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By Joyce Fassbender


The idea for this shawl came about

when my sister saw another of my
designs and fell in love with the edging.
She then suggested that I make it into a
crescent and put less of that ”annoying
lace” in it. So, GiGi, this is Tsidfy, The
Shawl I Designed For You (and lots of
other people). Tsidfy is a crescent
shaped shawlette with a garter stitch
border that is knit from center back to
the bottom edge. Yarn overs at each
end are used to form the crescent
shape. Increases are worked on both
right and wrong sides.

Yarn Requirements: 470 yards (430m) of a

Knit Picks Swish DK in Dusk (100%
Superwash merino)

Needles: US size 8 (5mm) circular 24” long

Additional Materials:
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
20 stitch markers

Gauge: 18 sts x 30 rows = 4” in stockinette

Finished Size: 61 inches W x 16 inches L


Copyright 2013: Joyce Fassbender. All rights reserved. 1

- All rows are worked with three edge stitches in garter stitch. These stitches are
included on the charts.
- In order to increase the size of the shawlette, work 13 additional repeats of rows 1
and 2. This will result in an increase of 78 stitches per row.
- Odd rows are worked from right to left. Even rows are worked from left to right.
- For the k2tog bind off: k2, slip stitches onto left needle, k2tog through the back loop,
*k1, slip stitches onto left needle, k2tog through the back loop*, repeat * until all
stitches are bound off.
- For the crochet bind off: chain four (4), insert hook into next two knit stitches, single
crochet, *chain four (4), crochet next two knit stitches together *, repeat * until
center stitch, single crochet, *chain four (4), crochet next two knit stitches
together *, repeat * until last two stitches, chain 4, single crochet in last stitch.
- Boxed areas of chart indicate the 26 stitch pattern repeat across rows.
- Use stitch markers between pattern repeats if necessary. Please see instructions
beneath the chart for additional information.


Using provisional cast on, cast on 3 sts. Knit four (4) rows.

At end of last row, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. Then yo, *pick up and knit one in a
garter stitch ridge, yo * twice. Remove waste yarn from cast on edge, placing resulting
3 live sts on left needle; knit these sts. (11 sts) On the next row [WS]: K3, yo, p5, yo, k3 (13


Row1: k3, yo, k1, yo, knit to last 4 stitches, yo, k1, yo, k3.
Row 2 and all even rows: k3, yo, purl to last three stitches, yo, k3.

Work rows 1 and 2 thirty-six (36) more times. (235 sts.)

Work Chart A once. (305 sts.)

Bind off very loosely using crochet or k2tog bind off. Weave in ends and block.

Chart A- Work rows 1-28 once. 305 sts. at end of section. Work boxed area 8 times. Move stitch markers between pattern repeats one
stitch to the left on row 13 and one stitch to the right on row 25.

Charts designed with Intwined Pattern Studio


k= knit
p= purl
yo= yarn over
RS= right side
WS= wrong side
k2tog= knit 2 stitches together
p2sso= pass 2 slipped stitches over knitted stitch
on right needle
ssk= slip, slip, knit (stitches should be slipped knitwise)
sl2= slip 2 stitches knitwise together from left needle
to right needle
sts= stitches

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