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Second Grade Activities

Week 6
Student’s name: __________________________________________ Grade, Group: ________

Activity 1

Colorea las burbujas que riman con cada palabra que esta en el centro.

Color the bubbles that rhyme with the word.

Second Grade Activities
Week 6

Activity 2

Colorea las imágenes que riman de cada línea.

Color the rhyming picture in each row.

Second Grade Activities
Week 6

Activity 3

Completa las palabras con la vocal faltante.

Complete the words with the missing vowel.

1. Cake - b__ k __
2. Mole -h__l___
3. Fall - t__ll
4. Growl - __wl
5. Bat - c__t
6. Hen - t__n
7. Van - c__n
8. Hot - p__t
9. Pen - t__n
10. Led - b__d

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