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Suu tam va thiét ké bai Pham Viét Va = 28. Chéi ¥: “Jill bought him a new car” thi cu ¢6 nghia khde: Shim” T washed myself He sent the letter to himself. She served herself in the cafeteria We hurt ourselves playing football John and Mary hurt themselves in a car accident You can see the difference for yourselves. Ding dé nhan manh viée chit ngit tu lam lay vide gi, trong wrong hop nay nd ding ngay sau chi ngtthode sau ttt by. I myself believe that there is no God. She prepared the nine-course meal by herself. another person 6. Tan ngir (complement / object) va cdc van dé lién quan 6.1 Dang tir ding lam tan ngie Khong phai bat ctt dng tir no trong tiéng Anh ejing déu ddi hoi tan ngtt ding saw n6 1a mt danh tix. Mét so cdc dong ui lai ddi hoi tan ngit sau nd phai fd mGt 6ng tix khic. Déng tir ding Lum tan ngit ditge chia fam hai loai: 6.1.1. Logi 1: Dong tir nguyén thé Ham tin ngér (to + verb) + Bang duéi day 1A nhimg dng tir ddi héi tin ngtt sau n6 4 mot ddng tit nguy’n thé khic. lagree (desire hhope [plan ‘strive lattempt lexpect intend iprepare itend lai fail earn pretend want decide forget inced irefuse: wish ‘demand hesitate offer ‘seem | John expects to begin studying law next semester. Mary learned to swim when she was very young. The committee decided to postpone the meeting. ‘The president will attempt to reduce inflation rate. + Trong cau phi dinh, thém not vao trude déng tir lam tin ngit: John decided not to buy the car. 6.1.2. Logi 2: Dong tir Verb-ing ding lim tn ngtt ‘Trudng Dai Hoe Kinh Te Da Nang Suu tim va thiét ké boi Pham Viét Vi = 26- + Nhung néu all hod both di v6i cde dai tirnay 6 dang cau e6 tg dng tir thi all hodc both sé ding sau tro dng ti: We will all go to school next week. ‘They have both bought the insurance. + All va Both cting phai diing sau déng tit ro be, trade tinh tit We are all ready to go swimming. + Ding he/she thay thé cho cic vat nudi néu ching duoc xem 1A c6 tinh cach, thong minh hode tinh cam (ché, méo, ngua. Go and find the cat if where she stays in. How's your new car? Terrific, she is running beautifully. + Ten nude, tn cée con tau duge thay thé trang trong bing she (ngay nay it ding). England is an istand country and site is governed by a momach. Titanic was the biggest passenger ship ever built. She could carry as many as 2000 passenger on board. 5.2 Complement pronoun (Dai tir nhain xung tan ngit) La chi thé ciia hanh he (gay ra hanh en. con tan ngit 1d BA tong ah cia hanh dong. ‘They invited us to the party last night. ‘The teacher gave him a bad grade. Tiold her a story. ‘The policeman was looking for him. Dang sau ws c6 thé ding mot danh urs nhieu truc tiép, gidng nhu doi voi dai ti nan ung chit ng. “The teacher has made a lot of questions for us students. 5.3 Possessive pronoun (Dai tir sé hi) ‘Trudng Dai Hoe Kinh Te Da Nang Suu tam va thiét ké béi Pham Viét Vi +25 Ina small town in Germany there once lived a poor shoemaker. (Tai mét thi tran nhd & Bite c6 mét dng thg gidy nghéo sng 6 dé) ‘There remains nothing more to be done . (Cha cdn 66 g} nita ma am) Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black, (Bong o6 mét hinh béng ki Jamie toin do den di va0) ‘There followed an uncomfortable silence. (Sau 6 1 mét str im King dén kh6 chiu) ‘© There + subject pronoun + go/ come/ be: Kia/ thé 1&/ ri thi ‘These he comes (Anh ta di dén roi kia kia) . ‘There you are, | have been waiting for you for over an hour. (Anh day r6i, ti dang ché anh dén hon mot tiéng roi diy) 5. Dai tir ai tir duge chia Tam 5 Logi vai ede-chite nding str dung khée nhau, bao gdm: 5.1 Subject pronoun (Dai tir nhdn xung chit ngi) We You ie You She i ‘They ai tixnhan: xtmg chit ngit (cbn goi 18 dai eit hin xtrig) throng ding 6 vi tr che nett trong cau hode ding sau dong tir be, ding sau ede phé tirso sénh nhtt than, as, that. Lam going to the store. We have lived here for twenty years. ‘The teachers who were invited to the party were George, Bill and J. Tt was she who called you. George and I would like to leave now. We students are going tw have a party. + Ngay sau ede ng6i sé nhiéu nhw we. you ban cd thé dang mot danh tit s6 nl Jam 16 we, you 1a chi cai We students are going to have a party (Sinh vin chiing t6i ‘You guys (Bon may) + Wef You/ They 6 thé ding véi all/ both. Trong trae hop cau e6 dong tir don thi chting di lién voi nhau: We all go to school now. They both bought the ensurance You all come shopping. ‘Trudng Dai Hoe Kinh Te Da Nang Suu tam va thiét ké béi Pham Viét Vi 4.9 Cach dimg there is, there are Duge ditng 48 chi sw t6n tai ctia ngu6i hode vat tai mOt noi nao dé. Chik ngit that cia ca lana ftva danh tir di sau dong tir. Neu n6 1A danh tir s6 (thi dong ar fo be chia & ngdi tht 3 sO ngugc lai. Moi bién doi vé thoi va thé déu 6 10 be con there gitt nguyen. There is There was "There hhas been + singular subject (or nen-couns) ‘There as been an inerease inthe importation of foreign cars Threre ig a storm approaching. There was an accident last night. ‘There was water on the floor. There are There were ‘There have been + plural subject ‘There have beon a number of telephone calls today ‘There were too many people at the party. chic chéin li s@ 06 Cée cau trie: there is certain sure’ likely/ bound to be ‘There is. ¢ trouble when she gets his letter. (Chic chin la sé ¢6 rte rOi khi 6 ay nhan dirge th anh ta) Do you think there is likely to be snow. (Anh cho ring chic chiin sé c6 tuyét chit) ‘Trong dang tiéng Anh quy chun hoi tobe cling durge sir dung véi there: Dong tir trang thdi: stand/ lie/ remain/ exist/ live Dung ir chi ste Ain: enter go/ come/ follow/ develop vn churong mot s6 cde dng tir khiic ngodi of state There + verb + noun as subject of arrival ‘Trudng Dai Hoe Kinh Te Da Nang Suu tim va thiét ké boi Pham Viét Vi = 23. danh vit sé nhiéu thi déng tit van chia theo ngOi chi ngtt chinh ~ ngOi thir 3 56 it: flock of birds/ sheep, school of fish, herd of cautle, pride of lions, pack of dogs The flock of as is circling overhead. ‘The herd of castle is breaking away. ‘A school of fish is being attacked by sharks. 8 + Tit cf cde danh tirtép thé chi thoi gian, tien bac, s6 do, .. khi duce dé cap dén nhur mot thé thong nit th dau durge xem 1a mot dank tit $6 ft. Do d6 ede dGng tit va dai tir theo sau chiing phai 6 ng6i thit 3 s6 it. ‘Twenty-five dollars is too much for the meal. Fifty minutes isn’t enough time to finish this test ‘Twenty dollars is all I can afford to pay for that radio. ‘Two miles is too much to run in one day, He has contributed $50, and now he wants to contribute another fifty. 4.7 Cach sit dung a number of, the number of A number of = “Mt s6 nhiing ...”, di voi danh tit s6 niu, déng tir chia 6 sb ‘A number of + plural noun + plural verb A number of students are going to the class picnic (Mét so. A number of applicants have already been interviewed, inh vien sé di.) ‘The number of = “S6 lurgng nhting ...", di voi danh tit s6 nhiéu, déng tir van 6 ngoi thik 3 86 it number of + plural noun + singular verb. ‘The number of days in a week is seven, (Sé lugng ngay trong t in 17) The number of residents who have been questioned on this matter is quite small. 4.8 Céc danh tar luén 686 nhiéu Bang sau Ia nhiing danh tit bao gid eting & hinh thai s6 nhigu vi ehting bao gdm 2 thurc {thé nén ede dai tir va dong tit di cing voi ching cling phai 6 s6 n scissors jeans eyeglasses shots tongs pliers pants trousers tweezers Néu muGn ching thinh ngéi sé it phai ding a pair of... ‘The pants are in the drawer. A pair of pants is in the drawer. ‘These scissors are dull. (Cai kéo nay cin, Chil ¥ chi c6 1 cdi kéo nhung cting ding ‘voi these) ‘Trudng Dai Hoe Kinh Te Da Nang

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