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Letter to the Editor pISSN 1738-1088 / eISSN 2093-4327

Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 2017;15(4):418-419 Copyrightⓒ 2017, Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Urticaria and Angioedema Associated with Fluoxetine

Taha Can Tuman1, Bengü Tuman2, Mualla Polat2, Uğur Çakır3
İzzet Baysal Teaching and State Hospital for Psychiatry, Departments of 2Dermatology and 3Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Abant İzzet Baysal
University, Bolu, Turkey

amination generalized urticarial plaques, periorbital ede-

TO THE EDITOR ma, swelling of the lips and diffuse erythema was
Fluoxetine is well tolerated and generally used to treat observed. The patient was hospitalized to the dermatology
depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders. inpatient unit with a diagnosis of urticaria and angioe-
Fluoxetine is the first selective serotonin reuptake in- dema. There was no evidence of urticaria and angioedema
hibitor (SSRI) that was used in the treatment of mental in medical and family history of the patient. There was no
disorders.1) The most common side effects reported with history of food and drug allergy. Fever, cough, vomiting,
fluoxetine involve gastrointestinal problems, insomnia, rhinorrhea, headache, diarrhea as indicators of recent ill-
agitation, dizziness, tremor, headache and sexual dysfunc- ness did not accompany to the patients symptoms and
tion.2) Urticaria is edema of superficial dermis and charac- signs. Insect bite, sun or cold exposure, exercise, exposure
terized by erythematous, often pruritic, elevated papules to intravenous radiocontrast agents, new perfumes, lo-
and plaques. If edema also spread into deep dermis called tions, cremes, chemicals and use of any other medication
angioedema.3) While the duration of the urticaria and an- and food supplements were excluded for differantial
gioedema is less than six weeks, it is termed acute diagnosis. His laboratory examination (complete blood
urticaria. Acute urticaria can often be associated with a count, renal function tests, thyroid function tests, electro-
spesific cause or trigger. The most common cause of acute lites, hepatic function tests, urinalysis, erythrocyte sed-
urticaria and angioedema is enfections and drugs. Here, imantation rate, C-reactive protein) was normal. Naranjo
we report an adult patient who developed acute urticaria Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale was evaluated
and angioedema during treatment with fluoxetine. as 6 points, a manuscript probable adverse effect asso-
Twenty three year old boy was admitted to our out- ciated with fluoxetine. The diagnosis was compatible
patient unit with complaints of anhedonia, malaise, fa- with fluoxetine associated urticaria and angioedema.
tigue, weakness, reduced concentration and hypersomnia. Fluoxetine was stopped. The patient was started on intra-
His physical and laboratory examination (complete blood venous methylprednisolone and antihistamines. The signs
count, thyroid function, B12 and folate tests) were normal. and symptoms remitted completely within 96 hours of
The patient received 18 points in the Hamilton Rating treatment and the patient discharged from dermatology in-
Scale for Depression. Fluoxetine 20 mg per day treatment patient unit to be followed up as outpatient. There were no
was started to the patient with a diagnosis of major depres- complaints of patient on outpatient control examination
sion according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of after two weeks of discharge. The patient was started on
Mental Disorders 5th edition. The second week of the sertraline treatment for his depression and at the one year
treatment, the patient was admitted to the dermatology of the treatment any side effect was observed.
outpatient unit with complaints of generalized pruritus Here, we reported a case of acute urticaria and angioe-
and swelling in periorbital area. On dermatological ex- dema, in a Turkish adult with major depressive disorder,
that was thought to be associated with fluoxetine. In clin-
Received: January 14, 2016 / Revised: January 29, 2016 ical trials, 7% of the patients reported to develop rashes
Accepted: January 30, 2016 and/or urticaria. Most of patients improved with cessation
Address for correspondence: Taha Can Tuman, MD of fluoxetine and/or adjunctive antihistamines or
İzzet Baysal Teaching and State Hospital for Psychiatry, 14100,
steroids.6) When we put the diagnosis of urticaria and an-
Agaçcilar Village, Bolu, Turkey
Tel: +90-5342200749, Fax: +90-3742752525 gioedema, we stopped fluoxetine and started to steroid
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Urticaria and Angioedema Associated with Fluoxetine 419

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