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Republic of the Philippines


Palompon, Leyte


First Semester, SY 2022-2023

Activity No. 1 : Policy Formulation and the Organizational/ Educational Environment

Subject : Educ 609/TM 608 – Policy Forml’n. Dev’t & Analysis in Education
Professor : Placido F. Bercero, Ph D. CSEE

Analyze the following situations if the policy referred to in the announcement or

pronouncement is valid or legal? Why or why not and explain your contention or substantiate your
stand or contention.
1. In one of the conferences, attended by the constituencies, the supervisor say: "I'd like to
announce the following policies from my office for this schoolyear. Everybody must take
note please, for it is better to be safe in your decisions or actions now that to get into trouble

 This policy is valid and legal as long as it does not violate any existing laws
or regulations. It is important for the constituents to take note of the policy so
that they can be aware of the potential consequences of their decisions or
actions. In addition, it is a good practice for the supervisor to inform the
constituents of the policy to ensure compliance and avoid any potential

2. In one of the classroom visitations' post conference, the Dean of the College says: "It has been
the policy of the institution that the job of the teacher is to teach, the student to study and
the administrator to manage, right dear teachers?"
 This policy is valid and legal as it is in line with the duties and
responsibilities of each of the three parties mentioned. The teacher is
responsible for teaching, the student is responsible for studying, and the
administrator is responsible for managing. This policy is consistent with the
school's mission and goals, and is designed to ensure the smooth running of
the institution. Therefore, the policy is valid and legal.

3. The principal of an elementary school announced that the Secretary of the DepEd is the
ultimate policy maker when it comes to issues of basic education.
 This policy is valid and legal. The Secretary of the Department of Education
(DepEd) is the head of the department and is responsible for the overall
policy formulation and implementation of the department. The Department
of Education is the primary government agency responsible for the
promotion and governance of basic education in the Philippines. As such, the
Secretary of the DepEd is the ultimate policy maker when it comes to issues
of basic education.

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