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We, the officers and members of the association guided by laws of God and our
Philippine Constitution bind ourselves in order to promote unity love and prosperity that will
focus to the improvement of the individual members.



SECTION 1. The Name of the Association shall be
SECTION 2. The Address of the Association is:



SECTION 1. Objectives and Purpose – the objectives and purposes of this association are as

1. To establish an association that will promote mutual aid and protection to its
2. To promote the moral , social and economic well- being of all the members; and
3. To develop a livelihood thru the conduct of activities with aim of uplifting the
economic condition of the members ; and
4. To work with non-government and government organization or entities in the
promotion and development of the association and in carrying out government


SECTION 1. There are two classes of membership namely:

a) Bonafide member – a member having a family of his/her own who, after having
accomplished all the requirements for membership has been duly accepted as regular
ember and has been given a membership certificate of the Association.

A member may be a father or a mother of a family or any of the family member to

represent the family. Two or more members may be residing in only one house.
b) Honorary member – an individual person without a family of his/her own , lodger
or boarder of anybody who , after having accomplished all of the requirements for
membership for honorary members , has been duly accepted as honorary member
and has been given a membership certificate of the Association .

SECTION 2. A person can be a bonafide member of the Association if:

a) He/she is a resident of the Barangay ;
b) He/she owns or rents a house , an apartment , a business enterprise , and any other
property that needs water service area of the association ;
c) He/she has duly paid the membership ; and
d) His/her application for membership to the Association has been duly approved by
the officers of the Association .

SECTION 3. The membership fees shall be the following :

a) For bonafide or regular member –Php 100.00

b) For honorary member –Php50.00
Annual administrative fee shall be payable every 15th of January of every year .

SECTION 4. A member who has two or more houses or establishment that are enjoying
either Level II or Level III shall have to pay additional membership fee of Php 100.00 for
every additional house or establish.
SECTION 5. The obligations of every member shall be the following.
a) To understand, accept and abide by the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution,
and By-laws, policies, rules and regulations of the Association;
b) To attend all regular and special General Assembly Meetings of the
Association, seminars/ trainings and all other meetings of the Association;
c) To pay his monthly water bills regularly;
d) To help protect the properties of the Association;
e) To follow the method recommended by the Association in the proper use of
water and taking care of facilities; and
f) To help attain the aims and the purpose of the Association.
g) To pay is membership fee; and
h) To pay his annual administrative fee regular.
SECTION 6. The rights of every member are the following;
a) Every member including the member of his family shall have the right to use
water from their respective water service connection;
b) Every member has the right to hold any elective and appointive position of the
Association, provided that he/ she is not expressly disqualified under this
constitution and By-Laws and in any policy, rules and regulations of the
c) Every member has the right to assemble and petition any officer of the
Association for redness and grievances;
d) Every member having several establishments with water service connections
shall have the right to only one (1) vote in any activities of the Association; and
e) Every member has the right to withdraw membership from the association,
provided that clearance shall have to be accomplished by such member from
the Association
SECTION 7. The honorary member has no other right except to use water from their
respective water service connections and the right to withdraw membership from
Association .



SECTION 1. Termination of Membership – Membership in the association maybe
terminated other by withdrawal or expulsion.

SECTION 2. Withdrawal – Any member desiring to terminate his membership by

withdrawal shall submit a written application to the officers. However , no member shall be
allowed to withdraw or terminate hid membership during any period in which he/dhe has
pending obligation with the association .
SECTION 3. Expulsion – A member’s maybe terminated by the officers for any of the
following causes:
a) When a member has not patronized the services of the association of unreasonable
period of time as maybe fixed by the officers;
b) When a member has continuously failed to comply his obligation ; or
c) When a member has acted on violation of the by- laws.


SECTION 1. The General Assembly – The general assembly of association shall be

composed of members entitled to vote duly assembled and constituting a quorum.
SECTION 2. Power and Limitation of the General Assembly – The general assembly has the
following power:
a) To elect and remove officers for cause ;
b) To take final decisions regarding any drastic change in financial policies ;
c) To exercise final authority on all matters vitality affecting the association ;
d) To approve development plans of the association ; and
e) To exercise all powers expressly provided by law and by – laws.
SECTION 3. Quorum and the Membership Assembly – At the annual or special general
assembly, fifty percent plus one of the total number of members entitled to vote shall
constitute a quorum.
SECTION 4. Manner of Voting

a) Members entitled to vote shall be qualified to vote and participating to the general
assembly of the association. No member shall entitled to vote more than one
regardless of the shared owed. No proxy voting shall be allowed.
b) Election and removal of officers shall be in any manner that will truly and reflect the
decision of the members.
SECTION 5. Officers and Members – The business of the association shall be administered
by the officers.

SECTION 6. Qualification and Disqualification of Officers – All members entitled to vote ,

who have time and willingness to serve are qualified to be voted as officers , except those
under any of the following circumstances which disqualify them to vote upon the position
officers or to continue as such .

a) Holding any elective position in the government ;

b) Having conflicting interest with the business of the association ;
c) Having absent for three consecutive officers meeting without being excused ;
d) Being full time employee of the association ;
e) Having been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude , gross negligence , for
gross misconduct in the performance of his duties if found culpable on any
administrative involving such offense ;
f) Facing as respondents for defending on administrative proceedings or civic/criminal
suits involving financial and or property accountability ; and
g) Having been disqualified pursuant to disqualification prescribed by law.

SECTION 7. Election of Officers – The officers shall be elected by secret ballot by the
members at the annual general assembly and shall hold office for a term of three years
unless earlier removed for a cause , or have resigned or become incapacitated due to illness or
death , and until their successor have been elected qualified and have discharged the duties of
the office , provided that during the election the at the first annual general assembly after
registration , one- half plus one officers obtaining the highest numbers of votes shall serve for
a term of three years , provided that no officers shall for more than three (3) consecutive
terms (9 years.)

SECTION 8. Quorum of Officers Meeting – One half plus of the total officers shall
constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the quorum duly assembled in meeting shall be valid.

SECTION 9. Vacancies – When a vacancy of the officers occur by reason of death ,

incapacity , removal or resignation , the remaining officers constituting a quorum shall fill the
vacancy, if the officers do not constitute a quorum the vacancy shall be filled by the general
assembly in a regular of special meeting called for the purpose . The successors named in
either of the two instances, shall serve for the unexpired portion of the term.

SECTION 10. Removal of Officers and Committee Members – any elected officers or
committee members may be removed from the office by a voice of two – thirds 2/3 of the
members entitled to vote , present and constituting a quorum at the annual or special general
assembly called for the purpose after having given the opportunity to be heard at the said
assembly .

SECTION 11. Powers and Duties of the Officers – The officers as a body have general
supervision and control of the affairs of the association it shall prescribed policies consistent
with law , these by-laws and the resolution of the general assembly for the management of its
business and guidance of its members and employees.


a) Preside over all meetings of the association and of the officers meeting ;
b) Perform any and all act and duties usually performed by a presiding officer;
c) Sign all communications , revolving fund certificate , contracts and such other papers
of the association which the officers may authorize or direct him to sign ; and
d) Perform such other duties as the officers may prescribed.


In the absence or disability of the Chairman/President, the Vice Chairman / President

shall perform the duties of the Chairman/President, Provided , however , that in the
case of death , resignation or removal of Chairman/President the officers may decide
to elect his successor .

TREASURER The treasurer shall have the following duties,

a) Take custody of all monies , securities and papers of the association ;

b) Keep a complete record of its cash transaction for the establishments of proof his/her
cash position at any time and date ;
c) Pay upon the recommendation of the treasurer or as authorized by the officers , all
money transaction and certified to the correctness of the cash position of the
association in all financial statements and reports submitted to the officers and the
general assembly;
d) Turn over all monies , securities , papers and other properties belonging to the
association that he may have in his position upon election office successor ; and
e) Perform the duties of the Secretary in the latter absences or inability to perform his


a) Keep complete list all of the members and maintain correct record of all meetings of
the officers and the general assembly ;
b) Give notice to all meeting called ,
c) Keep and maintain in the record book and serve as custodian of the seal of the
association ;
d) Turn over to his/her successor all books and other properties in his/her position
belonging to the association ; and
e) Perform the duties of the treasurer in case of the latter’s absence or inability to
perform his duties.


Keeps books, documents and other financial records of the association.


Conduct audit on income and expenses and inventory of properties of the association.

a) Act as the courier of message / notices to all member ; and

b) Inform the members and general public as to the activities of the association .



SECTION 1. This constitution and By- laws maybe amend, altered or repealed in whole or
in part, or a new Constitute and By-laws maybe adopted at any regular or special meeting of
the General Assembly called for the association.


This constitution and By-laws take effect immediately upon ratification by
majority vote of all members of the Association.
ADOPTED AND RATIFIED this 5th day of August 2022 at Poblacion, Merida,
Leyte with the list of members together with their signatures.

List of Officers
Position Name Address
Chairman/President RIZALINA W. AMODIA Poblacion, Merida,
Vice President CARLOS PIDOR Poblacion, Merida,
Secretary MONALIZA G. NAONG Poblacion, Merida,
Treasurer ROSALIE P. DIUARTE Poblacion, Merida,
Auditor SONIA G. DONAYRE Poblacion, Merida,
P.I.O. MARY JANE ROMO Poblacion, Merida,
Certified true and correct:

Arrested by:
List of Officers and Members of MERIDA OVERSEAS WORKER
1 RIZALINA W. -President Brgy. Poblacion,
AMODIA Merida, Leyte
2 CARLOS PIDOR - Vice Brgy. Poblacion,
President Merida, Leyte
3 MONALIZA G. - Secretary Brgy. Poblacion,
NAONG Merida, Leyte
4 ROSALIE P. - Treasurer Brgy Poblacion,
DIUARTE Merida, Leyte
5 SONIA G. -Auditor/ Brgy. Poblacion,
DONAYRE P.I .O Merida, Leyte
6 AUBRINA TABAR - Auditor Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
7 JOCELYN COVERO -Auditor Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
8 MARY JANE ROMO -P.I.O Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
9 ILDEFONSO -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
ABAÑ O Merida, Leyte
10 LEA NUEVO - Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
11 REOWILA AVILA - Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
12 REYNALDO - Member Brgy. Poblacion,
13 WILDA - Member Brgy. Poblacion,
14 DINA SARVIDA - Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
15 LIEZEL POBLETE - Member Brgy. Lamanoc, Merida,
16 BELINDA JORDAN -Member Brgy. Macario, Merida,
17 JOCELYN NODALO -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
18 AMELITA ARIÑ O -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
19 LEA NUEVO -Member Brgy. Can-unzo,
Merida, Leyte
20 EMILIE ROBLE -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
21 GRETHEL -Member Brgy. Macario, Merida,
22 ADELAIDA -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
JORDAN Merida, Leyte
23 ROSALINDA -Member Brgy.
JORDAN Poblacion,Merida,
24 ROXAN VIERON -Member Brgy. Lamanoc, Merida,
25 HAZEL -Member Brg. Lamanoc, Merida,
26 ROSALIE P. -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
DUARTE Merida, Leyte
27 CRESILDA -Member Brgy. Lamanoc, Merida,
28 LORRAINE TUPAZ -Member Brgy. Libas, Merida,
29 ANN RUSSEL -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
MOLEJON Merida, Leyte
30 MYRNA OLAYVAR -Member Brgy. Macario, Merida,
31 NOEL MERCADAL -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
JR. Merida, Leyte
32 JOAN SERATO -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
33 MARC RENAN -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
TOMOGDON Merida, Leyte
34 ANNIE ROSE -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
35 JOHNNY BAGOL -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
36 ALFREDO -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
REBUYAS JR. Merida, Leyte
37 MILA LAVESORES -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
38 CHUANA RISTY -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
BASTASA Merida, Leyte
39 JOCELYN ROSAL -Member Brgy. Macario, Merida,
40 CHERILLE -Member Brgy. Casilda, Merida,
41 ERMA TAJIL -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
42 LYNDON BANDE -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
43 URBELLA -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
TRAVERO Merida, Leyte
44 EMYLOU ELI -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
45 NENITA NODALO -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
46 MA. MERLIE -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
MEJARES Merida, Leyte
47 EVA T. BOLAÑ O -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
48 NOEL ROBLE -Member Brgy. Calunasan,
Merida, Leyte
49 LORNA MAYOT -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
50 RANDY JORDAN -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
Merida, Leyte
51 MERCYSOL -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
TARROZA Merida, Leyte
52 CINDERELA -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
ALCANTARA Merida, Leyte
53 RANEL -Member Brgy. Poblacion,
PRESBETERO Merida, Leyte

54 MATEO ARIÑ O -Member Brgy. Poblacion,

Merida, Leyte

55 LUZMINDA TAHIL -Member Brgy. Poblacion,

Merida, Leyte

56 ROSE ANN -Member Brgy. Poblacion,

BASTASA Merida, Leyte

57 CATHY D. PEREZ -Member Brgy. Lundag, Merida,


58 JOPPER ROBLE -Member Brgy. Mat-e, Merida,


59 JOAN DAGTING -Member Brgy. Macario, Merida,


60 HANELIE -Member Brgy. Poblavcion,

CABALHIN Merida, Leyte

61 JOSE NAGA -Member Brgy. Poblavcion,

Merida, Leyte

62 LILIBETH PEREZ -Member Brgy. Poblavcion,

Merida, Leyte

63 LORNA MAYOT -Member Brgy. Poblavcion,

Merida, Leyte

Certified true and correct:


Arrested by:

Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______________________________ at Merida, Leyte.

Doc No. ___________

Page No. __________
Book No. __________
Series of __________

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