MacLab Access Logbook A System For Tracking User Entry and Exit in MacLab at PSU Lingayen Campus

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Project Overview
Chapter 1


Project Context

The MacLab is a computer lab accessible to students and

faculty, hence, it’s critical to monitor who uses the lab to

guarantee compliance with the university’s policies and the

safety of the users. The MacLab Access Logbook projects aims

to create a system that simplifies the tracking of user

entry and exit in the PSU Lingayen Campus MacLab facility.

By keeping a record of when users enter and exit the lab,

the system can help ensure that only authorized individuals

are using the lab and that any misuse or damage can be

traced back to a specific person. This information may also

be useful in scheduling lab usage, identifying peak times

for usage, and evaluating the need for additional resources

or equipment.

According to Mukaromah(2018), The laboratory plays a

crucial role in the advancement of science and research as

well as facilitating the exchange of knowledge between

students and lecturers, ultimately leading to the production

of results. Proper management of the laboratory is essential

and includes tasks such as tracking inventory, keeping

records of students entering for scheduled lab work or free

Project Overview
practice, and monitoring lecturer activities during

research. These records can be maintained in a system.

The Logbook Web page was able to address the issue of

locating the necessary data, but it lacked the capability to

explore and retrieve log data for other experiment software

systems. Moreover, the data recorded in the logbook was in a

somewhat random format, making it challenging to

automatically examine stored variables. (Gertsenberger,


Company Profile

The Pangasinan State University was chartered through

the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 1497 promulgated on

June 11, 1978 and became operational on July 1, 1979. The

Pangasinan State University – Lingayen Campus is the result

of fusion of then six independent colleges in Lingayen. Like

other components of the Pangasinan State University (PSU),

Main Campus has great transformation under the leadership of

the University President.

Over the years, the IT degree program has been a well-

sought-out course. The number of enrollees continued to rise

year after year since its start in 1998. As globalization

spreads, the need for IT graduates will continue to rise.

Project Overview
The IT Department is committed more than ever to giving the

best education possible to students who entrust their future

to Pangasinan State University

The Apple iMac Computers are the latest addition to the

ICT resources primarily for the students under the BS

Information Technology and BS Computer Science programs.

Students can enjoy the processing power of this up-to-date

machine essentially for machine learning simulations.

Objectives of the Project

This study is to develop, implement, and evaluate the

MacLab Access Logbook system for tracking user entry and

exit in the MacLab at the PSU Lingayen Campus. Specifically,

the study aims to:

1. Develop a user-friendly and efficient system that

accurately tracks user entry and exit in the MacLab.

2. Implement the system in the MacLab and assess its

effectiveness in improving the security and management of

the lab.

3. Evaluate the system’s usability, accuracy,

reliability, and privacy to determine its overall

effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

4. Provide recommendations for further development and

improvement of the system.

Project Overview

Significance of the Study

The study of the MacLab Access Logbook can benefit a

variety of stakeholders, including:

1. MacLab users. The access logbook provides users with

a sense of security and accountability with their entry and

exit times being tracked, and they can use the logbook to

show proof of attendance or usage for academic or

professional purposes.

2. MacLab staff. The access logbook provides staff with

a tool for monitoring the usage of the lab. This information

can help them optimize the use of the lab, allocate

resources more efficiently, and identify any issues that may


3. PSU Lingayen Campus administration. The access

logbook can help the administration evaluate the

effectiveness of the MacLab and make improvements as needed,

as well as make decisions regarding resource allocation and

future investments.

4. Future researchers. The study of the MacLab Access

Logbook can serve as a model for implementing a similar

system in their own labs, with the data and insights gained
Project Overview
from this study being useful for future research in lab

management and resource allocation.

Scope and Limitation

The system aims to improve the security and management

of the lab by keeping track of who enters and exits the lab

and at what times. The scope of the study will cover the

development, implementation, and evaluation of the system in

the MacLab.

The system relies on manual data entry, which can be

prone to human error and omissions. And The system may not

integrate with other lab management systems, which can limit

its effectiveness in larger lab environments.

Definition of Terms

Administration. The management and organization of the

operations, resources, and personnel necessary for the

functioning of the facility.

Digital. The use of digital technologies, such as

computer systems, software applications, and electronic

devices, to improve and optimize laboratory operations and

data management.

Equipment. Refers to tools, machinery, or other devices

that are used to perform a specific task or activity.

Project Overview
Logbook. It may be used to record who enters or exits

the area, to document any issues or incidents that occur, or

to track the use of equipment or resources.

MacLab. It is a computer laboratory or workspace that

is exclusively designed for Mac computers.

Record. Refers to a collection of related data that is

stored and processed as a single unit.

Scheduling. The task or practice of scheduling when

specific actions will be taken or occurrences will occur

Security. Refers to measures taken to ensure the safety

and protection of people, equipment, and information within

the facility.

Tracking. The process of monitoring and recording the

movement or use of equipment, resources, or people within

the facility.

Mukaromah, S., Kusumantara, P. M., Putra, A. B., & Pratama,

A. (2018). Analysis and Design Logbook Information Systems.

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