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© Pearson Education Limited 2017 Allright reserved Ths material is protected under all copyright laws a they currently exit. ‘No portion ofthis material maybe reproduced, i any form or by any means without permission in writin fom the publsher. "4-140, “The loading on the bookshelf is distributed as shown. Determine the magnitude ofthe equivalent resultant location, measured from point O. SOLUTION Given: wy = 30N/m wy = SON/m aim b=ism c= 0Sm GuessesR=1N d= 1m Given R=TN d= 007m 35 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Allright reserved Ths material is protected under all copyright laws a they currently exit. ‘No portion ofthis material may be reproduced, in aay form or by any means without permission in writing from the publish. 4143, The masonry support ereates the loading distribution acting on the end of the beam. Simplify this load to a single resullant force and specify its location measured from point 0. SOLUTION guivlen Resuten Force: 41 2hs Fe 10)+4@5~1003)=0505KNT Ans Location of Equivalent Resttant Force C= (Malo = 2Mos0525(d) 0.300(0.18) + 0.225(02) 4=017Lm Ans, Ans: Fy = 0525 KN a= 0.7m 378 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Allright reserved Ths material is protected under all copyright laws a they currently exit. ‘No portion ofthis material may be reproduced, in aay form or by any means without permission in writing from the publish. 4146, Replace the loading by an equivalent resultant “am force and couple moment at point A. SOLUTION 1 : F= $08) G)-094N F, SN 1.8) (1) = (12) (1)=12N (bcos 06) m VF =EPj Py = 0.9 sin 0° + 18 sin 6 = 2.558 KN HA, 9.608 60? + 1.8608 60° + 1.2=2.55 kN 3460KN Ans, My, =0.9 (0.6) +18 (09) +12 (1.8 cos 60° +06) 3.96KNem J Ans 460 kN ona1s° Myx = 396KN-m 2 381 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Allright reserved Ths material is protected under all copyright laws a they currently exit. ‘No portion ofthis material may be reproduced, in aay form or by any means without permission in writing from the publish. 4109, Replace the distributed loading by an equivalent resultant force and specify where Jts line of action intersects a horizontal line along member AB, measured from A, SOLUTION Equivalent Resultant Foree. Summing the forces along the x and y axes by referring toFig.a, 4 Fide = 3F: (Fa)x = —2(4) = -8KN = BEN 41 (gy = 363 dy = -3G) = -9EN = 9kN Then Ans. And ser Ans. Location of the Resultant Force, Summing the moments about point A, by referring toFig.a, GMa) = EMas Be — 9y = ~3(8)(15) — 214)(2) Be + 9y = 295 a @ 3kN/m 2 N/m 384 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Allright reserved Ths material is protected under all copyright laws a they currently exit. ‘No portion ofthis material may be reproduced, in aay form or by any means without permission in writing from the publish. saan, ‘The fom is used to cast a eonerete wall having & with 2 OFS im Determine the equivalent resultant fore the Wel oncrete exerts onthe form AB ithe presre astbution dco the coneret canbe approximated a shown, Spey Ihe location ofthe relent force measured fom pot B ny ‘ SOLUTION a fare [she a [eo . 30, = 21.33 KN/m id Fg = 2133(5) = 107 EN Ans. — ‘ / fra [ste fe |, . pt t ‘1 i re Ans. k Fy = 2133(5) = 107 kN Ans. = 16 = 240m Ans. Fabs F(a) =2133 SbeLiyety A Fy = 107KN z= 240m 389 © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Allright reserved Ths material is protected under all copyright laws a they currently exit. ‘No portion ofthis material may be reproduced, in aay form or by any means without permission in writing from the publish. 4158, Replace the loading by an equivalent force and couple ouNim SEN ‘moment acting at point 0. - om scot i asm 45m— SLOKN = SLOKNL Ans. SOLUTION ti_=2R; | Fe=-2S- 135-150 G+ Mg, = 2M; Mg, = ~$00 ~ 22.5(5) ~ 13.5(9) ~ 15(12) 914 kN-m 914 KN+m (Clockwise) Ans. a ae Ans: Fx = SLOKN | Mg, = 914kN-m 392 ‘© Pearson Education Limited 2017 All rights serv This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. ‘No portion ofthis material may be reproduced, in aay form or by any means without permission in writing from the publish. 44158, Determine the equivalent resultant force of the distributed loading and its location, measured from point A. Evaluate the integrals using Simpson's rule SOLUTION fim [rac [ VETO a Fe = 169kN are | ovET Ta = 3374kN-m 3374 Bae = 227m ye Ans, Ans, [5062277 We S07 ein © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Allright reserved Ths material is protected under all copyright laws a they currently exit. ‘No portion ofthis material may be reproduced, in aay form or by any means without permission in writing from the publish. e161. Replace the distributed loading with an equivalent resultant force, and specify its location on the beam measured from point A. SOLUTION Resultant: The magnitude of the differential force dF is equal to the area of the clement shown shaded in Fig. a. Thus, _- ['l = (_2wol |b _ doh se farm f (wn eee (Baw Za) BLL a Location: The location of dE, on the beam is x; = x measured from point A. Thus, the location ¥ of Fy measured from point A is given by fosin [loin za fie : Ans, (a 398

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