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Patient: ___________________________________________________________________________Age: ____________Hospital No: ____________ Room No: _____________
Impression/Diagnosis: _______________________________________________________________Attending Physician: _____________________________________________
Allergy to: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Generic/ Dose,
Indication/ Adverse/Side Effects Drug
Brand Name & Strength & Nursing Responsibilities Rationale Client Teaching
Mechanism of Drug Interaction
Classification Formulation (20%) (10%) (20%)
Action (15%)
(10%) (10%)

Baseline assessment: 1. Tdo not

Generic: Order: Indication: Side effects: 1. to see how
1. Assess renal discontinue
Labetalol 100mg bid Management of ● Dizziness well the
function, LFT drug abruptly,
hypertension; ● Mental changes kidneys are
2. Assess bp, heart rate except upon
management of ● Drowsiness working and to
immediately after advice of
● Fatigue diagnose
preeclampsia , severe after drug physician
● Headache kidney
Timing: hyoertention in administration 2. Avoid alcohol,
● Anxiety disease.
pregnancy. Pediatric 3. Question history of smoking and
● nightmares 2. to determine
bradycardia, heart sodium intake
11 am hypertension your response
failure, second-third 3. Report
Brand: 7 pm Adverse drug interaction: to labetalol
degree heart block shortness of
● Aggravate HF due to 3. abetalol is
Labigest decreased contraindicate
myocardial d in patients
fatigue, weight
stimulation. with
● Abrupt withdrawal decompensate
4. Avoid task that
may precioitate d heart failure,
mycardial ischemia reactive
Duration: producing chest pain. airway
● May mask signs and intervention/evaluation: disease, and
8 hours Mechanism of Action: symptoms of 1. Monitor bp for heart block.
Produces decrease iin hypoglycemia hypotension; heart
● Rapid reduction of bp rate 1. to determine
b/p wothout
may cause CVA, 2. Monitor ECG for your response
tachycardia or optic nerve infrardtion cardial arrythmias to labetalol
Classification: Other Drug significant reduction 3. Assist with 2. To determine
Antihypertensive, form: in heart rate through ambulation if changes in
antianginal mixture of a-blocking, dizziness occurs cardiac rythm
Injection: b-blocking effect ; 4. Assess for evidence 3. To be bale to
5mg/mL in 20 elevated plasma renins of heart failure assist patient
in need
mL amps are reduced
4. labetalol dilate
blood vessels
by blocking

________________________ ________________________
Printed Name and Signature Printed Name and Signature
Clinical instructor Student

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