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Good morning to all our dear students. Happy to share some of the expected
questions in your NAAC meeting.

No. Parameters Excellent Very Good Good Fair

1 What was the basis of choosing this
colleges for your graduate?
2 Did the disciplinary measures
adopted help you in reaching your
3 Did the literary/cultural/sports
activities help you realize your full

4 Has the campus experience met

your expectations?

5 Mentoring System
( academic ,personal and psycho-
social support) in helping you ?
6 How much of the syllabus was
covered in the class?

7 How well did the teacher prepare

for the classes?
8 How well teacher able to
9 The teacher’s approach to teaching
can best be described as ?
10 Fairness of the internal evaluation
process by the teachers ?
11 Was your performance in
assignment discussed with you?
12 The institute take active interest in
promoting internship, student
exchange , field visit opportunities
for students?
13 The teaching and mentoring process
in your institution facilitates you in
cognitive, social and Emotional

14 The institution provides multiple

opportunities to learn and grow?
15 The teacher illustrate the concepts
through examples and
applications ?
16 The teacher identify your strengths
and encourage you with providing
right level of challenges ?
17 Teachers are able to identify your
weaknesses and help you to
overcome them?
18 The institution makes effort of
engage students in the monitoring,
review and continuous quality
improvement of teaching learning
19 The teachers use the student centric
methods, such as experiential
learning, participative learning and
problem solving methodologies for
Enhancing learning experiences?
20 Teachers encourage you to
participate in extra curricular

21 Efforts are made by the

institute/teachers to inculcate soft
skills, lifeskills and employability skill
to make you ready for the world of
work ?
22 What percentage of teachers use
ICT tools such as LCD projector,
Multimedia etc while teaching?

23 The overall quality of teaching-

learning process in your institute is
very good?
1 2 3 4
Good Fair
Excelle Very
nt good
A. Academic
1 Content of Syllabi of the Courses
2 Extent of Syllabi Covered in the Class
3 Delivery of Syllabi in the Class
4 Use of Teaching Aids and ICT in the
. Class to Facilitate Teaching
5 Overall Experience with Internal
. Assessment (Quiz, Assignments,
Presentations etc.)
6 Student Teacher Interaction
7 Integration of Theory and Practical
. in Classes (wherever applicable)
8 Stimulation for Innovative Thinking
9 Overall Learning Experience
10. Condition of Lab Equipment
11. Availability of Online Resources
12. Opportunities in the
Department/University for Research Activities

13. Opportunity to Participate in

Seminar/Workshop/Conference/Res earch
14. Experience with Research
15. Participation in Co-Academic And
Cultural Events
1 Classroom Facilities
. (LCD/Audio/Computer/Seating
Arrangement Etc.)
2 Library Reading Room Facility
3 Library Digital Resources and
. Reading
Material Support
4 Internet Facility
5 University Website
6 Department Website
7 Sports Facility
8 Food Outlets/Canteens
9 Drinking Water Facility
10. Washroom Facilities
11. Hostel Facility
C. Support System
1 Experience of the Admission Process to
. the Programme you have Enrolled in
5 Timely Announcement of Result
6 Experience with Timely Availability
. of
Mark Sheet
7 Experience with Evaluation Process
8 Experience with Placement Cell of the
. Department
9 Functioning Of Placement Cell Of The
. Department
1 Experience with Healthcare Facility
D Skills/Competencies Developed During Course of Study
1 Analytical Competency
2 Problem Solving Competence
3 Leadership
4 Time Management
5 Team Work/Collaboration Skills
6 Communication Competence
7 IT Skills
8 Critical Thinking
9 Entrepreneurial /Job Skills
E Overall college Experience
Your Overall Academic Experience
Would you Recommend this University Yes/No
to Others
Suggestions, If Any:
2) Did the disciplinary measures adopted help you in reaching your goal?

3) Did the literary/cultural/sports activities help you realize your full potential?

4) Has the campus experience met your expectations?

5) Mentoring System ( academic ,personal and psycho-social support) in helping you ?

6) How much of the syllabus was covered in the class?

7) How well did the teacher prepare for the classes?

8) How well teacher able to communicate?

9) The teacher’s approach to teaching can best be described as ?

10) Fairness of the internal evaluation process by the teacher ?

11) Was your performance in assignment discussed with you?

12) The institute take active interest in promoting internship, student exchange , field visit
opportunities for students?

13) The teaching and mentoring process in your institution facilitates you in cognitive, social and
Emotional growth?

14) The institution provides multiple opportunities to learn and grow?

15) The teacher illustrate the concepts through examples and applications ?

16) The teacher identify your strengths and encourage you with providing right level of challenges ?

17) Teachers are able to identify your weaknesses and help you to overcome them?

18) The institution makes effort of engage students in the monitoring, review and continuous quality
improvement of teaching learning process?

19) The teachers use the student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning
and problem solving methodologies for
Enhancing learning experiences?

20) Teachers encourage you to participate in extra curricular activities?

21) Efforts are made by the institute/teachers to inculcate soft skills, lifeskills and employability skill to
make you ready for the world of work ?

22) What percentage of teachers use ICT tools such as LCD projector, Multimedia etc while teaching?

23) The overall quality of teaching-learning process in your institute is very good?

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