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English IV

(AC-S07) Week 07 - Task: Assignment -

Someone that I admire

Cristhiam Raúl Vacas Mirella Lorena Sánchez

Ramos Chunga

Code U21304822 Code U19213477

José Alexander Carlos Estefano Salón Chahua

valdiviezo fernandez
Mario Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa is an accomplished Peruvian writer, journalist, and politician who

has made significant contributions to Latin American literature. Winner of the 2010

Nobel Prize in Literature, Through his numerous literary works and international

awards, He has been defined as one of the most complete storytellers of his

generation and a leading figure in Spanish-American literature.

He was born in 1936 in Arequipa, Peru. Is the author of numerous literary works,

including "The War of the End of the World" and "Conversation in the Cathedral." He

has been a member of the Peruvian Academy of Language and served as a visiting

professor at several universities around the world. In 2013, he was awarded the

Columnistas de El Mundo award, in recognition of his journalistic facet. Most of his

works are set in Peru and explore his conception of Peruvian society.

He almost always uses elegant language, which includes jargon and his own

vocabulary. It also uses the novel organization of events in time, rather it has an

urban narrative and its characters are confusing.

Finally, we can highlight that Mario Vargas Llosa left us with some great works with

many reflections. With a great journey in Latin American literature.

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