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t:nlHi rull ClHi'UltHUtl U1zln:t:Jmll'Ulfi~ UJH~ UHl ~uH~i

Ln: H~ t:Jim W't eJrnft ~ ~t:n~Ln:Aft UJl~i 91 UHuHUfln lMltHfi

011 a. c.
Ln:~l~LurliJ~Ln:a\}r~~Lu"JfiU1:naqlfi'1 In:mbnmln:~t:JUJlb
.., CIf f1 " 0 CIf QjI

~'mLnU51glUJnumnrn nlU"Jfit:Jnwm~t!UJ tC1!ulJ1bmH~9fittlJm

u Q
L:n I
f9ti ftmUJcrntin~i~:9nWlru
L; I

Q~tLn 'itnUJUJl~Lfi9Jti~rnLn:nwn~1mm~iLnJt:JU'i'1

From the words of mouth, there was a King accompanying his pregnant wife to
visit the forest. Meanwhile, she was in labour and about to give birth. She brought
her husband a bit further from their subjects. She, then, delivered an egg. Having
seen that, the King and the Queen felt ashamed with their people, therefore they
buried the egg in the forest. They sadly returned to the palace .

tgtl0Lm1ltLn\flRWW: 115 mLmsmtJtn:mh'1 tfI15tgtatu
I .., Ole) cJ
Lm15q115tumt ~mq1m fiJ~Q tltLnq115ut ~ I t~t ~mtatuutltta'1 lll:

t~CHlHLnmnt~tlLn:llmntintl t~ftmfiJnmtuth Lm15ijl15tmmntld
u a v I

ut!;fn ntunntltl5l:tfnt(HnJlUrlQtl~:mfiJ~15 '1

Talking about a hunter named YEUNG, he was a
royal hunter. One day, he went to hunt with his
dog in the forest. When they arrived at the
place where the King buried his egg, the dog
barked and dug the egg up. The hunter saw
a big strange egg, he decided to take the egg
1 '" Cf I

~:tmuuiUW n~t~l:nffilfUtumW1~~
.d", 01 cJ

tJ~fUJmfU\flntHfU~f}Ilfi lm~tWm'Yutl1n
ao.c:.. "'001

~ u
~ U I

mrhrl[l:m nntumm '1 ~:otl~rUJ

o Qj ,

tit{;J~ tFfU~nt~:m~!un~f}flfi
Qj Qj 0

'" I "

When mature, an adorable baby boy

hatched from the egg. The hunter
decided to adopt the baby and named him
CHAO BRAMANH (The Hunter). The baby
boy grew up as the most handsome and
good-looking man.
Hu:n f~ ~unllin iJlub nfll~um t:n1>ft1>
flI ., u ,
o , eI

,Q; Slbfi'8AS
'" ., t:n1>iUtIJ1H
tmmmUiCUUhlWenUtti dtrulr~ri lit
, ,
CUlhlCU1l UftmhlHhl1>
c:J <IvU
t~rlHuJr'1 iJlqb WlmUm
ijl1> hl ti u
: t 1>1 t ru ir ~ CUH lli
u u

t:fl1>~ml~ti1m tBHJnumr
ft ~fUur hl tI3 m13 CU t1 nieu
,I ,~ U


Let's forget about hunter YEUNG for a while, talking about TA DONG YEAY
GIEY, they had a daughter named TROCHEL. She was the most beautiful lady.
She was as lovely as an angel. TA DONG YEAY CHEY built their house on a high
hill with water surrounding in order to prevent men from entering their shelter.

iflqb l1fI~a~ tf11lY1lU-~[1ritnw: 5lbr9t5 Ui1~tHuumrH:1 '1
0. "'VO 0 OJQIo I 0-

IT11l ~unlliHH:1 tn1l1 ~ 1lUitf tint m~g:~ 1lUu 1:Jl\] nffilU'1 t1liq ~~H
5lbtiHiRS dhm~ QHtl~~n tinlrqntuJm1l1~t ffrft1l1 [lCUHhlrm
dt n1h t m~ m~ '1 t ~u~ nt1l ~t 1l1:mUt nm:m nHtU tm ~ m~ "'1
......,-...) IV 'loot
U 1"""""-",)

mUHlm1l1~tffmnr:HliH~~~n tf11lH~CUJCUH"h1l1~m fUldcu~cu

v •
01 OJ I "0" I ~

tlmlH1l1:I:J1Utmn:m UHiCU Hnr:lmCUntlJt1l:'1

W I I <1 V

TA DONG YEAY CHEY had a sister named TEIN living in SRE RONONG village.
They often took their daughter to visit her house. When visiting, TROCHEL was
complemented that she had graceful walk as "NHENG NHANG" when she walked
and carried the pot. This village was
called "NHENG NHANG" village later
on. Everytime, she took a bath at a
well, she was complimented that
she had purely white skin. Then
this commune was called KOUS
.COEnmllllle until now.
tGtRU mb mlmim S~l'isantru~u:
"''' I <t U
nrft t~\i'1
rHumftnCl{Prugt4lS9u!~ u
tD'liib nq~ssi SMU'mm tBmr4lm
cu 0 ft£it£iI'iCUr CU3~l'imun1mtlTlan tum:onmrltm1nn rnmfhnmn
d " I .8Q......, '"' ftI F\ ,... 1

W sl'itumm S~ t51bt15im mrutU4l1)tuJm~tU1tli fttu:tOAtli

A1) ~11 itJJ ntj rums t CUO~ t C\lUlltli ru 0 ~ e1 t ~ rua 1)H1 OU tQ (411) '1
I , QI I~ 0 0

utrum rn S~UJ1tli fttnmonl~ntnn:Wftt1)1:ttjr'1

One day, TA DONG YEAY CHEY took their daughter to visit TEIN's house again.
On their way there, they ran into hunter VEUNG and CHAO BRAMANH who
were hunting in the forest. TA DONG YEAY CHEY and YEUNG had greeted each
other because they were acquaintance. CHAO BRAMANH and TROCHEL
glanced at each other continuously and they fell in love deeply with each other. TA
DONG YEAY CHEY also liked that young man.

tUTIUHHl nntUmmRW:tnf}PritHl9U t51bt"'8m nnhrun
tCiCU1n~ij11iHnU1Hl~:'tflUJH~'1 'tfl1itClHUJ fi1unUJitnhii~H1n 1il~
qn tFU AI
a 01 cJ t cJ 01 cJ '0

riCUUHnt cu~q :t;tlUJH ~ tfit,il n w~ '1 t~ ~nLn:n wl t Ci nHHHu un

t 1i1 tLnU§lUJCUty nAth rug~HfUJmul ijl1iLnt ~JntWm1il~ ri~~t cr i
cJ I CI 01 01 0 01

tfi'tflnw~ ntrulnu:nt CU8~tfU:un~fUt Ciit mm1iltl tUlUJCUtltrulH

Q I 'til '"
01 t't,) tJ

1iltl tCilUJt fUun tr~Ull '1 Lntl tLnt Ci CUt '1! uLu~:1ntl tfnL"1 nt mUl1 ell
"tLnLu~:1ntl" tCiCUfUDtgtmUlifj1UJHnell "Lu~:~jltl" tlffim'1

Since then, CHAO BRAMANH often came to see her everytime she visisted her
aunt. One day, when her parents were very busy, she came to her aunty's house with-
out her parent's knowledge. There was a King who stopped over at Bantey Longvek.
e was riding a horse when he saw her walking alone in the forest, he suddenly got
off the horse and enticed her for her love. The place where the King met TROCHEL
was called" BROTAS NEANG" jungle and today it is called "BROTAS LANG".
t51bt,nim r'h:fl13tCUu~finrl'UJH13trl13mHgUJnUtmLn:nm1mt9
tJ t t Q. Cf I

mrmmLn9JUtLmUJ'1 tnrnt131:Ln:nm 13~tCU131nrntt~mmt:f131~

ftlt:f'1 trnUJftrnl~ H~H13tjl13mUJ
fIJ v
131~fitjl13CillUt1>itnir eUnt:JUJn~tun

tuiUJt ill I'll tlt,! ~ fIJ ~ U1 "tU l u~ nnm ~ tLn~ mti UJ15~ UJ1tUmJ.!j
tt:f 13 "Jt:f~ ~ rnlri ~ 13 t13i e~nt13:tjl13 tJn(j~" "1:t,!~ fIJ~uu 131~ fi CU~
rnl ri 313 t1>i~t131:trlri w~ '1

TROCHEL was very frightened and did not respond to the King. She ran away
backward. The King and his subjects chased after her immediately. Due to tireness,
she rested at a small hill in that jungle and prayed that, "If I am truly CHAO
BRAMANH's destined soulmate, I shall hide myself with this small hill." After her
worship, she could hide herself there.
0.. '0.. 01 tao.
Lo:nm ~HltW1.ntfneHUHU31tltH3illim LGtlnmU.n:
CD " Ole) 1 Co.

mtaUJ~tliW1.n iW1.n~rufitHh LWUlrutfl~JUCYHtfJlmtfm

i~: HitfnO~tjl,h1)1dUnt~rumnt~tlU~tultlnnR3~eau:
t.I U aJ" ~UQ

LutU1rumtfl~ iGtmgUJUJnH1hl1~ltlU~31~t GjUJ" iW~l

'!;flRi GJ n~ rum HJU':H~ wuU':n wU1g9UJUUJU1.ntl ttf~

"JtfLO:H~ UJ1tl Qrui 111 ~ ~ '4!tllntl mtfLUt orul'1m "'1 LO:

1 , 0 t tOla

nm LGtlLo:wCl{JlumnJtW1.nG1tlHWWULtlUiU1UJnUJ1tl
LnGJUQruLO:0211m'1 ~iY:H.nUJGl~mHnnt2tli~1:mu
uun:m dUntfl~runnJ1"
8' Q I "

u eo
Q. UWnomlO i3nnrunru'1
n I " ~J-

The King and his subjects could not find her. The King consulted with
his subjects. One of the subjects said, "It is unbelievable that this
beautiful lady can hide with this small hill. Therefore, God may help
her". Another subject said, "If your majesty loves her, you can
propose to her parent following our traditional practice". After
listening to his subjects, the King went back to his lodge. Since then, the
small hill was called "MEAN LEAK" small hill. Later the villagers also
built a pagoda named "DaM BOK MEAN LEAK" in the Tomnop
Thorn Commune, Ponhear Lueu District, Kandal Province.
ru:t fUtHm~tl1iljlfi Slbf,n8m
t fl a; At ~Humn-..,) dUnt~l:Ufi~tth-fncr:
u i.J ~

'fm'1 ~l~ljl~ tuuntiLljlti~~n\flUJ~ rtU1~ te:rutfifitn~ tHU lU~~

tmUJtg~LljltintfUu~t'YU1lmcJ~~tl1itm ,81'ttHflm '1 t-fU1ltfU~

ljl~t~~in Slbt,n8m LAti~fU~t~itfiH~tWmt~Jfi U1:nWlALu~

HcJUntfU~l~l~~ tmUJL~titn~Ln:nwurrll~tuudnffLurun~~n~
t fft-fJ ~t-f ~ fUjt« rut-fntH ru tLn~ ljl ~ ~ ULU~: €~ ~l ~ '1 ~: e: nit ~
LUrun~~n {;fnL~ntgrun1JmijwHflfUmfUtnmgh Lrnt~: iTlqb u

I1fIwJw A~l ~~LWt I1itijrumiLurun~ ~ n€~tAte:i t-fU1lw~ W:tfi

01 , t cJ 0 01 t 01 0101'

mru fULt-ffU mfU~l~ ttlt-fm~ r1JufUH fU iLAU' €P t fUuQ fUH fU intnfi

1 cJ I cJ Oc,) 01 010

t-fUJtl1itnfit-fUJ ntruumme:rutfU~Wrunn~tfU~ifimru~~ tU1UJn

" ",..Jo I <I

tu:tfit ~ifilt-f~~ iUJfi e:ru f1flru~: t ~ULfi~Jtit m~UJU1:nWl'fm'1

After the King left, TROCHEL went horne. She told her parents what
happened to her, and also about her love with CHAO BRAMANH. The royal
knight sought TROCHEL everywhere, but they could not find her. The King
gatered all his subjects and ordered them to organize a boat race
in the hope that he would see her when lots of people carne.
to see boat race. On the racing day, the villagers crowded
in the road. As for TA DONG YEAY CHEY, they
also took their daughter to see the boat race. The
crowd looked at TROCHEL and praised for
her beauty. The praise was widely spread to .
the knights who were finding her. The knight
followed them until they reached their house.
Then the prince was informed.

to:nmAunt3t:1I'ig: ntb IBlmim un3mZtO:U~
~~~~ngt3~ZtrJ mH~atU1rJtcf1W91ru ttflWlP:H~
Uqprlt9Jntfl "tlJa~m !t3unwu~thiht3runftu~u
afm: tWt3t1tlZ99rutnt3Hflj"'1
I w
munWtil~f\J lotin1)

tn1)lt3tUtfHHhm:aqroowtfl " ~ZUZ9!ruWlitf)fQt 9

'/ I "
sm'mmm' mAuruuUO""
IV 'J U~
The King went to TA DONG YEAY CHEY's
house. He proposed to her parent for the
marriage with TROCHEL straight forwards.
The prince also said: "You could request any
dowry, I can do anything". Ta and Yeay also
consulted with their daught r. Hower
denied th

than marrying the King."

, ...... uL; uQ
15~UJfj15~t~u tuJ~l~m15~Qtl5itgtLmUJH15m15 t
trun151~ ~ tf1iLl1ti tuJ~ffl rul "ij~fj15 ttHUijl15uul1Jlm ~ ttl
taUJ n;ltfHflm ttl9tnmij~mrJtuJ~t{TjtUlUJ" tuHu~
tuJ~ul11uLn:H~~9tt{Tj (unUJUt~H) '1 u§luonrnnJl~
w unUJmfiHnu~ul1ruun:nttlUl "nmun:H~trumHHUJ
U AU U A ~'"

muoLn:n151Hn ~rut3:11 ruLn:uu ~tV"WttltLruut"n~HUJnLft

tV c:t U F\ ~ U
tI QlQ. 01 00. Q/ "

l1Hl,Ql: tuH15tUlUJt 11 ~ ruLn:u~H15 trunfj15 ~UJLn:H~ t11

1 1 QI t i t U

1 v
I 0 CJ.., 0 v 01

fUl fLI1~ 11 run Ci nwCiH tuHI1l ~ ruDLn: nwUlg 11 UJt ru AU151~

o 01 ,0 OJ t

~l~tru rur\fUt3~t151: LI1~ n11~ rutg gimHU~lU iflilb

lBIft5Uft5 tH15 '1 u

After the father heard his daughter's denial, he discussed with his
wife, "If we didn't allow our daughter marry the King, we will have
trouble in the future. However, if we agree to marry her to the King,
we feel pity on her as she loves CHAO BRAMANH very much and
so do we." YEAY added, "So that we should request the King a great
amount of thing." After having finished their discussion, TA and
YEAY told the King, "May you completely build the road from your
lodge to our house only in one night. If it can't be completed, we won't
allow our daughter marry you." After hearing their request, the
King thought that this was a great burden, but he agreed with
TA DONG YEAY CHEY because he was a benign king, and
LLl:H~RtUlimilLlrumtlfHJtm~uqtp tullliUqp~trungt~nhalli

mtiffULl:mmrnmHlh,: tiub
nlU c'.t J
v"'f 1J

mnJfe1rutrniUl L~ na ~ ~ rug t~ ~trnimHLLl:U~ rut f\t (j~ ~ BtJtI

v .

fe1rutUlim ~ilb ,oow

fmLfillliHntmUliDlllid'l "~~tlm~~lli"'1
The King then called all his soldiers to come together and ordered them to
complete constructing the road from his lodge to the house of OUY DONG MER
CHEY in one night. Ordong District nowadays was named when the King first

LmUi1: mnmul1iilHf\hrnn~SmilnLnruthUJmHU~
muSi~1:U)1enuH1Hm3t:JUm H1Ul:;i~:mTlU1 fiHuruenu
J to. I 01 01 '" Q, I '"

~ uQ;,,\II
cJ 0' 0 , 0 c:::»
U)inilU~lruruiilnUCUnnnilUnl:;nu i3nnnillJlil'1 unruH
'" 4 ~ I ~. n Q;

LCUlil' mqb rmmum ijl~iiUJCUllq:~nJut:JliLCUmln
iHrug S~nh enrum~unnilm nJLn:H~irnng SQiltJruruu
v v •

nnrutH~i~: ~iliin~HitnHil'1
U "
I .......,~

m~ilUJlruiLnnHit:Jl~il ftLm~~mumHrnm@~U~~il:;Jru
ru:iCUuUJlilHntlru l:;mmml:;n
I " , rmmUw mmiln
uiJlDb ...., ......,

L: "t;f

Club ,
room H3t:Jl3iln

Later it was called Ouvdong Meanchey. At that time, the soldiers had
built the road until morning; however, that road did not meet. That gap
was called "Tnal Dach Village" in Banteay Lorngvek, Kompong
Tralach District, Kompong Chnang Province. In the early morning,
TA DONG YEAY CHEY brought their family to board a boat to see if
the road was completely built only in one night or not. If it was
completed, they would escape with their daughter. After seeing that
the road was not completed, they felt cheerful and immediately pushed
their boat away. When the King arrived and saw TA DONG YEAY
CHEY's boat went far away, he thought that TA DONG YEAY CHEY
might be disappointed with him for the uncompleted road,
therefore they did not wait to meet him.
u Uu
~~rJ 1

ttJn1)l~t:fmgWlLn:t I1mUWU1:H~ '1 tW1l1m IfiH~HnttJ1ttJ '

_ a t 0

mt:fLn:mJU11J1'1 tn rnt 1)1: t51bf,""RS n~I'HJ~~Wn:

LUnIlt:fJtlfitW1l11mm "1l1~~flJt:fLmUU~Ln:nWlm


0. 0. 01 OJ I 0 I

t:f1) ~3u~t mt 9WlLn:tl1n mWLn:H~ t11 tLm:g\i1

oJ It OJ U 0 Oc::. ,

nU~W1t:ffl1tiymtn~tll£l1: tuLn:H~t1)itnU~ g13~W~U

31)"'1 3nI1:tnrnt1l1: ..ub mll~il1' W:tIfiH~HW1l1m
~ J 1 c::1

u u
rnun:nWlrl.V ASrv
~ OJ~t rnlt:fU~~13U\J~~(jl13U'JrnyrnN1) " tW1l1gtUlttJRrnl
tJi I1JUt mim '1
The King assigned four soldiers to plea TA DONG YEAY CHEY and
asked them for their daughter to be the King's concubine. The soldiers
I did plea TA DONG YEAY CHEY as the King's order. At that time,
TROCHEL kneeled and plead those soldiers saying that "I disagree to
be the King's concubine because I am a daughter of a simple family. If
the King still forces me, I will commit suicide." Meanwhile, TA
DONG YEAY CHEY quickly pleads those soldiers, "Please tell the
King not hurry, tell him to wait until I comfortably persuade my
daughter". The soldier returned after heard that.
W mub
Wl~i~ S:iln~rrlumm:tmtl:iiu:
U n q

t31bi'ss tmt15Uiltil3l~~turl lP1sib t1fUtnnrltUUu~ru

o QI 0 l O l a 0 ,

mHj~lr1~m'1 ~lJijnrutU1t15 mtlllt15n~l[lUl~jutm

u n
Utrum t31bi'ss mrutu41~
un.Qiu~ttnt15 riturl tPisib ~~ nntUfflm ~un~ruc1r
tI~~Qt15U\J Jij~HlmUtijrutnrulmr'1 u~tiUn R~rn

At night, TA DONG YEAY CHEY brought their daughter to

temporarily hide at NEANG TErN's house and told her to inform
Hunter VEUNG to choose a good time for the wedding of their
children. After leaving the message, Ta and Yeay came back to their
house and tried to make an excuse to the King. After getting the
message from her brother, NEANG TEIN called Hunter VEUNG and
CHAO BRAMANH to propose her niece for marriage. Then they
asked a clergy to find a good time for the wedding. Then, they
informed TA DONG YEAY CHEY about their daughter's wedding.
I V U ,
mobl1fJl11UI11 firuUtffetrulrmt:HHmrln~
d ~ ~
b OJ Q, cJ 0. I

tUH:m3tfU(jQUJuHjlr~t:J1~R tun:~(jtlr~tt1!(jijnmij'1 mHHHUfU

unmrltLff~tnn tg~UnmMt~~gsa~tLmng: tnbriJs ij~tuJm'1
u •

On the wedding day, TA DONG YEAY CHEY secretly walked through

shortcut across the forest, worrying that the King may go after them. As they
worried too much, they both got lost in the forest and could not find NEANG
TIEN's house.
'" "" ,
~~rutmut1)l: ITl 1)~unt1HJl1)~utQ~ty1ruU1U[ln
,0 litO 0

Unmnnf1JmrltQ~t1)l:en Hlm31~! gto.mtmLm~ tm


fi~n~fU\rl~fU t\rltLfUH1)1~"'1 ttrlUJfUlHQ~ty1ru

, u
OJ I oe) Q. 01 OJ

Lnut1)1:u~4113fUH1.fl13 13~mn~Hr t~ut~tfJUJt\rlITlunUJ

m "tUtrulnrn trulnunUJutilngt~nUm~mJrul~t1)1: f1Jt-J u

o OJ OJ ' 0 Oe) 0.

trulnm~mt~J~tmU13Unrng~C ttrlUJm13tJlfUtrul13 13~

tru~t!j~LUtnruld~13~U~"'1 iJlqb Im65U65 DmnJtQ~

0. a I OJ I 0

13 unUJ~t ~:nLUffilut ~J~t mU13 UnITlg~C Um '1 "l:tnru

u:t-Jnrm nnmrlfhmHtwmtffdtrulH\rl~rutf1~mr ttflUJ
I -.JU ,::!-...)<1
o oc) cJ 0. 0 0

1)1 mUJn fU t rul13 t-Jnt fU 13 13 ~iUr.1U~

Q t,;
to ~ en UJHnITl 3~ii '1 ftlc:J Q QQ

Meanwhile, TA and YEAY met a cowherd boy and then they asked that
boy, "Hey, boy! Where is the road to Traing? To Vaing Pounlus? To
Kous? To Sre Ronong? Because the boy wanted offerings and crowd,
he answered to them, "If you want to find out the road as you wished,
please go to pray to mountainous tutelary spirit with offerings and nine
songs of traditional music." As the boy said so, they hurried climbing
the mountain in order to pray to the tutelary spirit immediately. When
climbing down, they could find the way to the wedding house. Then,
they returned to offer food and play traditional music to mountainous
tutelary spirit.
cJ~ rJ' cJ
i~i1nLn:mJ1HHlHii1 il5iLn:n21 iJU~lUHut~ n mru
~tiUJlUnUrulil5:iUiUJ Ln:H~Wl\iUJHul51"htfiimg:
t51briJs ~mllim fl~i1Lmu
t51bt"dh15 ~i1 untumm
Wn:fftfmi3UJWltfUJm'1 mruil51: t~tift~mllimf:HulH
<:;U,,", t.;
'" Q: """"'u","
Q, 0 OJ I va. 01 ! a
mUJ1mi1ml5lnml5JuwlFUJ'Yw~Wtfl5i1€p L~i1nmrt{JlUJ
~JigfiygmUJneHlimh iLmUJtfn L~tiftitnim41mi1Wi1 .~:u.""
mi1 ~i1nl5UUWUr\Jmi1nil51ritfn(Jud(hm:un:fiunun:Hi1'1
U I '" I "A
o I OJcJ l O t

ijnmi1HW~ml5iWO~iiUJi§ nWli1i1'1 Ln:nWlLmw"Ji

im nntumm m "iHruwimruw ifiiJi1Wl~l5ijnrun
4115 Wltnll5tfm uumiWl\iUJl51i1 tt1ruWl~ t1 ~i1mrJUlli1
., ~
u ........,

tP1sib Lmu~ru'1
Back to the King who was staying in the lodge at Banteay Lourngverk,
when knowing about this problem, he traveled with his soldiers to
was marrying. In the meanwhile, he saw the couple was beautifully
suited with each other so that he allowed the couple to marry
completely. Then, he called the parent of groom and bride as well as the
couple to meet him. They all were very frightened. The King asked
CHAO BRAMANH, "CHAO BRAMANH, who is your parents? How
dare you marry my fiancee? CHAO BRAMANH answered, "I am a
son of Hunter VEUNG."
Ul~flwHHHtUm L"lS1b WlLm~mcJUH1fhn~Ul~tJ~ruU1 ftLm~
~ u OJ 0. cJ I ~e."
wtlfil~ n~UtJhlt~~tmn
run tt:H3ntllitlH~
t e1ru hllrut

The King saw that Hunter VEUNG is his hunter j

so that he asked, "Where did you get this son
from? How come I don't know about that?"
0. c> 01 t 0 CI
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tP1sib ~ 13 c,h nnu'nug1UJU~ t tfl UJ fi t1HH~ f}J nWI g1 ~ "~ 13 wt13:
H13 m13 {Jl~13ut~ nmw ~ ruLn:u~ tI; A{Jl~ 13 \3 OJ HtI;U'nU~ ru '1
QD "

tP1S'lb tjl1313UJ1UJt U~'M tl11~Hni glUJLn:flrJ1 tulUJ\3ij rut f1i

UntUmm rJl~13t~ruH~UJU'nUrJn:tl3iotm:lP:fiun,n:H~'1

Hunter VEUNG frighteningly bowed his

head to salute the King and answered, "He
is not my son; he is my adopted son. II Hunter
VEUNG told the King the entire story and
pointed to CHAO BRAMANH who is bowing
in front of the King.

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