the centers of gravity for the airplane fuselage A and
wings B and C are located as shown. If these components
have weights WA = 225 kN, WB = 40 kN, and
WC = 30 kN, determine the normal reactions of the wheels
D, E, and F on the ground.

2.4 m F y
Solution 1.8 m 6m
1.2 m
2.4 m 0.9 m
Given: x 1.8 m

WA = 225 kN

WB = 40 kN

WC = 30 kN

a = 2.4 m e = 6m
b = 1.8 m f = 1.2 m
c = 2.4 m g = 0.9 m
d = 1.8 m

ΣMx = 0; WB # b - RD # 1a + b2 - WC # c + RE # 1c + d2 = 0
ΣMy = 0; WB # f + WA # 1g + f 2 + WCf - RF # 1e + g + f 2 = 0
ΣFz = 0; RD + RE + RF - WA - WB - WC = 0

RD RD 113.1
£ RE ≥ = Find 1 RD, RE, RF 2 £ RE ≥ = £ 113.1 ≥ kN
RF RF 68.7 Ans.

RD = 113.1 kN
RE = 113.1 kN
RF = 68.7 kN

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Member AB is supported by a cable BC and at A by a z

square rod which fits loosely through the square hole in the
collar fixed to the member as shown. Determine the
components of reaction at A and the tension in the cable 1.5 m
needed to hold the rod in equilibrium.
3m A
400 N

200 N

x 1m
Force And Position Vectors. The coordinates of points B and C are B
B(3, 0, - 1) m C(0, 1.5, 0) m, respectively.

rBC (0 - 3)i + (1.5 - 0)j + [0 - ( -1)]k

TBC = TBC a b = TBC • ¶
rBC 2(0 - 3)2 + (1.5 - 0)2 + [0 - ( -1)]2

6 3 2
= - TBC i + TBC j + T k
7 7 7 BC

F = {200j - 400k} N

FA = Ax i + Ay j

MA = (MA)x i + (MA)y j + (MA)z k

r1{3 i} m r2 = {1.5 j} m

Equations of Equilibrium. Referring to the FBD of member AB shown in Fig. a, the

force equation of equilibrium gives

ΣF = 0; TBC + F + FA = 0

6 3 2
a - TBC + Ax bi + a TBC + 200 + Ayb j + a TBC - 400bk = 0
7 7 7
Equating i, j and k components

- T + Ax = 0 (1)
7 BC
T + 200 + Ay = 0 (2)
7 BC
T - 400 = 0 (3)
7 BC

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5–71. Continued

The moment equation of equilibrium gives

ΣMA = O;  MA + r1 * F + r2 * TBC = 0

i j k i j k
( MA ) x i + ( MA ) y j + ( MA ) zk + † 3 0 0 † + 5 0 1.5 0 5 = 0
0 200 - 400 6 3 2
7 7 7

3 9
c ( MA ) x + T d i + 3 ( MA ) y + 1200 4 j + c ( MA ) z + TBC + 600 d k = 0
7 BC 7
Equating i, j, and k components,
( MA ) x + TBC = 0 (4)
( MA ) y + 1200 = 0 (5)
( MA ) z + TBC + 600 = 0 (6)
Solving Eqs. (1) to (6),
TBC = 1400 N = 1.40 kN Ans.
Ay = 800 N Ans.
Ax = 1200 N = 1.20 kN Ans.
( MA ) x = 600 N # m Ans.
( MA ) y = - 1200 N # m = 1.20 kN # m Ans.
( MA ) z = - 2400 N # m = 2.40 kN # m Ans.
The negative signs indicate that Ay, ( MA ) x, ( MA ) y and ( MA ) z are directed in sense
opposite to those shown in FBD.

TBC = 1.40 kN
Ay = 800 N
Ax = 1.20 kN
( MA ) x = 600 N # m
( MA ) y = 1.20 kN # m
( MA ) z = 2.40 kN # m

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The bent rod is supported at A, B, and C by smooth journal z

bearings. Determine the components of reaction at the bearings
if the rod is subjected to the force F = 800 N. The bearings are
in proper alignment and exert only force reactions on the rod. C

2m B

30 1m 0.75 m
Equations of Equilibrium. The x, y and z components of force F are y
Fx = 800 cos 60° cos 30° = 346.41 N

Fy = 800 cos 60° sin 30° = 200 N

Fz = 800 sin 60° = 692.82 N

Referring to the FBD of the bent rod shown in Fig. a,

ΣMx = 0; -Cy(2) + Bz(2) - 692.82 (2) = 0 (1)

ΣMy = 0; Bz(1) + Cx(2) = 0 (2)

ΣMz = 0; -Cy(1.75) - Cx(2) - By(1) - 346.41(2) = 0 (3)

ΣFx = 0; Ax + Cx + 346.41 = 0 (4)

ΣFy = 0; 200 + By + Cy = 0 (5)

ΣFz = 0; Az + Bz - 692.82 = 0 (6)

Solving Eqs. (1) to (6)

Cy = 800 N Bz = - 107.18 N = 107 N By = 600 N Ans.

Cx = 53.59 N = 53.6 N Ax = 400 N Az = 800 N Ans.
The negative signs indicate that Cy, Bz and Az are directed in the senses opposite to
those shown in FBD.

Cy = 800 N, B z = 107 N, B y = 600 N,
Cx = 53.6 N, A x = 400 N, A z = 800 N

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The member is supported by a pin at A and cable  BC. z

Determine the components of reaction at these supports if
the cylinder has a mass of 40 kg. 0.5 m

D 1m y
Solution 1m 3m
Force And Position Vectors. The coordinates of points B, C and D are B(0, -0.5, 1) m, x
C(3, 1, 0) m and D(3, - 1, 0) m, respectively. C

rCB (0 - 3)i + ( -0.5 - 1)j + (1 - 0)k

FCB = FCB a b = FCB c d
rCB 2(0 - 3)2 + ( - 0.5 - 1)2 + (1 - 0)2
6 3 2
= - FCBi - FCBj + FCBk
7 7 7
W = { -40(9.81)k} N = { -392.4k} N.

FA = Ax i + Ay j + Az k

MA = ( MA ) x i + ( MA ) z k

rAC = {3i + j} m  rAD = {3i - j} m

Equations of Equilibrium. Referring to the FBD of the assembly shown in Fig. a. the
force equation of equilibrium gives
ΣF = 0;  FCB + W + FA = 0;
6 3 2
a - FCB + Ax bi + a - FCB + Ay bj + a FCB + Az - 392.4bk = 0
7 7 7
Equating i, j and k components

- FCB + Ax = 0 (1)
- FCB + Ay = 0 (2)
FCB + Az - 392.4 = 0 (3)
The moment equation of equilibrium gives
ΣMA = 0;  rAC * FCB + rAD * W + MA = 0
i j k i j k
5 3 1 0 5 + †3 -1 0 † + ( MA ) x i + ( MA ) Z k = 0
6 3 2 0 0 -392.4
7 7 7

2 6 9 6
c FCB + 392.4 + ( MA ) x d i + a - FCB + 1177.2bj + c - FCB + FCB + ( MA ) z d k = 0
7 7 7 7

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5–77. Continued

Equating i, j and k components,

F + 392.4 + ( MA ) x = 0 (4)
7 CB
- FCB + 1177.2 = 0 (5)
9 6
- FCB + FCB + ( MA ) z = 0 (6)
7 7
Solving Eqs (1) to (6),
FCB = 1373.4 N = 1.37 kN Ans.
( MA ) x = - 784.8 N # m = 785 N # m Ans.
( MA ) z = 588.6 N # m = 589 N # m Ans.
Ax = 1177.2 N = 1.18 kN Ans.
Ay = 588.6 N = 589 N Ans.
Az = 0 Ans.

FCB = 1.37 kN
1 M A 2 x = 785 N # m
1 MA 2z = 589 N # m
Ax = 1.18 kN
Ay = 589 N
Az = 0

© Pearson Education Limited 2017. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist.
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*5–80. The boom is supported by a ball-and-socket joint at

A and a guy wire at B. If the 5-kN loads lie in a plane which
is parallel to the x–y plane, determine the x, y, z components 5 kN
of reaction at A and the tension in the cable at B.

5 kN
Equations of Equilibrium:

ΣMx = 0; 235 sin 30° 152 4 - TB 11.52 = 0

TB = 16.67 kN = 16.7 kN Ans. 2m
ΣMy = 0; 5 cos 30° 152 - 5 cos 30° 152 = 01Statisfied! 2 A y

ΣFx = 0; Ax + 5 cos 30° - 5 cos 30° = 0 1.5 m

Ax = 0 Ans.

ΣFy = 0; Ay - 215 sin 30° 2 = 0

Ay = 5.00 kN Ans.

ΣFz = 0; Az - 16.67 = 0 Az = 16.7 kN Ans.

TB = 16.7 kN
Ax = 0
Az = 16.7 kN

© Pearson Education Limited 2017. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist.
No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

5–83. Determine the tension in cables BD and CD and the x, z

y, z components of reaction at the ball-and-socket joint at A.

Given: 300 N

F 300 N 1.5 m

a 3m

b 1m x 0.5 m

c 0.5 m C 1m y

d 1.5 m

§ b ·
¨ ¸

§ b ·
rCD ¨ d ¸
¨ ¸

§ Ax · § 0 ·
¨ ¸
¨ 0 ¸
¨ Ay ¸  TBD  TCD
¨ ¸
¨A ¸ © F ¹
© z¹
§d· §d· §d  c· § 0 ·
¨ d ¸ u § T rBD · ¨ ¸ § rCD · ¨
0 ¸u¨ 0 ¸
¨ ¸ ¨© BD rBD ¸¹ ¨ ¸ ¨© CD rCD ¸¹ ¨
 d u T  0
¸ ¨ ¸
©0¹ ©0¹ © 0 ¹ © F ¹

§ TBD ·
¨ ¸
¨ TCD ¸
¨ Ax ¸ § TBD · § 116.7 ·
Find TBD  TCD  A x  A y  A z ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸N Ans.
¨ ¸ © TCD ¹ © 116.7 ¹
¨ Ay ¸
¨ A ¸
© z ¹ § Ax · § 66.7 ·
¨ ¸ ¨ 0 ¸N
¨ Ay ¸ ¨ ¸
¨A ¸ © 100 ¹
© z¹

T BD = 116.7 N, T CD = 116.7 N
A x = 66.7 N, A y = 0 N, A z = 100 N


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