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Agilent 1100/1200 Series

Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

Hardware / Software Familiarization

Purpose of Procedure
To demonstrate the steps required to perform a basic analysis using a standard sample or internal data file, evaluate
the resulting data and perform routine operational maintenance. Familiarization is intended to give operators a basic
overview of the operation and maintenance of new instruments, systems and application software and is not
designed to substitute for a full operator-training course.

Customer Responsibilities
The customer should ensure that necessary operating supplies, consumables and usage dependent items such as
vials, syringes and solvents are available. Users of the instrument should be present at all times during the
familiarization, otherwise important information on operation and maintenance may be missed. The manuals
delivered with the instrument will be used as a guide during familiarization and should be available.

Note: Typical familiarization times for a Bundled LC System are:

2D System –approx. 6.5 Hours
3D System – approx. 8.5 Hours

If customer did not purchase familiarization time for the 1200, check that section as not applicable

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

Hardware Familiarization
 Section Not Applicable

If one section contains multiple choices for installed Hardware please encircle all modules that are part of the
system and enter the corresponding Serial Numbers.

System Overview and Hardware Familiarization

 Power on each module and describe the various states of the status indicators.
 Indicate the installed modules in the following list that will be covered as part of the familiarization
 G4208A- Instant Pilot
 G1323A/B
 G1322A/79B- Degasser
 G1310A/11A/12A /61A/76A/ G2226A - Pump
 G1328A/B – Manual Injector
 5065-9922 – Prep. Manual Injector
 G1313/29A/B or G2260A – Autosampler
 G1367A/B/C/77A – Well Plate Sampler
 G2258A – Dual Loop Sampler
 G1316A/B/C - Column Compartment
 G1157A/58A/59A/60A/62A/63A – Valves
 G1314A/B/C/D/E – VWD
 G1315A/B/C/D-DAD / G1365A/B/C/D–MWD
 G1321A – FLD
 G1362A – RID
 G4218A – ELSD
 G1364A/B/C/D – Fraction Collectors
 G1330A/B – Thermostat for Samplers and Fraction Collectors

 Below Item Not Applicable

 Demonstrate stand-alone operation for each installed Module using the Control Module. Use the “Control
Module Screens for the 1100/1200” section from the appropriate Module Reference Manual as guidance.
Review the following Screens:

2. Diagnostics and Tests Screen
3. G4218A ELSD: Demonstrate use of built-in keyboard control for using the instrument

 Explain installation and safety features of the instrument/system. For the G4218A ELSD: explain the
importance of setting the right nitrogen pressure, using the exhaust line, avoiding pressure fluctuations,
avoiding leaks and monitoring the liquid level in the siphon.

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

 Review common maintenance procedures by reviewing the “Simple Repairs” section in the appropriate
Reference Manual
 G4218A ELSD: Explain no self-repair of internal parts of the ELSD is possible for safety reasons.
 Show the use of LC diagnostic/LMD further information included in manuals and this document.
 Explain need for regular maintenance, cleaning and appropriate storing of instruments, and for the G4218A
ELSD, the need of regularly cleaning the nebulizer (Please note: if ELSD is not stopped/cleaned appropriately
after use, this will significantly decrease the nebulizer/detector life time. Similar comment on flushing
capillaries etc.
 Explain need for avoiding growth of algae within the system which can create problems and high costs for
customers as this is not covered by the warranty or support contract (Customer is liable for repair charges).

 For Systems that do not have a Control Module, detailed Familiarization of the 1200 set points will
be covered in the EDIT METHOD and DIAGNOSTIC portions of the Software Familiarization.

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

Software Familiarization
 Section Not Applicable

System Startup
 Demonstrate switching on instruments, PC and peripherals
 Demonstrate starting Windows operating system, logon password
 Demonstrate starting LC ChemStation software
 Describe ChemStation Configuration Editor
 Describe Online and Offline session
 Demonstrate how to open a Reprocessing Copy (explain that the reprocessing copy will start automatically
switching to Data Analysis, while Data Acquisition is running)

General Familiarization
 Describe software manuals
 Demonstrate Online help and Tutorial
 Demonstrate the ChemStation layout
 Explain use of the various Views and the usage of the Navigation Pane
 Explain ChemStation Explorer
 Add a new method and data path e.g. drive d:\test\methods and d:\test\data using the Path Preferences and show
impact on ChemStation Explorer
 Demonstrate mouse actions in the various tables and graphic items
 Explain Full/Short menu and view structures
 Explain the user access levels

Configure Instruments
Where necessary (e.g. for samplers and fraction collectors: used trays and vessels)
 Configure wellplates and test tubes (if applicable)
For fraction collectors, only:
 Configure delay volume, collection order and mode, needle movement

Edit Method
 Prepare a method using the “Edit Entire Method” menu item to analyze the checkout sample
 Don’t forget to explain parameters under the “More and Auxiliary”- Buttons or Menus
 If the Spectral Software (G2180BA) is loaded, select acquisition of all spectra
 Save the method as ISO_1.M
 Explain the difference between the method in memory and in the instrument

Run Method
 Prepare the Isocratic Checkout sample
 Load ISO-1.M
 G4218A ELSD: wait for equilibration of instrument. Set up a method according to conditions given in the
ELSD user manual and run the caffeine standard sample. Explain basic principles of ELSD technology,
especially with respect to setting an appropriate temperature and choosing the correct nebulizer regarding flow
rate and back pressure.
 Setup the run through the “Sample Info” menu and analyze the sample
 Demonstrate status monitors and on-line signal display

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
Page 9 of 9
Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

Generating Sequence Data

 Overview about 2 ChemStation Data Packaging Concepts using Sequence Preferences
a. Unique Folder Creation ON (consistency of whole data set)
b. Unique Folder Creation OFF (pure data storage)

After the short overview about the two different data storage concepts within ChemStation ask the customer
about his preference and continue to explain the preferred mode to the customer.

Edit/Run Sequence (Unique Folder Creation ON)

 Load sequence DEF_LC.S
 Explain usage of the sequence preference “Unique Folder Creation ON”
 Define a sequence “Name Pattern” e.g. Operator, Date, Counter
 Demonstrate preparation of a sequence using the “Sequence Parameters” , select new data path e.g. d:\test\data
 Continue demonstrate preparation of a sequence by opening the “Sequence Table” menu and edit a sequence
 Demonstrate “Save Sequence”
 Run a single injection sequence using the checkout sample.
 Demonstrate the final sequence data container (based on the sequence pattern) and explain the content of the
data container (using Windows Explorer)
 Demonstrate “Partial Sequence” and the creation of unique data container for each executed sequence part,
based on the sequence pattern

Edit/Run Sequence
(Unique Folder Creation OFF)
 Load sequence DEF_LC.S
 Explain usage of the sequence preferences “Unique Folder Creation OFF”
 Demonstrate preparation of a sequence using the “Sequence Parameters” , select new data path e.g. d:\test\data,
explain the data file naming
 Explain the option “Reprocessing Only”, and point out to use this function for reprocessing of sequence till
B.01.03 and data created using this data storage mode.
 Continue demonstrate preparation of a sequence by opening the “Sequence Table” menu and edit a sequence
 Run a single injection sequence using the checkout sample.
 Demonstrate “Sequence Save”
 Demonstrate “Partial Sequence” for this data storage mode, all data files will be stored in the same subdirectory
 Use Windows Explorer to show the various location of the data (no container has been created), show that
master method and sequences remain in default directories (no copies are generated and stored along with the

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

Data Analysis
 Demonstrate use of the navigation pane
 Explain navigation table and demonstrate table options, e.g. move column “method name” to different place
 Demonstrate the various ways to load a signal and how to get signal specific information (File Menu\Load
 Navigation Table\Double click)
 Load data file ISOCRA.D found in X:\CHEM32\1\DATA\DEMO\
 Manipulate graphics windows (Zoom, print window, etc.)
 Integrate signal (Automated and Manual)
 Setup report using “Specify Report” menu
 Print an area percent report

For Unique Folder Creation ON:

 Load sequence data DEMO_SEQUENCE in X:\CHEM32\1\DATA\DEMO\ , using the ChemStation Explorer
 Demonstrate “reviewing” of data files using the signal/review preferences
a. Use current
b. Use sequence method
c. Use method from data file
 Demonstrate “reprocessing” of data files, e.g change a multiplier by modifying the sequence table in Data

For Unique Folder Creation OFF

 Load sequence data BATCH inX:\CHEM32\1\DATA\DEMO\ using the ChemStation Explorer
 Demonstrate “reviewing” of data files using the signal/review preferences Use
a. “Use current” and explain that
b. “Use sequence method” and “Use method from data file” cannot be used (not present container, no
sequence and individual methods are created in this mode).
 Outline that reprocess for this data storage mode cannot be done in Data Analysis
 Demonstrate to how to reprocess this data set using the “Sequence Parameter – Reprocess only” in the Method
and Run Control
 Explain the usage of “use Sequence Table information” in the “Sequence Parameter” dialog

 Load method DEF_LC.M
 Load data file ISOCRA.D
 Demonstrate the steps in creating a single level calibration
 Demonstrate generating a External Standards report

Spectral Data Evaluation

 Section Not Applicable
 Demonstrate display of spectra and reference spectra
 Demonstrate display of a 3D plot
 Demonstrate display of an Isoabsorbance plot
 Demonstrate the creation of a Spectral Library
 Demonstrate creation of an Automated Library Search Report
 Demonstrate Peak Purity

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

Purification and Fraction Collection

 Section Not Applicable

 Demonstrate, how to reset the tray fill information

 Demonstrate, how to perform a delay calibration
 Demonstrate fraction collection in the time based and peak based mode
 Demonstrate the use of the Fraction Preview
 Demonstrate the Fraction collection in a single run (method) using the “Sample Info” for specifying a Fraction
Start Location
 Generate and run a Fraction Collection Sequence with a Fraction Start position in the Sequence Parameters and
in the Sequence Table
 Demonstrate, how to do Pooling
 Demonstrate, how to do Sample Recovery (if applicable, appropriate trays and configuration must be available)
 Demonstrate, how to generate a report including Fraction
 Tickmarks and Fraction Table

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist


 Introduce the diagnostic tools in ChemStation and Agilent LC Diagnostic

 Describe EMF Utilities and how to set limits in ChemStation /Agilent LC Diagnostic
 Demonstrate troubleshooting using diagnostics in ChemStation / Agilent LC Diagnostic
 Explain file management and other software utilities
 Describe the importance of data back-up, disk checks, disk defragmentation, archiving and master disk storage
 Discuss the importance of disabling power management options and utilities that run automatically
 In Agilent LC Diagnostic describe Status Report and how to edit a report as PDF or as printable file
 In Agilent LC Diagnostic describe the guided diagnostic

Name(s) of attendees for familiarization.

Please fill in the names of users that attended the familiarization.



Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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Agilent 1100/1200 Series
Liquid Chromatograph

Familiarization Checklist

Service Review

 Register the customer for complimentary software support.

 Affix any reports generated to this Checklist
 Record in the instrument logbook date and time install was completed
 Explain Agilent warranty for Hardware, Software and return policy for the Instrument Service Center
 Explain how to log an instrument service call
 Explain support services (Compliance, PM, Remote Advisor)
 Explain how to use manuals
 Advise customer of additional training options
 Give the customer a tour of the following useful Agilent web sites:

Manuals can be found on the

ChemStation CD 2, User Documentation and Accessories.

Technical Support Education
e.g. 1100/1200 Series Firmware (Downloads/patches) cag_countrysites.asp?pf=T
E-seminars Supplies
Software Status Bulletins and Patches

Note: Password is the Registration number for the software.

 Sales Order Number

 Customer Service Order (CSO) Number

 Date completed

 Customer Signature

 Support Provider Signature

*01200-90604* Part Number: 01200-90604 © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2008

01200-90604 Edition September 2008 Agilent Technologies
Printed in Germany Hewlett-Packard-Strasse 8
76337 Waldbronn, Germany

Issued: Sept 2008 – Rev. 6.1 Copyright  2008 Agilent Technologies WAD Product Support
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