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Mindoro State University

Main Campus, Alcate, Victoria Oriental Mindoro


Understanding the Self Second Semester, AY 2022-2023

• Read the questions carefully. Use the answer sheet at the last page.
• No erasures. Any form of alterations/ modifications shall be counted wrong.

1. Every time that “I” is mentioned, the self is highlighted as the ______.
a)Actor b)Receiver c)Soul d)Body

2.An anthropological conceptualization of self holds that the self is embedded in ________.
a)Society b)Behavior c)Culture d)All of the above

3.Philosophy is from the greek words “filia” which means _____; and sofia, which means ______.
a)wisdom; love b)love; wisdom c)society; culture d)culture; society

4.It is the study of the fundamental nature, knowledge, reality, existence, especially in an academic discipline.
a)Sociology b)Psychology c)History d)Philosophy

5.The _______ were the ones who seriously questioned myths and moved away from them to understand reality and
respond to perennial questions of curiosity, including the questions of the self.
a) Pre-Socratics b) Greeks c)French d) Buddhists

6.He believes that every human possesses an immortal soul that survives the physical body.
a) Socrates b) Plato c) St. Augustine d) St. Thomas of Aquinas

7. According to Socrates, “the true task of the philosopher is ________.”

a) To be dualistic b) To be perfect and permanent
c) To know oneself d) To find a spirit

8. Plato is best known for his ________ that asserted the physical world is not really the “real” world because the
ultimate reality exists beyond the physical world.
a) Theory of Forms b) Cogito Ergo Sum c) Tabula Rasa d) Platonism

9. The Latin phrase Cogito Ergo Sum – “I think therefore I am” is the keystone of _________ concept of self.
a) Locke’s b) Descartes’ c) Churchland’s d) Merleau-Ponty’s
10. Hume divided the mind’s perceptions into two groups. Impressions are directly experienced; they result from
inward and outward sentiments. On the other hand, _______ are less lively counterparts; these are mechanisms that
copy and reproduce sense data formulated.
a) Ideas b) Experiences c) Wisdom d) Self
11. For German philosopher_________, it is the self that makes experiencing an intelligible world possible because it
is the self that is actively organizing and synthesizing all of our thoughts and perceptions
a) David Hume b) Paul Churcland c) Immanuel Kant d) George Herbert Mead

12. Self-knowledge is the ultimate virtue. As the virtue, it will lead to ultimate happiness.
a) Socratic Philosophy b) Dualism/Idealism c) Neoplatonism d) Mind-Body Dualism

13.The primitive, instinctive component of personality.

a) Id b) Ego c) Superego d) None of the Above

14. For Merleau-Ponty, everything that we are aware of—and can possible knows—is contained within our own ____.
a) family b) experience c) culture d) consciousness

15. All knowledge passes through the senses

a) Sketical Philosophy b) Metaphysics of the Self
c) The concept of the mind d) Neurophilosophy

16. A sense that someone truly cares about you.

a) Belonging b) Recognition c) Freedom d)Self-Esteem

17. The need to feel confident, valued and worthy

a) Belonging b) Recognition c) Freedom d) Self-Esteem

18. It is the study of people, past and present

a) Capitalism b) Culture c) Anthropology d) Langauge

19. Sociologists are concerned with questions about the________.

a) Fossils and artifacts b) Persons in the Community
c) Sex and Sexuality d) Behavior and Mind

20.It refers to our body that can be seen and observed by everyone.
a) Sexual self b) Spiritual self c) Physical Self d) Political Self

21. It is a serious mental illness where people are low weight due to limiting their energy intake. It can affect anyone
of any age, gender, or background. As well as restricting the amount of food eaten, they may do lots of exercise to get
rid of food eaten.
a) Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) b) Anorexia
c) Body Shaming d) All of the above

22. Which of the following is NOT a component of the looking glass self theory?
A. Imagining how we appear to others
B. Imagining how others judge us based on their appearance
C. Evaluating our own appearance based on how we believe others judge us
D. Modifying our behavior based on how we believe others perceive us

23. Which of the following is an example of the looking glass self in action?
A. A student studying hard for an exam because they believe it will help them achieve their personal goals
B. A child sharing their toys with others because they enjoy playing with others
C. A teenager buying new clothes to fit in with their peer group
D. A person volunteering at a homeless shelter because they want to help others
24. The following are factors that affect our view of sexuality, except:
a) Education b) Occupation c) Religion d) Nutrition

25. The following are factors that affect our view of sexuality, except:
a) Education b) Climate c) Income d) Economics

26. Person’s characterization as female or male at birth, typically based on the appearance of external genitalia or
other biological characteristics.
a) Puberty b) Sex c) Gender d) Income

27. It refers to our sexual preferences towards males, females, or both while Gender Identity is one’s concept of being
male, female, both, or neither and is “entirely determined by socialization (nurture)”
a) Sexual orientation b) Gender identities c) Sexual Response d) Sexual Violence

28. They are sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex.

a) Homosexual b) Bisexual c) Heretosexual d) Pansexual

29. This gender identity could not identify themselves whether they are boy or girl.
a) Cisgender b) Non-Binary c) Agender d) Transgender

30. Programs that intend to provide accessible information on sexual and reproductive health for people to choose
from depending on their needs and preferences.
a) Sexchange b) Family planning c) Vasectomy d) Tubal ligation

31. Which is not a principle of DOH in implementing family planning program?

a) Responsible parenthood b) Birth Spacing c) Informed Choice d) Abstinence

32. It is the most intimate, inner subjective part of the self.

a) Physical Self b) Sexual Self c) Spiritual Self d) Digital Self

33. These chips feature a shrimp flavor that tantilizes your taste buds with a hint of saltiness that goes great with
a refreshing drink. Each serving of Yummy Flakes provides over a third of your daily recommended antioxidant
vitamin These chips can be eaten plain or with dips and sauces for an additional kick.
a) Kirei b) Piattos c) Boy Bawang d) Cheez-it

34. Who is the founder of Buddhism?

a) Siddharta Gautama b) Confucius c) Jesus Christ d) Felix Manalo

35. Who founded Christianity?

a) Jesus b) Socrates c) St. Augustine d) Genesis

36. Who is your favorite instructor?


37. Virtue is the basic and most basic propensity of man and Self-knowledge is the source of all wisdom, an individual
may gain possession of oneself and be one’s own master through knowledge
a) True b) False

38. The self/soul/mind according to Plato, is the best aspect of the human beings by which the FORMS (ideas) are
a) True b) False
39. St. Augustine believes that a virtuous life is dynamism of love.
a) True b) False

40. René Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, and a scientist and considered as the father of modern
a) True b) False

41. For Locke, the human mind at birth is Tabula rasa or a blank slate.
a) True b) False

42. Scottish Philosopher David Hume suggests that if people carefully examine their sense of experience through the
process of introspection, they will discover that there is no self.
a) True b) False

43. Kant’s point is that what truly exist are your ideas and your knowledge of your ideas that you perceive in the
outside. He defended the diverse quality or state of the body and soul (self) presenting that “bodies are objects of the
outer souls; souls are objects of inner sense”
a) True b) False

44. Sigmund Freud developed the best-known theory of personality focused upon internal growth or
a) True b) False

45. Ryle summarizes the essential elements of the dualistic view of the self—mind and body as distinct entities—first
articulated by Plato and then perpetuated in various incarnations through St. Augustine, Descartes, and others.
a) True b) False

46. Although he believes strongly in the logic of his position, Churchland recognizes that many people will resist the
argument he is making for a variety of reasons.
a) True b) False

47. A phenomenologist like Merleau-Ponty sees his aim of describing what he sees and then assuming that his
description will strike a familiar chord with us, stimulating us to say, “I understand what you’re saying—that makes
sense to me!”
a) True b) False

48. Psychologists are concerned with questions about the person in the community.
a) True b) False

49. According to Mead, three activities develop the self: language, play, and work.
a) True b) False

50. Culture cannot influence how you define and whether you value certain types of individual and group
a) True b) False

51. Filipinos are more individualistic than dualistic, so they regard their family and societal units highly.
a) True b) False

52. It was Galileo Mendel who first figured out how genes are pass from parents to offspring in plants, including
a) True b) False
53. The ‘I’ is considered the socialized aspect of the individual.
a) True b) False

54. Which of the following is an example of the looking glass self in action?
A. A student studying hard for an exam because they believe it will help them achieve their personal goals
B. A child sharing their toys with others because they enjoy playing with others
C. A teenager buying new clothes to fit in with their peer group
D. A person volunteering at a homeless shelter because they want to help others

55. Which of the following statements best summarizes the social comparison theory by Carl Rogers?
a) Social comparison is an innate human behavior that is always beneficial for self-esteem.
b) Social comparison is a complex process that involves evaluating oneself based on comparisons with
c) Social comparison is an outdated theory that does not apply to modern society.
d) Social comparison is a destructive behavior that should be avoided at all costs.

56. Man is a social animal; we can live in isolation.

a) True b) False

57. Language is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social
a) True b) False

58. SUPEREGO is present in the deepest level of the unconscious and represents the inner world of subjective
a) True b) False

59. Preconscious Level relates to the awareness of an individual to his environment. It functions when the individual
is awake
a) True b) False

60. Hume compared the “self ” to an occasion; where an occasion retains its “being an occasion “not by some single
core of identity but by being composed of different, constantly changing elements like people, systems, culture and
a) True b) False

61. Augustine suggests that the act of thinking about the self or being self-conscious is proof that there is a self.
a) True b) False

62. What is the first stage of love?

A) Attraction B) Attachment C) Infatuation D) Commitment

63.During the attachment stage of love, what happens to the levels of the hormone oxytocin in the brain?
A) They decrease B) They increase C) They remain constant D) None of the above

64. According to the website, what is the second stage of love?

A) Infatuation B) Commitment C) Attraction D) Intimacy

65. During the intimacy stage of love, what tends to happen to the levels of the hormone cortisol in the body?
A) They increase B) They decrease C) They remain constant D) None of the above
66. What is the third stage of love?
A) Attraction B) Intimacy C) Infatuation D) Commitment

67. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of Eastern culture?

A. Difficulty in making independent decisions
B. A lack of motivation to pursue personal goals
C. A tendency to conform to societal norms at the expense of individual creativity and expression
D. None of the above

68. Which of the following is an example of Western-individualism?

A. A person choosing to pursue their own career goals rather than taking over the family business
B. A person prioritizing their family’s needs over their own personal aspirations
C. A person conforming to societal norms and traditions even if it conflicts with their own values
D. A person valuing the needs of the group over their own individual needs

69. Which of the following best describes collectivism?

a. A philosophy that emphasizes the importance of the individual and individual rights.
b. A philosophy that emphasizes the importance of community and social harmony.
c. A philosophy that values individual achievement and competition.
d. A philosophy that values personal freedom and autonomy.

70. Which of the following best describes the relationship between individualism and personal responsibility?
a. Individualism emphasizes personal responsibility, while collectivism emphasizes social responsibility.
b. Both individualism and collectivism emphasize personal responsibility.
c. Individualism downplays the importance of personal responsibility.
d. Collectivism downplays the importance of personal responsibility.
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