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() Tn the etmed fight trok {etlowed the ~ rd he French Revolulio® ws tw. 4 Trae the even of In Tuy 1969 i d Ams!- 0) on iM Tuy IAG the city of Panis was 1 % sear AD Rimevad ese Ghee cuanbh gen our te rdw! 8 a bite upon the ciltzens (ai Some %seovmen and woman garhenh inact Oh HE eae ) and deuded te {erm o peoples mitta. and broke inte the numbi of gowmnment- buildings 17 Seandh gy anms W Gv) A guoup of sevenad hundned penple manthad tewsaids He wastenn poston , the Bashile v port oy Hue ty and stwotmed the fortress - eastern oh, Hie: kitted and He prasionans neleased ~ The Baste wor | Hho King Bastite was it stood Jor pre despolie power 9 heated by oli, because % 2 Whak wore Hre causes for the emphy Fneaoune of France wunclen hous Ps x 2 Arie (4) hong yews 4 we" hod dxained Hee finaneia) nesounces I Prone r (uy) The cost 9, aintainieg an extravagant count al- Hue immeme } (ix) Vaden Lows vt, France halpool the thinkeen Amenican colenies te hein iedlependane frum Hu common onemy Britain gue who have Me state cnet , nous bigan to darge a pssscn! Av) henolers loans $0 Me fprendh gowennmank Was obliged ts innnest ov spend an incneasin prrceniage 1h budge am inkerest payer alone awinbalning ar ajapaeee St we ny an army. the count, running govenme! universities ,the stale ura fanceal mo incneare anes afgices & bre, ascounh on tine Hind ealale BE Ob estates in fmainh avout to goo pes tem pusmed Hie sotidyy tas) ongalised Praanke Ale Si Hee population any « seal (20) ery cushvabed Hiatt 2), thd land i name Oy woes de Coeh And other nichen members of the thind cilahe Wu) TRE Members ob the Ynst tos estates anat is the cléngy ana the nobility ;enjoned contain peveliga previleges by init 1) The mask important oh these was eremphion Sem paying FoHES 40 Hae Catole- The nebier further enjoyed jeudat preidi lees WY Tse included feusled due, which thay exhauvd pow ths peasants « feanant wine obliged to rendler sorviees ro rhe lon to wwortb- wank In ix mewse and fills To s400e in the amg 0n fo panhiupala in buiteing roadk 4) Mention amy four fautans neyzonnible fon cubsisfence c#/#/*? Ant 1) The paoduchion France note pom sheuk 9S mitten (0 1yis to yh million to (met. This Te Po a napitel trntoae in the demanel for $rdgasina 4) Prediuasirn ay qanind conidial Clee eee ea jorihy do, the price of Bread wnish uamd tre staple dE th Hr mej! pose proptale. apidty sa te wsenkchops as labours wntee eomptagel enpligel TT neig with most washers E corpse oucnsen fired nein aaapen< Gul Wit the rise in priter dened seo tice orn ant tee hehmeer > os gap hoagie om Kat pwonre wrkepene COS ana +» min beome 4 ihacznah the eae Beil This fea & * f ——— ipl - » eg boom | wi ot tT anal aoe 34 BD Explain te asle 9, Minter minedoe db ue He Faench Remolutien . ; ee aavernelad 77 Ant= i) on 80 “June He na i ie the hall an ‘haleen denin’s deuale in Thuy dain They devlancd thermaelints & Matias Rrarreny « ts or ts Ad by Myralcaun and Abbe Siyer- ee ag tr 1) Min abeass sas born in a noble % te ned redo away sith He breuyht ont a Jounal and to the is “then eas ™) Abbe Aieyes, onisinally a witek cae Weel Tanda

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