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Fyraudion = PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS Mass Density, 0 Specific Volume, Vs Viscosity, m uc at —p=— p= Kh v Eine aV dy P Unit Weight, B Kinematic Viscosity , V p= RT WwW M t= Va * Re 287 /kg- °K Vv ? R= 1716 Ib-Ft /slug- R Specific Gravity, $4 T is in °K "Ke C + 273.15 Re °F + 460 sg-= ts 2 subs, Weubs ¥ water Owater — Wwater % Bwaten = 1 g/cc = 1000 kg/m? = 4.8) kN /m? SS ee Surface Tension, o PRINCIPLES OF HYDROSTATICS = F Pd Pressure, P clea F I Capillarity » h Pag = Gh Patos-= Pater +P gage _ Ag cos & * Patm = 101.525 kPa Sd Pgage = Gage Pressure Bulk Modulus of Elasticity Pvac = Negative Gage Pressure, AP Variations in Pressure. " AvIV Po = Pi + Th (DowNwarD) Compressibility, 8 Pr = P, - h ( UPWARD) b= 1/€5 @ SRP: P= Pej Seri | BePs + Pe. * Equivalent Height Is TOTAL HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE (Using Pressure Head) Force, F y= ahs F=thA — * he top to og Sa aa \g # ©= cg to cp * For water, fe © Yp = location from a Bini _g Ye? Niquid surface Swater ¥ 4 a surface , FejFut + Fy* * Fas UhA Fy = ¥V A0y ANALYSIs OF DAMS 4. Consider 1m length Factor of Safety Against Sliding 7 ¥Ss 2. Vertical Forces R Poy Hl > 4 * Fy eV Rx 3. Horizontal Forces Factor of Safety Against Overtuming, FSo * Fu = ThA RM FS >t 4. Reactions Rx and Ry “OM 5. RM (Righting Moment) Foundation Pressure, q G. OM (Overtuming Moment) * © BIG * o> Ble tos RM-oM = R fe 2R: Ry B B 3 a 7 BUOYANCY | STRESS ON THIN- WALLED PRESSURE VESSELS Buoyant Force, BF | Tangential Strecs , St Longitudinal Stress, Si BF = SVo oe 22 PD W = BY = BF = 3Vo “ae or at Mood Stave Pipe Hoops Spacing STATICAL STABILITY OF FLOATING BoplES G2 2S An RM er OM = W (M6 sin &) PD RECTILINEAR TRANSLATION ROTATING VESELS Horizontal Motion wrx a I g we x? Inclined Motion 4 an wer? gt av 2g Vertical Motion x im xr Peart 4} yt FUNDAMENTALS OF FLuip FLow Volume Flow Rate, @ CIROLLAR PIPE Power = QUE Q= Av v2 37 Efficiency, Mass Flow Rate, M 2g Tg dt _ Output M=pQ Elevation Head: z Input Weight Flow Rate, W Pressure Head : © We 5a Energy Equation (No Head Last) Kinetic Energy » KE_ Mec cea 7 fs z uve 4 2 wf Fa ay va ee Velocity Head : 2g 29 Energy Equation with Pump Output Power « vi, Pi vz7_, Pa OSHA 2g 8 ‘ 2g 6 Energy Equahon with Turbine Input Power + ve, Pa Vi" Pa QUHE 4 tr = 4+ Bt Hit + HE 2g 8 23 OS = Unsteady Flow & Potential Energy , PE 2hs PE = Wz + Che 2g q te € Laminar Flow i RE = 2000 & Turbuleat Flow + RE 7 200d ee Value of F: Major Head Loss, he * Laminar Flow Darcy - Weisbach G4 ad ' 010826 LQ” — Re yop F pe * Turbulent Flow Manning pv2 v2 a Dies oO. 316 smooth Hazen Williams ne Re 02S cer ; lo. 67 LQ'SS neg C185 past \ TP Pete

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