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MBAC0094: Performance Management System

 Understand what Performance Management is, and its positive impact on organizations
 Understand how a Performance Management system plays into overall employee engagement
and morale
 To understand and develop key skills involved in effective performance management.
Credits: 3 L-T-P-I: 3-0-0-0
UNIT Teaching
No. Hours
Introduction: Basic concept of performance and performance
management Cycle, objectives, components, benefits, the
performance management model, Approaches to performance (5 Sessions)
management and performance management process.

Performance Appraisal: Need and methods for Performance

Appraisal, Assessment center and its process, PJ Job fit Theory, PE
UNIT –II fit Theory, Holland Theory, Identifying, defining, and measuring (5 Sessions)
performance metrics and competencies (KRAs, KPAs, and KPIs))
Performance Appraisal Techniques: Psychometric tests,
Leaderless group discussions, Management games, Simulation
UNIT – III exercises, Role Plays, Self-appraisal, 360 Degree appraisal, Graphic (5 Sessions)
Rating System, BARS, Balance score card, Performance analysis,
Designing Appraisal Form, Performance review discussion
Components of Performance Management System: Performance
planning; Ongoing support and coaching; Appraisal
UNIT – IV Communication; Counselling, Identifying potential for development; (5 Sessions)
Linking pay with performance.

Implementation and Issues in Performance Management:

Implementing performance management system- Strategies and
UNIT – V challenges; Role of HR professionals in performance management; (5 Sessions)
Performance management as an aid to learning and employee
Performance management audit; Ethical and legal issues in
performance management; Performance management
documentation, performance feedback,Use of technology and e-
PMS, Performance management practices in Indian organizations.
Live Projects based on activities and Exercises towards the end of
UNIT – VI (5 Sessions)
chapter or as decided by the subject faculty/ Live experiences/
Industry-defined projects, Projects on designing industry-specific
competencies and its implications on Performance Mgt. (Eg. BPOs/
IT-ERP Companies/ Retail Companies/ Hospitals/
NGOs/Educational Institutions etc)
* Provision for presentations / assignments / case analysis in additional sessions
** 1 Session = 60 Minutes
Text Books:
R. K. Balyan, Vikramender Singh Balyan, Suman Balyan Performance Management (Text & cases)
Himalaya Publishing House -2017 first edition.
Reference Books:
1. Armstrong, M. & Baron, A., Performance management and development, Jaico Publishing
House, Mumbai. first edition, 2008.
2. Armstrong, M., Performance management: Key strategies and practical guidelines, Kogan
Page, London. Second edition, 2000
3. Bagchi, S. N., Performance management, Cengage Learning India. Second edition
4. Bhattacharyya, D.K., Performance management systems and strategies, Pearson
Education. First edition.
5. Robert B., Performance management, McGraw-Hill Education India. Second edition.

Outcomes: After completion of course, the student will be able to:

 CO1: understand about performance management and strategies adopted by the organizations to
manage employees’ performance.
 CO2: understand the importance of performance management and organizational strategic
planning using KRAs.
 CO3: Explore and identify ways to utilize the personal self as an instrument in the
performance management process.
 CO4: Students can explain how to best implement a performance management
 CO5: Identify the difference between Performance Appraisal and Performance Management
 CO6: Understand the various Ethical and legal issues in performance management
Mapping of Course Outcomes (COs) with Program Outcomes (POs) and Program
Specific Outcomes (PSOs):








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