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Initial Idea ( Minor Project )  Improvements Made  Why we did that ( Advantages/Use-Case/Other alternatives)
 Final Working Model ( Its use case & working principle and all )

1) Which one we will use ESP-32 CAM or Rasberry pi 4 ?
2) What are the things we need to add or replace
( like we need to add a Actuator that will help us to properly drop/Release the becon
To Add GSM Modules inside the becon that will give us the eexact co-ordinates of the location which will assist
the rescue Operation Team )
3) Where and how to display the Location/co-ordinates ?

Any other Input ???????

 Our Minor Project report was of only 32 pages
 We atleast need a 50+ pages report this type
 Last time our Presentation was lacking in a proper Workflow and most importantly a Complete Circuit
daigram for our Model .

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