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Stabilization is the process of blending and mixing materials with soil to improve its
strength and durability. Soil Stabilization changes the engineering properties of soil and
produces strength and stability. The use of industrial waste and other manufactured materials
may cost effective and Eco-friendly in the process of soil stabilization. The long term
performance of any construction project depends upon the properties of the Expansive soil.
Unstable soils can create problems for structures, therefore soil stabilization techniques are
necessary to gain its stability and it can attain its load of the structures, In case of high
activeness of the soil it can save time and money with compare to the cutting and replacing of
other soil methods. The soil sample were collected and analyzed for its plasticity index
properties. For the low plastic category of soils the soil was mixed with cement, lime, and fly
ash having the target to attain the maximum amount of these additives for stabilization.

Hence, the proportions- 100% to 90% of soil with 2 to 10% of cement, lime and fly ash were
used as additives.

All these proportions were analyzed and evaluated by observing variations in these
engineering properties such as Atterberg Limit (LL,PL), Sieve analysis (Coefficient of
uniformity and curvature ),Specific gravity ,Differential free swell index ,Standard proctor
compaction test(OMC and MDD) ,CBR and UCS.

Keywords: Expansive soil, soil stabilization, fly ash, liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL),
California bearing ratio (CBR), unconfined compression strength (UCS).


In India red soil is covering area of 3.5 lakhs and 10.6% of India’s area .
Red soil is considered to be soil that generally develops in warm temperatures and moist
climate. They are developed under deciduous conditions and are generally found in mixed
forests. They have thin organic and mineral layers overlaying a yellowish- brown leached
layer which can be seen resting on an illuvial red layer. Red soils are generally formed from
sedimentary rocks which are rich in iron. These soils are not suitable for cultivating because
they are low in nutrients, making them poor growing soil.

There are many different types of soil, each with its unique characteristics.
One way of classifying soil is by their color. There are three main categories based on their
colors: red soil, black soil and alluvial soils. These three colors reflect the types of rocks from
which they are formed. All soils, no matter what color, contain water and air as well as
organic materials such as plants and animals remains.

The most common type of rock that contributes to red soil is called as basalt.
The process of weathering breaks down the basalt into smaller pieces, and then the smaller
pieces are broken down further into silt and clay. The iron oxides in the rocks are what to
give the soil its reddish color. The fertility of red soil is due to its high levels of organic
matter and nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These nutrients are
essential for plant growth. Red soil is also well- drained, which is important for the

Cement, lime and fly ash are chosen as additives in this the study .Readily available
fly ash id brought from construction site and lime, cement was purchased. The additives are
mixed with the soil sample individually in percentages like 2%,4%,6%,8% and 10% by dry
weight of the soil sample. Various tests and analysis are carried out in the laboratory to
examine the effects of fly ash cement and lime on expansive soil. Based on the results the
optimum quantity of additives for effective stabilization of the soil is determined.


Soil stabilization is the process of improving the engineering properties of the soil
and thus making it more stable. It is required when soil required for construction is not
suitable for the intended purpose.In its broadest senses, stabilization includes compaction, pre
consolidation, drainage and many other such processes. However the term stabilization is
generally restricted to the processes which alter the soil mineral itself for the improvement of
its properties.

Soil stabilization is used to reduce the permeability and compressibility of the soil mass in
the earth structures and to increase shear strength. Soil stabilization is used to increase the
bearing capacity of foundation soil. However, the main use of stabilization is to improve the
natural soils for the construction of highway and airfields. The principles of soil stabilization
used for the controlling the grading of soil and aggregates in the construction of base and sub
base of the highways and airfields.

 To improve soil properties by using cement, lime and fly ash as additives.
 To find optimum dosage of cement, lime and fly ash for the improvement of the soil.
 To improve the strength and CBR value of the soil using appropriate percentage of
 Use the soil as building materials by proving optimum dosage of additive.
 To compare performance characteristics between cement, lime and fly ash.

TYPES OF SOIL STABILIZATION: there are different types of soil stabilizations like
chemical, mechanical and fiber reinforced soil stabilization.

Commonly used stabilizers are cement, glass powder, bitumen, rice husk, fly ash and lime


This category consists of physical processes such as compacting or tamping with machineries
including rollers or rammers. The mechanical soil stabilization is also achieved by blending
(adding or removing) different soil particles so s to obtain effective distribution of soil
particles. These techniques are usually used for sub-base and base courses.


When it comes to chemical soil stabilization method, which are effective in medium
moderately fine, and fine-grained soils. Its application results in decreased plasticity,
increased workability and strength, and reduced swelling. Soil treated with lime gains
strength slowly and requires approximately 14days under hot weather conditions and 28days
under cool weather conditions to achieve significant strength. Un surfaced soils created with
lime abrade rapidly under traffic moments, and thus paving is needed to prevent surface

Fly ash consists mainly of silicon and aluminum compounds and is a common
additive in chemical stabilizing mixes. It is a by-product 0of cold-fired, electric power
–generation facilities. The quality of fly ash highly depends on the type of coal
burned. Fly ash is categorized into two classes based on its calcium oxide (Cao)
content. These are class C and class F
 CLASS C Fly ash has a significant content of CaO (i.e. more than 12 % ). It
originates from sub-bituminous and lignite coal. Fly ash obtained through lignite has
combustion ha the highest CaO content, often exceeding 30%. This kind of fly ash
can be used as a standalone stabilizing agent. Class C fly ash, which has CaO content
lower than 25%, needs lime to improve its performance.

 CLASS F Fly ash has a low line content (i.e., less than 10%).It originates anthracite
and bituminous coal. This kind of fly ash is not effective as a stabilizing agent by
itself and thus has to be mixed with either lime or lime and cement to be able to
stabilize soil.
Cement soil stabilization is the oldest and still very common soil binder. Cement can
be used for the stabilization of a wide range of soil types-and is very effective in
pavement stabilization.However,Cement application has many li8mitations as the
organic content in soil should be generally limited to 2% in additional to non-
compatibility with soils with high amount of clay. The soil should also be free from
deleterious salts such as sulphate which affect the setting time of the cement and
result in subsequent disruption of the soil-cement structure. It is not compatible with
soils with high amount of clay. On the other side certain concentration of clay is
necessary for the method to be successful. Any presence of organic material is it
allowed. Application process is quite complicated. High control of water content has
to be performed, as well as demanding procedure for determination of right time for
compaction. If viewed from economic and environmental aspect, cement production
is extremely energy demanding.

Lime soil stabilization Among chemical types of soil stabilization, lime application
is also very common. The lime may be used in different forms namely hydrated high-
calcium lime, monohydrated dolomitic lime, calcitic quicklime, and dolomitic
quicklime. The calcium in the lime exchanges with adsorbed cations of the clay
mineral causing the clay to flocculate, thus reducing PI of clays as it becomes more
workable and mixable. Lime compounds mostly used are calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2
and dolomite Ca(OH)2+MgO.Lime is produced through a very energy demanding
process and with high carbon dioxide emissions. Clayey materials are most suitable
for lime stabilization, if they have PI values lower than 10.Pozzalanic reaction occurs
in some clay, resulting in the formation of cementing agents that increase the strength
of soil. It is not good stabilizer for silts, granular materials and soils, granular
materials and soils with sulphate contents greater than 0.3 percent. If the treated
materials are not protected from runoff, some lime could be washed into the
surrounding environment and have an impact by raising the PH.

Bitumen soil stabilization can occur in different forms either as bitumen, cutback
bitumen or bitumen emulsions. Selection of type and grade of bitumen is soil type,
construction method and weathering conditions dependent. The most important
parameters affecting bitumen stabilization include moisture content, bitumen
viscousity, and bitumen content, uniformity in mixing, aeration, compaction, and
curing. The mechanism of action in bitumen stabilization involves binding that it
imparts to the soil particles making it more weather resistant.Consequentially, the
lack of water ingress leads to a significant improvement in soil strength as well as
weather resistance capacity. Presence of organic matter, dissolved salts and high pH
values of soils negatively affects bitumen stabilization. The quantity of bitumen
required varies from 4% to 7% with higher than optimum values filling voids between
soil or aggregate particles which results in poor compaction, decreased strength and
compromised deformation behavior of the stabilized soil.


Amrita Shekhar, N.K. Saxena (2018) This paper is an attempt towards the study of cement,
lime, flyash as the admixture in improving in maximum dry density (MDD), optimum
moisture content (OMC), California Bearing Ratio (CBR) The objective of this work is to
estimate the effect of cement, lime, flyash on some geotechnical properties of soil, in order to
determine their suitability for use as a modifier in the treatment of soil for roadwork. A
number of experiments have been conducted on virgin soil and soil mixed with additives
viz.., cement ,lime and fly ash the experiments have been carried out to determine various
properties as mentioned as specific gravity sieve analysis (mechanical sieving and
hydrometer test.) atterberg limits ( liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index ),proctor
compaction test ,California bearing test. The additives viz.., cement ,lime and fly ash have
added to the soil in ratios as 0%,3%,6%,9%.12%,15% by weight. The conclusion that may
be drawn that the percentage increase in CBR value is about 98% for selected soil
sample .soil +15% lime i.e.., soil sample stabilized with 15% addition of lime in comparision
with soil sample. Further ,other samples of cement and fly ash added to soil sample shown an
increase of 31%and 23% respectively. This shows that the CBR value is higher for lime
stabilized soil sample as compared to soil samples stabilized with cement and fly ash. While
lime alone works well as a stabilizer, a combination of lime and fly ash is beneficial for low
plasticity, higher silt content soil.

Abhishek jaiswal , prajwal raj, surendra Roy(2020) Pranveer Singh Institute of

Technology (PSIT) is situated about 17 km from Kanpur central railway station along
Kanpur-Agra NH-2 at latitude 26.4491° and longitude 80.1931°.There is a growth of
habitations surrounding the PSIT campus. Structures on shallow foundations and road
constructions are also being constructed in this area. Considering these construction
activities, soil samples were collected from three locations from the surrounding of PSIT for
carrying out study on soil stabilization. For soil stabilization, various researchers have used
different materials in different proportions. The black cotton soil using 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%
fly ash and plastic fibers with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% of soil is stabilized. Fly ash in the
proportion of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% on a dry weight basis is stabilized. The soil is mixed with
lime at5%, 8%, 10% and 12% and fly ash at 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% for soil stabilization.
In this study the soil, ordinary Portland cement and fly ash were mixed in different
proportions like 0%; 85% soil+10%cement+5% fly ash; 82% soil+8% cement+10%fly ash;
79% soil+6% cement+15% fly ash;76% soil+4% cement+20% fly ash; and 73%soil+2%
cement+25% fly ash for study purpose. The PI of all the three samples were found under low
plastic category with an average value of 5.83%.The study reveals that different mix
proportions of cement and fly ash not only enhances the bearing capacity of soil, improves
the compaction characteristics and increases the Californian bearing ratio but also protects the
environment due to increased use of fly ash with less amount of cement in soil stabilization.

Santhosh dhakar,S.A.Jain(2016).The present paper investigates the effectiveness of

different stabilizing agent viz. lime, cement and fly ash with soil for improving its
engineering properties. Soil samples were collected from district Morena, in state of Madhya
Pradesh, in order to look in to the relative effectiveness, and arrive at appropriate proportion
of stabilizing. (1) Lime, (2) Cement, (3) Fly ash alone and combination of (1) Lime–Cement,
(2) Cement–Fly ash, (3) Fly ash-Lime are used to stabilize the soil. Quantity of stabilizing
agent varied from 2% to 10%of the soil weight and the performance is evaluated by
observing variation in various engineering properties like Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
Plasticity Index. Soil of Madhogar village of district Morena in M.P. issued for this study.
The soil is tested for various engineering properties like Liquid limit (L.L), Plastic Limit
(P.L) and Plasticity Index (P.I). Soil has L.L 36.7%, P.L 24.58% and P.I 12.12%.Portland
pozzolano cement (PPC) of Birla brand having 15% to 35% of fly ash is used. Fly ash of
Singhaji thermal power plant of M.P. is used. Fly ash having specific gravity 2.4 and non
plastic in nature is used in work. Lime locally available on shops having specific gravity 2.2
and pH 12 is used. The liquid limit of soil increases when lime, fly ash,lime + fly ash and
cement + lime is used as a admixture. When cement is used L.L is first increases then
decreases and again increases. When fly ash +cement is used L.L is increases at 2% of their
content and then decreases. L.L of soil is minimum for 2% of lime content. At 2% of lime
content L.L of soil is37%. The plastic limit of soil is regularly increases when lime, cement,
lime + fly ash and cement + lime isused as a admixture. When fly ash and fly ash +cement is
used as a admixture P.L of soil is first increases then decreases. P.L of soil at 10% of fly ash
content is minimum. At 10% of fly ash P.L of soil is 29.58%. P.I. of soil has lesser value at
2% of cement content which is 3.2%. Soil having lesser value of P.I is good for engineering
purposes. Hence compared to other combinations 2% of cement content is found to be more

Aravind.V (2019) The aim of present investigation is to check if lime and fly ash are good for
stabilization and its emphasis depend upon the effective utilization of lime and fly ash with a
view of decreasing the construction cost. It enhances the engineering properties in case of
pavement and earthen slope. Unconfined compression tests were carried out on proportion
mix of soil and fly ash for three different moisture contents at OMC-2%, OMC and
OMC+2%,to determine the unconfined compressive strength (Cu) and the stress-strain
modulus (Es). For specimens tested with water contents of OMC+2%, there is a steep
increase in unconfined compressive strength at 3% fly ash content there is a steep increase in
unconfined compressive strength at 6%lime content. Addition of a small percentage of fly ash
(about 3%) increases plasticity characteristics of silty soil. However increasing ash content
tends to decrease plasticity properties. Higher percentage of ash content shows reduction in
plasticity of soil. This is undesirable since higher percentage of fly ash failed to render the
silty soil binding properties. From the experimental work it may be concluded that cement is
an effective method of stabilize in ease of silty soil. This may due high compressive strength.
Umair Hasan , Amin Chegenizadeh, Mochamad Arief Budihardjo,Hamid Nikraz (2015)
One of the problems in geotechnical engineering is the presence of unsuitable soils on project
sites. Some soils, called reactive soils, exhibit deviations in volume due to climatic variations
causing a big concern during the structural designing of pavements and foundations on these
soils and the post-construction stability of such structures. There are several soil stabilization
approaches to counter the hazards presented by these soils. This paper elaborates various
studies on the current soil stabilization techniques. The conventional methods to improve
texture, plasticity and strength of the soils include mechanical stabilization by blending of
different soils, compaction controlled soil replacement, surcharge loading, pre-wetting or
chemical stabilization by introducing specific percentages of additives like fly ash, slag,
gypsum, cement and lime. Alternative and greener stabilization techniques like scrap tires,
polymers, fibers and recycled materials. Each method has its merits and demerits in terms of
efficiency, cost-effectiveness and environmental concerns.

B.Krishn Kumari, A.Aishwarya, K.Anitha, M.Hasanthika, H.Naghina Bhanu (2022). A

study has been carried out to visualize the improvements within the properties of expansive
soil with fly ash and lime in varied percentages. At a ratio of 4: 1 fly ash and bottom ash were
mixed. In addition, 5% lime added with the soil mixture by weight. And about 5% as constant
by weight of the expansive soil sample, then the proportion of lime is to be maintained where
fly ash and bottom ash mixture is increased by multiple proportions of 5% to attain the
required soil sample and their properties are undergone to study. 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%and
25% respectively were used as the proportion of fly ash along with the soil. The check results
reminiscent of liquid limit, standard proctor compaction, and differential free swelling test
obtained on expansive clays mixed at different proportions of lime and fly ash admixture are
bestowed and mentioned during this paper. The results show that stabilized clay has lesser
swelling potential whereas increase in optimum moisture content has been observed. It is
clear that lime and fly ash when mixed with the expansive soil changes in soil texture takes
place and also by mixing lime plastic limit gets increase and by mixing fly ash liquid limit
gets decrease which in further decrease the plasticity index. There is an apparent reduction in
modified dry density and free swell index when amount of fly ash & lime increases and
increase in optimum moisture content. It can be concluded that to tackle the problem of
shrinkage, swelling and unequal settlement mixing of lime & fly ash in specific proportion
with the expansive soil is an effective way.
The long term performance of any construction project depends upon the properties of the
Expansive soil. Unstable soils can create problems for structures, therefore soil stabilization
techniques are necessary to gain its stability and it can attain its load of the structures,

Stabilization is the process of blending and mixing materials with soil to improve its strength
and durability. Soil Stabilization changes the engineering properties of soil and produces
strength and stability. The use of industrial waste and other manufactured materials may cost
effective and Eco-friendly in the process of soil stabilization.

In this study the soil sample were collected and analyzed for its plasticity index properties.
For the low plastic category of soils the soil was mixed with cement, lime, and fly ash having
the target to attain the maximum amount of these additives for stabilization. Hence, the
proportions- 100% to 90% of soil with 2 to 10% of cement, lime and fly ash were used as

All these proportions were analyzed and evaluated by observing variations in these
engineering properties such as Atterberg Limit (LL,PL), Sieve analysis (Coefficient of
uniformity and curvature ),Specific gravity ,Differential free swell index ,Standard proctor
compaction test(OMC and MDD) ,CBR and UCS.

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