Manual Compu Barangay Affairs Building

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Occupancy Category : (IV) Standard Facilities (Table 103-1)

Basic Wind Speed : 250 kph or 69.4444 m/s. (Figure 207A.5-1A)

Wind directionality factor (Kd) : 0.85 (Table 207A.6-1)

Exposure Category : B (Section 207A.7.3)

Topographic Factor (Kzt) : 1.0 (Section 207A.8-2)

Gust Effect Factor (G) : 0.85 (Sec. 207A.9.1)

Enclosure Classification : Partially Enclosed (Section 207A.10)

Internal Pressure : +0.55 for windward

Coefficient (GCpi) : -0.55 for leeward (Table 207A.11-1)

Velocity Pressure Exposure

Coefficient (Kz) : Use interpolation (Table 207B.3-1)

Height from NGL (z) = 11.05 m (See Architectural Plan)

z B

9.0 0.70

11.05 Kz

12.0 0.76

12.0−11.05 0.76− K z
12.0−9.0 0.76−0.70

Kz = 0.741

KH = 2.01(z/zg)2/a

From Table 207A.9-1 (Terrain Exposure Constants for Exposure B)

a = 7.0 Zg = 365.76

KH = 2.01(11.05/365.76)2/7.0

KH = 0.7395

Design Wind Pressure : qz = 0.613 KzKztKdV2 (Eq. 207B.3-1)

qz = 0.613 (0.741) (1.0) (0.85) (69.4444)2

qz = 1861.967 N/m2 or 1.862 kPa

qH = 0.613 KHKztKdV2

qH = 0.613 (0.7395) (1.0) (0.85) (69.4444) 2

qH = 1858.198 N/m2 or 1.858 kPa

Roof External Pressure Coefficient : Use interpolation(Figure 207B.4-1)

Θ = 100, h/L = 11.05/18 = 0.61

h/L Windward, Θ = 100 Leeward, Θ = 100

0.5 -0.5

0.61 -0.544

1.0 -0.7
Design of Purlins

Wind Pressure : p = qGCp – qi (GCpi) (Equation 207B.4-1)

For windward direction,

p = qGCp – qi (GCpi) ; Cp = -0.988

= 1.862 (0.85) (-0.988) – 1.858 (-0.55)

p = -0.542 kPa

p = qGCp – qi (GCpi) ; Cp = -0.18

= 1.862 (0.85) (-0.18) – 1.858 (-0.55)

p = 0.737 kPa

For leeward direction,

p = qGCp – qi (GCpi) ; Cp = -0.544

= 1.858 (0.85) (-0.544) – 1.862 (-0.55)

p = 0.165 kPa

From Table 204-2 Minimum Design Dead Loads

Roofing Material: Pre-painted Long Span Corrugated G.I Roofing Sheet

Roof Dead Load: 0.10 kPa

Insulation Type: Rigid

Insulation Dead Load: 0.04 kPa

1. Assume Initial Section

Maximum Spacing of Truss = 2150 mm

Initial Section = L/32 = 2150/32 = 68 mm

Therefore, initial depth = 68 mm = 2.67 in

Try C 3 x 4.1

Properties from ASEP Steel Handbook 2004, Volume 1: Dimensions and


Area = 781 mm2 Weight = 6.1 kg/m

Sx = 18.1 x 103 mm3 Sy = 3.4 x 103 mm3

2. Calculation of Loads

Tributary Width of Roof Surface

𝑤 = purlin spacing = 0.95 m

Wind Load for Roof

WL = 0.737 kPa x 0.95 m = 0.7 kN/m (Governs)

= 0.165 kPa x 0.95 m = 0.157 kN/m

Roof Live Load

RLL = 1 kPa x 0.95 m = 0.95 kN/m

Roof Dead Load

Roof Dead Load = 0.10 kPa x 0.95 m = 0.095 kN/m

Insulation Dead Load = 0.040 kPa x 0.95 m = 0.038 kN/m

Purlin Dead Load = (7.5 kg/m) (9.81m/s2) = 0.073575 kN/m

Total Dead Load = (0.095 + 0.038 + 0.073575) kN/m = 0.206575 kN/m

Roof Live Load = 1 kPa

Roof Slope = 10°

Load Combination: (LRFD) NSCP 2015

1.2 D + 1.6 (Lr or R) + (f1L or 0.5W)

Total Factored Load

wux = 1.2(0.206575 kN/m)(sin10°) + 1.6 (0.95 kN/m)(sin10°) + 0.5


wux = 0.697 kN/m

wuy = 1.2(0.206575 kN/m)(cos10°) + 1.6 (0.95 kN/m)(cos10°) + 0.5


wuy = 2.091 kN/m

3. Calculation of Maximum Moment

L = Max. spacing of Truss = 2.150 m

Maximum Moment about X-axis:

Mux = wuxL2/8 = (0.697 kN/m)(2.150m)2/8 = 0.403 kN-m

Maximum Moment about Y-axis:

There are sag rods at middle span of the purlins, so:

Muy = wuyL2/32 = (2.091 kN/m)(2.150m)2/32 = 0.302 kN-m

Using Φb = 0.90 and Fy = 248 MPa

18.1 x 10
ΦbMpx = 0.9 FySx = 0.9(248x106)( 3 ) = 4.040 kN-m
3.4 x 10
ΦbMpy = 0.9 FySy = 0.9(248x106)( ) = 0.759 kN-m

M ux M uy
+ ≤ 1.0
ΦM px ΦM py

0.403 0.302
+ ≤1.0
4.040 0.759

0.498 ≤ 1.0(SAFE )

Therefore, use C3 X 4.1 with a span of 95 mm for purlins.

Design of Truss

Assume Member Section:

Truss Member Steel Section Maximum Axial Load

Top and Bottom Chord 2L2x2x1/8 39.83 kN

Verticals and Diagonals L2x2x1/8 17.92 kN

1. Design of Top and Bottom Chord (Critical):

Maximum Axial Load = 39.83 kN

Steel Parameters: Fy (A36 Steel) = 248 MPa

Fu (A36 Steel) = 400 MPa

E (A36 Steel) = 200 GPa

Check slenderness ratio:

KL 1(948.39 mm)
= =60.41< 200OK
r 15.7 mm

4.71 √❑

Since < 4.71 √ ❑, use:

Fcr = [0.658 ]F
Fe y
ℼ E
ℼ2 (200 GPa)
Fe = KL = 2
( ) (60.41)

Fcr = [0.658 ] 248

Fcr = 204.695 MPa

Try 2L2x2x1/8 or 2L51X51X3.2:

Properties : W = 4.80 kg/m A = 634 mm2

Sx = 4.23 x 103 mm3 Sy = 5.37 x 103 mm3

rx = 15.7 mm ry = 20.8 mm

t = 3.18 mm b = 50.8 mm

x = 13.6 mm y = 13.6 mm

Ix = 0.157 x 103 mm4 Iy = 0.273 x 103 mm4

fy = 248 MPa L = 0.94839 m (Max. Length)

2. Check the Capacity of Member:

✓ All members has fully welded connection

Pn = FcrAg

Pn = (204.695 MPa)(634 mm2)

T = 129.776 kN > 39.83 kN SAFE

Therefore, use 2L2x2x1/8 or 2L51X51X3.2.

3. Design of Vertical and Diagonal Chord (Critical):

Maximum Axial Load = 17.92 kN

Steel Parameters: Fy (A36 Steel) = 248 MPa

Fu (A36 Steel) = 400 MPa

E (A36 Steel) = 200 GPa

Check slenderness ratio:

KL 1(1483.65 mm)
= =94.5<200 OK
r 15.7 mm

4.71 √ ❑
Since < 4.71 √ ❑, use:

Fcr = [0.658 ] Fy
ℼ E
ℼ2 (200 GPa)
Fe = KL 2 = 2
( ) (94.5)

Fcr = [0.658 ] 248

Fcr = 155.062 MPa

Try L2x2x1/8 or L51X51X3.2:

Properties: W = 2.4 kg/m A = 317 mm2

Sx = 2.11 x 103 mm3 Sy = 2.11 x 103 mm3

rx = 15.7 mm ry = 15.7 mm

t = 3.18 mm b = 50.8 mm

x = 13.6 mm y = 13.6 mm

Ix = 0.787 x 103 mm4 Iy = 0.787 x 103 mm4

fy = 248 MPa L = 1.48365 m (Max. Length)

4. Check the Capacity of Member:

✓ All members has fully welded connection

Pn = FcrAg

Pn = (155.062 MPa)(317 mm2)

T = 49.155 kN > 17.92 kN SAFE

Therefore, use L2x2x1/8 or L51X51X3.2.


Seismic Parameters

Occupancy Category IV Table 208-1: Seismic Importance Load

Seismic Importance Factor (I) 1.0 Table 208-1: Seismic Importance Load

Soil Type Sd From Soil Investigation Report

Seismic Zone (Z) 4 Section Seismic Zone

Seismic Zone Factor 0.4 Table-208.3 Seismic Zone Factor

Seismic Source Type A Table 208-4 Seismic Source Type

Seismic Zone 4 Near Source Factor, Na 1 Table 208-5 Near-Source Factor

Seismic Zone 4 Near Source Factor, Nv 1 Table 208-6 Near-Source Factor

Seismic Response Coefficient, Ca 0.44Na Table 208-7 Seismic Response Coefficient

Seismic Response Coefficient, Cv 0.64Nv Table 208-8 Seismic Response Coefficient

Structural System Factor, R 8.5 Table 208-11A Earthquake-Force-Resisting

Structural Systems of Concrete

Frame Material Factor, Ct 0.0731 Section

Total Load

Ground Floor = 1143.04 kN

Second Floor = 6459.41 kN

Third Floor = 6343.05 kN

Roof = 1127.35 kN

Total Load = 15072.85 kN

Base Shear Computation: Section Structural Period – Method A

Fundamental Period of Vibration:

T¿ Ct ¿ Equation 208-12

T¿ 0.0731 ¿

T = 0.443 seconds < 0.7 seconds; therefore Ft = 0

Total Design Base Shear

CvIW 0.64 NvIW ( 0.64 ) ( 1 ) (1)(15072.85)

V= = = = 2561.844 kN
RT RT ( 8.5 ) (0.443)

Total Design Base Shear need not exceed

2.5CaIW 2.5(0.44 Na) IW 2.5 ( 0.44 ) (1) ( 1 ) (15072.85)

V= = = = 1950.60 kN
R R 8.5

Design Base Shear shall not be less than

V=0.11CaIW = 0.11(0.44Na)IW = 0.11(0.44)(1)(1)(15072.85) = 729.53 kN

0.8 ZNvIW 0.8 ( 0.4 ) ( 1 ) (1)(15072.85)

V= = = 567.45 kN
R 8.5

Therefore, use V= 1950.60 kN

Concentrated Force, Ft at top

If T ≤ 0.7 sec; Ft = 0

Vertical Distribution of Forces


Summary of Seismic Design Analysis of Three-Storey Barangay Affairs Building

Level hx (m) Wx (kN) Wxhx(kN.m) Fx+Ft(kN) Vx(kN) Mx(kN.m)

Roof 9.7 1127.35 10935.30 275. 01 307.26 825.03

3rd 6.7 6343.05 42498.44 1068.80 1343.81 4856.46

2nd 3.7 6459.41 23898.82 601.04 1944.85 10828.52

1st 0.2 1143.04 228.61 5.75 1950.60 16444.687

∑ - 15072.85 77561.17 1950.60

( V −F t ) w x h x
Fx =
∑ w i hi

( 1950.60 ) (10935.30)
Fi4 = = 275. 01 kN

( 1950.60 ) (42498.44)
Fi3 = = 1068.80 kN

( 1950.60 ) (23898.82)
Fi2 = = 601.04 kN

( 1950.60 ) (228.61)
Fi1 = = 5.75 kN

Vx = Ft +Fx

V4 = 0 + 275. 01 = 275. 01 kN

V3 = 275. 01 + 1068.80 = 1343.81 kN

V2 = 1343.81 + 601.04 = 1944.85 kN

V1 = 1944.85 + 5.75 = 1950.60 kN

Solving for moment

Mx = Ft(hn-hx) + ∑ Fi (hi=hx)
k= x

M4 = (275. 01)(9.7-6.7) = 825.03 kN.m

M3 = (275. 01)(9.7-3.7) + (1068.80)(9.7-6.7) = 4856.46 kN.m

M2 = (275. 01)(9.7-0.2) + (1068.80)(9.7-3.7) + (601.04)(9.7-6.7) = 10828.52 kN.m

M1 = (275. 01)(9.7-0) + (1068.80)(9.7-0.2) + (601.04)(9.7-3.7) + (5.75)(9.7-6.7)

= 16444.687 kN.m

FOR S2-9 (Critical Two-way Slab)

Properties: L = 4.3 m W = 2.3 m

f’c = 28 MPa fy = 420 MPa

ϕ = 0.9 ß = 0.85

use 12 mm rebars Ad = 113.10

cover = 20 mm concrete unit weight = 23.5 kN/m3

1. Check if One-way or Two-way Slab:

Ratio m = 2.3/4.3 = 0.535 > 0.5 Two-way Slab

2. Determine Slab thickness

h= = 73. 333 mm

h < hmin = 125mm use h = 125mm

3. Determine Effective Depth (d)

Short direction

d1 = h – cover – half of diameter of rebar

d1 = 125mm – 20mm - 6 mm = 99 mm

Long direction

d2 = h – cover – diameter of rebar – half of diameter of rebar

d2 = 125mm – 20mm – 12mm – 6mm = 87mm

4. Identify the Loads

Dead Loads

Slab self-weight = (0.125m)(23.5kN/m3) = 2.9375 kPa

Floor finish = 1.1 kPa

Ceiling finish = 0.24 kPa

Services = 0.2 kPa

Partition Load = 2.51 kPa

Total DL = 6.9875 kPa

Live Load

LL = 4.8 kPa NSCP 2015. Table 205-1

Factored Load

WUDL = 1.2(DL) = 1.2(6.9875) = 8.385 kPa

WULL = 1.6(LL) = 1.6(4.8) = 7.68 kPa

WU = WUDL + WULL = 16.065 kPa

5. Solve for Moments

Case 4 m = 0.535

Coefficients for Negative Moments in Slab

CA = 0.093 CB = 0.007

Coefficients for Dead-Load Positive Moments in Slab

CADL = 0.057 CBDL = 0.004

Coefficients for Live-Load Positive Moments in Slab

CALL = 0.074 CBLL = 0.006

Short Span, Middle Strip

At continuous edge

MA = (Wu)(CA)(Sn2) = (16.065)(0.093)(2.3)2

MA = 7.903 kN-m

At midspan
MADL = (WDL)(CADL)(Sn2) = (8.385)(0.057)(2.3)2

MADL = 2.528 kN-m

MALL = (WLL)(CALL)(Sn2) = (7.68)(0.074)(2.3)2

MALL = 3.006 kN-m

MA = MADL + MALL = 5.534 kN-m

Long Span, Middle Strip

At continuous edge

MB = (Wu)(CB)(Ln2) = (16.065)(0.007)(4.3)2

MB = 2.079 kN-m

At midspan

MBDL = (WDL)(CBDL)(Ln2) = (8.385)(0.004)(4.3)2

MBDL = 0.620 kN-m

MBLL = (WLL)(CBLL)(Ln2) = (7.68)(0.006)(4.3)2

MBLL = 0.852 kN-m

MB = MBDL + MBLL =1.472 kN-m

6. Solve for Strength Design and Spacing

Short Span, Middle Strip

At continuous edge

MA 7.903 x 106
Rn = 2 = = 0.896 MPa
ϕbd 1 0.9 x 1000 x 992

0.85 f ' c
ρ= x[ 1−√ ❑ ]

0.85 x 28
= x[ 1−√ ❑ ] = 0.002175
1.4 √❑ 1.4
ρmin = or = or √ ❑ = 0.00333 or 0.0031497
fy ❑ 420 ❑

use 0.00333

(0.75)(0.85) ß f ' c 600

ρmax = x
fy 600+f y

(0.75)(0.85)(0.85)(28) 600
ρmax = x = 0.02125
420 600+420

when ρmin < ρ < ρmax use 0.00333 for As

As = ρbd1 = (0.00333)(1000)(99) = 329.67 mm2

Required Spacing:

Using 12mm bars

A d x 1000 113.10 x 1000

S= = = 343.07 mm
AS 329.67

Say S = 325 mm

Smax= 2h = 2(125) = 250mm

Therefore, Smax = 250mm S > Smax

Therefore S = 250 mm

At midspan

MA 6
5.534 x 10
Rn = 2= = 0.628 MPa
ϕ b d1 0.9 x 1000 x 992

0.85 f ' c
ρ= x[ 1−√ ❑ ]

0.85 x 28
= x[ 1−√ ❑ ] = 0.001516

1.4 √ ❑ 1.4 √❑
ρmin = or = or = 0.00333 or 0.00315 use 0.00333
fy ❑ 420 ❑
(0.75)(0.85) ß f ' c 600
ρmax = x
fy 600+f y

(0.75)(0.85)(0.85)(28) 600
ρmax = x = 0.02125
420 600+420

when ρmin> ρ <ρmax use 0.00333 for As

As = ρbd1 = (0.00333)(1000)(99) = 329.67 mm2

Required Spacing:

Using 12mm bars

A d x 1000 113.10 x 1000

S= = = 343.07 mm
AS 329.67

Say S = 325 mm

Smax= 2h = 2(125) = 250mm

Therefore, Smax = 250mm S > Smax

Therefore S = 250 mm

Long Span, Middle Strip

At continuous edge

MB 2.079 x 106
Rn = 2= 2 = 0.3052 MPa
ϕ b d2 0.9 x 1000 x 87

0.85 f ' c
ρ= x[ 1−√ ❑ ]

0.85 x 28
= x[ 1−√ ❑ ] = 0.00073

1.4 √ ❑ 1.4 √❑
ρmin = or = or = 0.00333 or 0.00315 use 0.00333
fy ❑ 420 ❑

(0.75)(0.85) ß f ' c 600

ρmax = x
fy 600+f y
(0.75)(0.85)(0.85)(28) 600
ρmax = x = 0.02125
420 600+420

when ρmin> ρ <ρmax use 0.00333 for As

As = ρbd2 = (0.00333)(1000)(87) = 289.71 mm2

Required Spacing:

Using 12mm bars

A d x 1000 113.10 x 1000

S= = = 390.39 mm
AS 289.71

Say S = 390 mm

Smax= 2h = 2(125) = 250mm

Therefore, Smax = 250mm S > Smax

Therefore S = 250 mm

At midspan

MB 6
1.472 x 10
Rn = 2= 2 = 0.216 MPa
ϕ b d1 0.9 x 1000 x 87

0.85 f ' c
ρ= x[ 1−√ ❑ ]

0.85 x 28
= x[ 1−√ ❑ ] = 0.000517

1.4 √ ❑ 1.4 √❑
ρmin = or = or = 0.00333 or 0.00315 use 0.00333
fy ❑ 420 ❑

(0.75)(0.85) ß f ' c 600

ρmax = x
fy 600+f y

(0.75)(0.85)(0.85)(28) 600
ρmax = x = 0.02125
420 600+420

when ρmin> ρ <ρmax use 0.00333 for As

As = ρbd2 = (0.00333)(1000)(87) = 289.71 mm2

Required Spacing:

Using 12mm bars

A d x 1000 113.10 x 1000

S= = = 390.39 mm
AS 289.71

Say S = 390 mm

Smax= 2h = 2(125) = 250mm

Therefore, Smax = 250mm S > Smax

Therefore S = 250 mm
FOR S2-6 (Critical One-way Slab)

Properties: L = 5.2 m W = 2.3 m

f’c = 28 MPa fy = 420 MPa

ϕ = 0.9 ß = 0.85

use 12 mm rebars Ad = 113.10

cover = 20 mm concrete unit weight = 23.5 kN/m3

1. Check if One-way or Two-way Slab:

Ratio m = = 0.442 < 0.5 One-way Slab

Slab Type: Solid One-way Slab

Support Type: Both Ends Continuous (BC)

2. Determine Slab thickness

L(short span) ( 2.3 ) (1000)

h= = = 82.143 say h = 100 mm
28 28

Other thickness factors: Light weight concrete (1500-2000kg/m^3)

= 1.65-0.005wc

= 1.65-0.005(23.5/101.9716005) = 1.649

fy other than 415 Mpa

0.4+(fy/700) = 0.4+(420/700) = 1

Since fy is not 415 Mpa = 100mm x 1 = 100 mm

h < hmin = 125mm use h = 125mm

3. Determine Effective Depth (d)

Short direction

d1 = h – cover – half of diameter of rebar

d1 = 125mm – 20mm - 6 mm = 99 mm

Long direction

d2 = h – cover – diameter of rebar – half of diameter of rebar

d2 = 125mm – 20mm – 12mm – 6mm = 87mm

4. Identify the Loads

Dead Loads

Slab self-weight = (0.125m)(23.5kN/m3) = 2.9375 kPa

Floor finish = 1.1 kPa

Ceiling finish = 0.24 kPa

Services = 0.2 kPa

Partition Load = 0 kPa

Total DL = 4.4775 kPa

Live Load

LL = 4.8 kPa NSCP 2015. Table 205-1

Factored Load

WUDL = 1.2(DL) = 1.2(4.4775) = 5.373 kPa

WULL = 1.6(LL) = 1.6(4.8) =7.68 kPa

WU = WUDL + WULL = 13.053 kPa

5. Solve for Strength Design and Spacing

At End 1

Moment Coefficient (c) = -1/11

Mu = c Wu Ln2 = −( 13.053 ) ¿ ¿ = - 6.277 kN-m

Mu −6.277 x 106
Rn = 2= = - 0.712 MPa (absolute value) = 0.712 Mpa
ϕ b d 1 0.9 x 1000 x 992
0.85 f ' c
ρ= x[ 1−√ ❑ ]

0.85 x 28
= x[ 1−√ ❑ ] = 0.00172

1.4 √ ❑ 1.4 √❑
ρmin = or = or = 0.00333 or 0.00315 use 0.00333
fy ❑ 420 ❑

(0.75)(0.85) ß f ' c 600

ρmax = x
fy 600+f y

(0.75)(0.85)(0.85)(28) 600
ρmax = x = 0.02125
420 600+420

when ρmin< ρ <ρmax use 0.00333 for As

As = ρbd1 = (0.00333)(1000)(99) = 329.67 mm2

Required Spacing:

Using 12mm bars

A d x 1000 113.10 x 1000

S= = = 343.07 mm
AS 329.67

Say S = 325 mm

Smax= 3h = 3(125) = 375 mm

Therefore, Smax = 375 mm S < Smax

Therefore S = 325 mm

At Midspan:

Moment Coefficient (c) = 1/16

Mu = c Wu Ln2 = ( 13.053 ) ¿ ¿ = 4.316 kN-m

MU 4.316 x 106
Rn = 2= = 0.489 MPa
ϕ b d 1 0.9 x 1000 x 992
0.85 f ' c
ρ= x[ 1−√ ❑ ]

0.85 x 28
= x[ 1−√ ❑ ] = 0.00118

1.4 √ ❑ 1.4 √❑
ρmin = or = or = 0.00333 or 0.00315 use 0.00333
fy ❑ 420 ❑

(0.75)(0.85) ß f ' c 600

ρmax = x
fy 600+f y

(0.75)(0.85)(0.85)(28) 600
ρmax = x = 0.02125
420 600+420

when ρmin> ρ <ρmax use 0.00333 for As

As = ρbd1 = (0.00333)(1000)(99) = 329.67 mm2

Required Spacing

Using 12mm bars

A d x 1000 113.10 x 1000

S= = = 343.07 mm
AS 329.67

Say S = 325 mm

Smax= 3h = 3(125) = 375 mm or 450 mm

Therefore, Smax = 375 mm S < Smax

Therefore S = 325 mm

At End 2

Moment Coefficient (c) = -1/11

Mu = c Wu Ln2 = −( 13.053 ) ¿ ¿ = - 6.277 kN-m

Mu −6.277 x 106
Rn = 2= = - 0.712 MPa (absolute value) = 0.712 Mpa
ϕ b d 1 0.9 x 1000 x 992
0.85 f ' c
ρ= x[ 1−√ ❑ ]

0.85 x 28
= x[ 1−√ ❑ ] = 0.00172

1.4 √ ❑ 1.4 √❑
ρmin = or = or = 0.00333 or 0.00315 use 0.00333
fy ❑ 420 ❑

(0.75)(0.85) ß f ' c 600

ρmax = x
fy 600+f y

(0.75)(0.85)(0.85)(28) 600
ρmax = x = 0.02125
420 600+420

when ρmin< ρ <ρmax use 0.00333 for As

As = ρbd1 = (0.00333)(1000)(99) = 329.67 mm2

Required Spacing

Using 12mm bars

A d x 1000 113.10 x 1000

S= = = 343.07 mm
AS 329.67

Say S = 325 mm

Smax= 3h = 3(125) = 375 mm or 450 mm

Therefore, Smax = 375 mm S < Smax

Therefore S = 325 mm

Temperature Bars:

1.4 √ ❑ 1.4 √❑
ρmin = or = or = 0.00333 or 0.00315 use 0.00333
fy ❑ 420 ❑

(0.75)(0.85) ß f ' c 600

ρmax = x
fy 600+f y

(0.75)(0.85)(0.85)(28) 600
ρmax = x = 0.02125
420 600+420
when ρmin < ρmax use 0.00333 for As

As = ρbd2 = (0.00333)(1000)(87) = 289.71 mm2

For Asmin :

Asmin = (0.002)bd2 If deformed bars Grade 230 or 275 is used

Asmin = (0.0018)bd2 If deformed bars Grade 415 is used

Asmin = (0.008 x 415)/fy If deformed bars more than Grade 415 is used

Asmin = (0.008 x 415)/fy

= (0.008 x 415)/ fy x (1000) x (87)

= 154.736 mm2

Use As = 289.71 mm2

Required Spacing

Ad (1000) (113.10)(1000)
sst = = = 390.390 mm
Ast 289.71

say s = 375 mm

Smax = 5h = 5(125) = 625 mm or 450 mm

Therefore, Smax = 450 mm S < Smax

Therefore S = 375 mm

For 2GX-3 (Critical Beam)

L = 5.2 m fy = 420 MPa

fc’ = 28 MPa β1 = 0.85

Use 40 mm concrete cover Es = 200 GPa

Use 12 mm vertical stirrups Use 20 mm diameter main bars

1. Determine minimum depth:

Support Condition Minimum h

Simply Supported L/16

One end continuous L/18.5

Both ends continuous L/21

Cantilever L/8

Support Condition = Both ends continuous = L/21 = 5200 / 21 = 248 mm

Minimum depth = h = 300 mm

Try h = 600 mm b = 300 mm

2. Determine Effective Depth

Effective depth (d) = h – concrete cover – vertical stirrups – (main bars/2)

Effective depth (d) = 600 - 40 - 12 - 20/2 = 538 mm

3. Determine the Maximum and Minimum Area of Steel:

Check rho values:

1.4 √❑ 1.4
ρmin = or = or √❑ = 0.00333 or 0.00315, use 0.00333
fy ❑ 420 ❑
(0.85) ß f ' c 3
ρmax for tension controlled = ( ¿
fy 8

(0.85)(0.85)(28) 3
ρmax = ( ) = 0.0181
420 8

Minimum and Maximum Area of Steel:

Asmin = ρminbd = 0.00333(300)(538) = 537.462 mm2

Asmax = ρmaxbd = 0.0181(300)(538) = 2921.34 mm2

4. Design at Support (Rebars at top)

M u= 247.98 kN-m (from MIDAS Gen Value) 242.87

Determine the Required Steel Area:

Mu 247.98 x 10❑
Rn = =
0.9 (300 ) ¿ ¿

0.85 f 'c
ρ= [ 1−√❑ ]

0.85 (28)
ρ= [ 1−√ ❑ ]

A s req =ρbd=0.00813 ( 300 )( 538 )

A s req =1312.338mm 2

A s min < A s req < A s max , use A s req =1312.338mm 2

Determine the Required Number of Bars:

As 1312.338
N= =
A16 π 2 ¿ 4.17 , say 5−20 mm ∅ pcs .

Check for Spacing limits:

b−2(cc)−2(ds)−N (db) 300−2(40)−2(12)−5(20)

S= = = 24 mm
N −1 5−1

S = 24 mm > 20 mm diameter of bar OK


Assuming tension yields:

Asfy = 0.85f’c a b

As = 5( ¿) = 1570.8 mm2

(1570.8)( 420)
a= = 92.40 mm c = a/β1 = 92.40/0.85 = 108.71 mm

d−c 540−108.71
fs = 600 ( ¿ = 600 ( ¿ = 2380.53 MPa > 1000 MPa, ∅ = 0.9
c 108.71

Mn = Asfy (d-a/2) = 1570.8(420) (538-92.40/2) = 324.458 kN-m

∅ Mn = 0.9(324.458 kN-m) = 292.012 kN-m > 247.98 kN-m

Therefore, SAFE.

5. Design at Midspan (Rebars at bottom)

M u= 171.53 kN-m (from MIDAS Gen Value)

Determine the Required Steel Area:

Mu 171.53 x 10 ❑6
Rn = =
∅bd 2
0.9 (300 ) ¿ ¿
0.85 f c
ρ= [ 1−√❑ ]

0.85 (28)
ρ= [ 1−√ ❑ ]

A s req =ρbd=( 0.00548 ) (300 )( 538 )

A s req =884.34 mm

A s min < A s req < A s max , use A s req =884.34 mm2

Determine the Required Number of Bars:

As 884.34
N= =
A20 π 2 = 2.81 say 3−20 mm ∅ pc .

Check for Spacing limit:

b−2(cc)−2(ds)−N (db) 300−2(40)−2(12)−3(20)

S= =
N −1 3−1

S = 68 mm > 25 mm OK


Assuming tension yields:

Asfy = 0.85f’c a b

ℼ ℼ
As = N( ¿) = 3( ¿) = 942.478 mm2
4 4

As f y ( 942.478)(420)
a= = = 55.44 mm
0.85 f ’ c b (0.85)(28)(300)

c = a/β1 = 55.44/0.85 = 65.22 mm

d−c 540−65.22
fs = 600 ( ¿ = 600 ( ¿ = 4367.54 MPa > 1000 MPa, ∅ = 0.9
c 65.22

Mn = Asfy (d-a/2) = 942.478 (420) (538- 55.44/2) = 201.99 kN-m

∅ Mn = 0.9(201.99 kN-m) = 181.791 kN-m > 171.53 kN-m

Therefore, SAFE.

6. Design of Vertical Stirrups

VU = 207.87 kN

Vc = 0.17λ√ ❑ bw d

= 0.17(1)√ ❑(300)(538)

Vc = 145.188 kN
ϕVc = 0.75 x 145.188 kN = 108.981 kN

Vu 207.87
Vn = = = 277.16 kN
ϕ 0.75

Vs = Vn – ϕVc = 277.16 – 108.981= 168.269 kN

π (12)
Av = = 113.097 mm2

Avfyd 113.097(420)(538)
S= = = 151.872 mm
Vs 168.269

S = 150 mm


f’c = 28 MPa fy = 420 MPa

ϕ = 0.65 Initial ρ = 0.01

Main rebars: 20 mm diameter Ab = (20)2 = 314.16 mm2

Ties: 10 mm diameter

1. Determine Maximum Axial Load

Pu = 3954.45 kN

2. Assume Initial Dimension

500 mm x 500 mm

Ag = 5002

3. Check Capacity of Column dimension

Pc = 0.8ϕ (0.85f’c (Ag - As)) + fy(As)) where As = ρAg

Pc = 0.8(0.65)(0.85(28)((500)2-(0.01(5002))) + 420(0.01(5002)))

Pc = 4113.060 kN

Pc > Pu , OK

Therefore, the assumed 500 mm x 500 mm column is safe.

4. Determining the number of bars

Ag = 5002

Use minimum area of Steel Reinforcement:

As = 0.01(Ag)

As = 0.01(5002)

As = 2500 mm2
Using 20 mm diameter reinforcing bars

As 2500 mm2
No. of bars = = = 7.96 say 8 pcs
Ad 314.16 mm2

Therefore, use 8 – 20 mm diameter longitudinal bars.

5. Determine the maximum spacing of ties

Use 10 mm diameter bars:=

a.) 16db = 16(20) = 320 mm

b.) 48dt = 48(10) = 480 mm

c.) least lateral column dimension = 500mm

Therefore adopt 320 mm for the maximum spacing of ties.

6. Summary of Column Design

Udopt: 500 mm square column

8 – 20 mm ∅ longitudinal bars

10 mm ∅ ties with maximum spacing of 320 mm



Column Dimension: 500mm x 500mm

Pu = 310 kN

Depth of soil, H soil = 2 m

Depth of concrete, H concrete = 0.5 m (assumed)

concrete cover = 75 mm

ɣconcrete = 23.5 kN/m3

ɣsoil = 15.15 kN/m3– Silty Sand (GEOTECH)

For Embedment depth = 2.5 m (From Soil Report)

qallowable = 325 kPa (From Soil Report)

1. Compute the Effective soil bearing capacity

qe= q allowable - ɣconcrete (Hconcrete) - ɣsoil (Hsoil)

qe = 325 – 23.5(0.5) – 15.15(2.0)

qe = 282.95 kPa

2. Determine the size of the footing

Pu 310 kN
Pn = = = 413.33 kN
∅ 0.75

Pn 413.33 kN
Afrequired = =
qe 282.95

Afrequired = 1.46 m2

B2 = 1.46 m

B = 1.3 m

Use Af = 1.3 m x 1.3 m footing

Final Af = 1.69 m2

3. Compute the net upward pressure, NUP


NUP = = 183.43 kPa

4. Compute the depth required for beam shear

Vu = NUP(A1)

Vu = 183.43 (1.3) (0.4-d)

Vu = 238.46 (0.4-d)

1 1
Vc = √❑= √❑
6 6

Vc = √ ❑d

Vu = ϕVc

238.46 (0.4-d) = (0.75)¿ √ ❑d)

d = 0.398 m = 400 mm

5. Compute the depth required for punching shear

bo = 4(0.5+ d)

Vu = NUP (A2)

Vu = 183.43 [(1.3)2 – 4(0.5+d)2]

1 1
Vc = √ ❑= √ ❑(d)
3 3

Vu = ϕVc

183.43 [(1.3)2 – 4(0.5+d)2] = (0.75) √ ❑(d)
d = 0.150 m = 150 mm

use d = 400 mm

H concrete = d + cc + db

H concrete = 400 mm + 75 + 20 = 495 mm

Use 500 mm > 495 mm OK

6. Compute the area of steel, As, and the required number, N, of rebars

Mc = NUP(B)(1/2)(b-(a+d)2)

Mc = 183.43(1.3)(1/2)(1.3-(0.5+0.4)2)

Mc = 58.42 kN-m

Mc = ϕRn bd2

58.42 = (0.90) Rn (1.3) (0.4)2

Rn = 0.312 kPa
0.85 f c 0.85(28)
ρ= ¿= ¿ = 0.000748
fy 420

1.4 1.4
ρmin = = = 0.00333
fy 420

(0.85)(0.85)(28) 3
ρmax = ( )=0.021
420 7

use ρ = 0.0033

As = ρbd = 0.00333 x 1300 x 500 = 2164.5 mm2

Using 20 mm reinforcing bar

N= π = 6.8 ≈ 7 pcs. (both ways)

For Spacing
Ad (1000) (20)2( 1000)
S= = 4
As =145.15=145 mm spacing

Use: 1300 mm x 1300 mm footing

7 - 20mm ∅ bars (both ways) at 145 mm spacing

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